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Career Goals

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had an interest in wanting to learn about everything I

come across, and curiosity always got the best of me. This trait of mine has been a blessing and a curse.

It was a blessing when I was younger because I could always just pick up a new hobby and would be

really excited to learn, but now that I'm older, I have so many interests that it’s very hard to decide on a

specific career path. I’ve always loved science in school and was in a biomedical engineering magnet

program for a good chunk of my public education years but lost that touch when the pandemic began. I

still love science but have trouble deciding what scientific field I want to go into. Every subject fascinates

me no matter what it may be. As great as it was when I was younger, now I’m in my second semester of

college and have no idea what route to take career wise because I have so many interests!! Currently,

I’m looking at engineering majors as well as information technology majors, hopefully by next semester

I’ll have decided on a career path.

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