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Catalina Fonseca

Task 5 to 8

Task 5:

Hello everyone, lately in our neighborhood there are a lot of problems that we as a
community should resolve to improve our well being. First of all, our park is being
contaminated as a result of the mismanagement of garbage. One way to stop it is to
create a garbage shut and implement different garbage bins to encourage people to
recycle and to throw the garbage in the right places.

Another problem in our community is that some houses are being robbed by thieves
and criminals, and the best way to fight against them is to install security cameras and
create a neighborhood security group to patrol the area.

Finally, our parking spaces are being occupied by strangers who don’t live in our
neighborhood. And a great way to change this is to close the parking spaces with
security chains and every owner of a car in our community should have one key.

These problems had to stop. Help our community.

Task 6:

Recently I learned how to knit. I enjoy knitting wool hats and scarfs, and my mom
says that I am very talented at it. To be successful at knitting, first you should be
creative and patient, because the first try may not be your best, but by being constant
you will learn how to do it. You can learn how to knit by watching video tutorials on
youtube or you can take classes. I first learned how to make a wool hat by watching
my mom make one for my sister, and after that I took classes at a small wool shop
near my house.
Task 7:

Diane Arbus was a famous American photographer who became famous during the
1960s. When she began her career she worked as a fashion photographer, and had the
opportunity to collaborate with a lot of famous magazines during her career, until she
found her true photography style. She believed that the fashion world was superficial
and overrated that's why she started to wander the streets of New York looking for
subjects to photograph like prostitutes, strippers, nudist, transvestites, dwarves and
more. She was known as the photographer of freaks, and her works were exhibited in
a museum in New York, which made the audience know her and her latest work.
During her life she experience depressive episodes that were more and more serious,
until she committed suicide eating pills and cutting her wrists when she was 48 years

Task 8:

Dear Gabriela,

I’m really sorry I forgot to tell you that the movie night was canceled. I know that you
worked so hard organizing the projector, the film and the popcorn. I should have
called or sent you a message before you rented the projector and the film, but I
recently had a call with the person who was renting us the lounge and he told me that
the lounge was flooded and until he fixes it he can’t rent it. If I’d listened to Carlos, I
would have taken extra precautions and had a plan B, but now we need to wait to
reschedule our plan.

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