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Benefits of Exercise

Welcome Panama to our radio channel, today we are going to talk about exercise and its
benefits. There are 3 types of benefits physical benefits, mental benefits, and social benefits.
First, we are going to talk to you about the physical benefits, exercise could help you physically
by making your hearts and lungs stronger, your bones stronger and healthier, it increases
metabolic rate, and more calories are burned. Secondly, we are going to tell you the mental
benefits of exercise, exercise reduces anxiety and depression, it increases self-confidence, it
improves your mood, helps you sleep better, and improves your self-image. Lastly, we are going
to talk to you about the social benefits, exercise improves self-esteem, it makes your body feel
more positive, people are more likely to socialize with others, and it develops your
communication skills. Thank you for listening to our radio, we’ll see you another day.

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