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english lesson

Kanatov Abylai
PRESENTATION Nurlanova Kamila
Druzhinina kamila
Akusheva Anel
The survey results show that the majority of the students use Kaspi Bank, while Halyk Bank and
Jusan Bank have a smaller number of users.
The results show that eight students did not use any bank services before online
Most of the surveyed students withdraw money from ATMs once or twice a month,
with only one student withdrawing money three times a month.
The survey results indicate that the majority of students prefer checking their bank
balance online rather than on paper.
The results show that six students prefer performing all operations through their
mobile phone, while only two students prefer visiting their branch of bank.
The survey results show that six students use their mobile phones for transactions
often, while only two students rarely use mobile banking.
The survey results show that none of the surveyed students have written a check or
money order before.

Overall, it appears that mobile banking is the preferred method of banking

among the surveyed students, and traditional banking methods such as
writing checks or visiting the bank are less popular. This trend suggests
that banks should focus on improving their mobile banking services to

better cater to their customers' needs.

english lesson


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