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Gerunds and short responses.

In English, the formula “verb + verb” exists just like in Spanish, for

Quiero + 2comer
Me gusta + 2leer, etc.

the difference is that in English sometimes the first verb needs the second
verb ends with ING, examples:

1. I enjoy playing = enjoy + ING (disfrutar)

2. My sister hates running = hate + ING (odiar)
3. I’m good at sewing = be good at + ING (ser bueno para)
4. Tom doesn’t mind cleaning the house = don’t / doesn’t mind + ING (no
5. I can’t stand working on weekends = can’t stand + ING (no tolerar)
6. We like learning = like + ING (gustar)
7. Dan is interested in buying a car = be interested in + ING (estar
interesado en)

Now, we will learn ways to agree (estar de acuerdo) in positive and

negative in English; we will also learn how to disagree (estar en

To agree, we need so + auxiliary + subject. it is also necessary to notice

the verb in the sentence: is it verb BE or different?

Affirmative statements Agree Disagree

I love reading So do I I don’t
Me encanta leer A mí también A mí no
Melissa likes eating ice- So does Carlos Carlos doesn’t
cream A Carlos también A Carlos no
A Melissa le gusta comer
I am good at playing soccer So am I Really? I’m not
Soy bueno para jugar Yo también ¿En serio? Yo no
To disagree, we need neither + auxiliary + subject. it is also necessary to
notice the verb in the sentence: is it verb BE or different?

Negative statements Agree Teacher: Disagree

Yolanda del C. Cobá Rodríguez.
I don’t like running Neither do I I do
No me gusta correr A mí tampoco A mí sí
My sister doesn’t mind Neither does Carlos Carlos does
cleaning A Carlos tampoco A Carlos sí
A mi hermana no le
molesta limpiar
I can’t stand working on Neither can I I can
weekends Yo tampoco Yo sí
No tolero trabajar en fin de
Ana isn’t good at cooking Neither am I I am
Ana no es buena cocinando Yo tampoco Yo sí
Neither is Gina Gina is
Gina tampoco Gina sí

Teacher: Yolanda del C. Cobá Rodríguez.

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