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Wagsingan, Minnie A. BSED 2B-Fil.

1. How can instructional scaffolding help a learner link previous knowledge to the
current to be able to construct new knowledge?
*Scaffolding is actually a bridge used to build upon what students already know to arrive at
something they do not know. If scaffolding is properly administered, it will act as an enabler, not as a
disabler (Benson 1997). Instructional scaffolding help a learner link previous knowledge to the current
to be able to construct new knowledge, by how?
Students are free to ask questions, provide feedback and support their peers in learning new
material. The teachers bring a lesson that the students already know and allow or ask the students to
perform brief exercise such as brainstorming to share their knowledge to the class that make it to be
known in public. The teacher can now provide or introduce the new knowledge or information that
allow the students to connect from previous knowledge. This is the temporary support structures faculty
that put in place to assist students in accomplishing new task and concepts they could not typically
achieved on their own. Once the studentss are able to complete or master the task, the scaffolding is
gradually removed or fades away and the responsibilty of learning can now shift from the teacher to the
This is somehow similar to the construction that support workers as they work on a specif task.
This is the temporary support structures that can be removed or fades away when the construction
already done to see the beautiful view or have its own shape.

2. State a chosen subject matter then describe how you would start and end your lesson by using one of
the given strategies in beginning and ending your lesson.
*When i’m going to teach my learners about primitive societies skills useful or applicable in the
21st century. My strategies would be like:
 In the beggining i would like to give my students a question on how can this primitive societies
skills useful or applicable in 21st century. I would like them to find out and allow them to
research new information in the internet and cite their experience and let them share to the class.
 I would like also to present a picture that is all about the primtive society skills looking back to
our ancestors way of survival and ask them if it is still in need to the 21st century survival. By
this, I can find out what my students already know about the skills of primitive society.
 Thus, i can now add and give new information about the mentioned topic.
 Lastly, i would ask my students to summarize the primitive skills that is useful and applicable in
the 21st century. I will let them differentiate the way of survival from the previous era and on
todays generation. I’ll ask them a couple of minutes to either have them turn in the summaries or
have a few presents of their writings to the class.

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