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Elements of Art considered three-dimensional showing height, width

and depth.

LINE – is a mark between two points. There are

various types of lines from straight to curve to
diagonal and more. Lines indicates direction,
orientation, movement, and energy. It is considered
as the oldest, simplest, universal element.

SPACE – Space is the surface or the area within

the artwork. It constitutes the area or distance,
between, around, above or within things. This
example highlights the importance that both
negative and positive space can have within a

COLOR – Color can be considered as the most

expressive of all the elements of art. Colors can be
easily recognize in any visual experience. The
primary source of colors is light.

Shape – Shape is an enclosed area or surface. It

can be easily identified because when a line crosses
itself or intersects with other lines to enclose a space
it creates a shape.

Value – Right next to color, value can suggest

emotional and dramatic impression by using
lightness and darkness in a composition. Value is
referred to Chiaroscuro meaning lightness and
darkness (from the Italian word chiaro “clear” and
oscoro “dark”).

FORM – It describes the structure of shape and

object from the different perspective. Form is
Texture – is found in all visual arts. It is the
element that deals primarily with the sense of touch
or the tactile sensation or stimuli. It is how the
surface in a certain composition feels.

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