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Ahlem, Lina, Cassandra

E3 - L3


L3 LEA Pratique de la langue S1 & S2 20-21 Mme Mellor

The document presented is a 9-minute podcast on Spotify on the ECOMMERCE EMMA

page with the headline Episode 107: Tik Tok works! The podcast was published on 28
January 2021 and the main subject is “Tik Tok”. Tik Tok is a mobile video sharing and
social networking application. The podcast deals with its importance in e-commerce and its
functionalities that have nothing to envy to other social network with the opinion of Emma,
who has experience with this application.

Emma on Spotify shares her knowledge about e-commerce. According to her, Tik Tok
is the most interesting social media platform to promote her business unlike to other social
media it reaches a wider audience over time, while the others only offer instant visibility, it
is the best for developing and maintaining a business (especially for small businesses). Tik
Tok according to her has many interests and it is considered a "perfect social marketing".
She explains that for the past few years Tik Tok has been participating in the expansion of
businesses because of its notoriety and this thanks to the number of its followers. What
makes Tik Tok work for her is its content and its ease, it is a sharing of life, you can share
your interests and it is very easy to find the content you want thanks to its variety. The
commercial content is very much appreciated by the companies, it brings more people back
and can make profits faster. It is very addictive for its users and allows for good publicity
and unlike Instagram or Facebook, what is published on Tik Tok is more viewed and shared
and has much less chance of going unnoticed and for a long period of time. Emma uses and
appreciates it very much. Above all, for its one-minute format and because it is easy to
share a Tik Tok video on other platforms when you can't do it with other social media. For
her, today, adults overuse them because they are marketing platforms, influencer
marketing is popular because it may be one of the fastest ways to generate results on social
media platforms and it's still a good way to unwind or to make your company known
throughout the world. Moreover, after people understand how to use Tik Tok, it really esay
to use. People can share files, images. A Tik Tok video can be of thirty seconds or sixty
seconds. Furthermore, a Tik Tok can be shared on different platforms in contrary to others
applications. Tik tok competes against many competitors such as Instagram or Facebook or
even biggest company of marketing.

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