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February 3, 2023



SUBJECT : Absences and Lates

We would like to remind all employees of our policy regarding absences and lates. It is
important that everyone understands and follows these policies to ensure that our operations
run smoothly.


If you need to take time off from work, please notify your supervisor as soon as possible. This
will help us to plan and make any necessary arrangements to cover your work during your
absence. All absences must be approved by your supervisor in advance, except in cases of
emergency. Please note that excessive absences without prior approval may result in
disciplinary action.


Punctuality is important for all employees, as it helps us to start our workday on time and
complete our tasks efficiently. If you are running late, please notify your supervisor as soon as
possible. If you are habitually late, it may impact your performance and could result in
disciplinary action.

Please refer to Magnum Builders Employees’ Handbook for the detailed company policy.

We appreciate your cooperation in following these policies. If you have any questions or
concerns, please do not hesitate to speak with your supervisor.

Thank you.

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