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The 21st Century skills may include the following:

1. Research Skills And Practices, Interrogative Questioning;

The new teaching system is based on the real situations or experiences of

the learners. The students are brought to the scientific discovery of things by
finding solutions to everything that will fill the needs of people in society. Through
research, it develops and helps students to have thorough studies regarding
various aspects of learning, such as in the field of education, science, and
mathematics. We can't deny that we are now living where the use of technology
has become part of us as a necessity. The use of technology, as 21st-century
learners, is important in discovering things that will help our needs not only in
learning but also in our real life. Having research using technology makes it
easier to learn and discover needs in things. Some things require the use of
technology to know the study, just like geologists use materials or equipment to
determine the rocks if there is a mixture of gold or not, even astronomers use
modern technology to quickly know the state of the weather, and all of these are
RESEARCH products.

Using different methods of questioning so that we can find out the

solutions to the things we do or need to know helps us find out or find the answer
to our questions. This interrogative kind of questioning is a way for us to know
the solution to the problem that we need justice or an answer to. For example, it
turns out that when we're conducting our qualitative research and one of the
things we need there is to interview the residents of an indigenous tribe, we can
ask them consecutive and connected questions such as where their tribe started,
who their first ancestors, and what was their living system then. Through this kind
of questioning a certain person, we can have a strategy that will be more helpful
in our studies. But interrogative questioning is not only limited to a situation, we
can use it to discover more deeply in our studies. The part of research and
interrogative questioning is always important as a new way of learning for the
learners of the 21st century.

2. Perseverance, Self-Direction, Planning, Self-Discipline, Adaptability,

Every ability of the students of the 21st century must be productive in
everything we learn; this becomes the result of all our learning. To know the
things that can help our self-esteem, we must first know and then do it so that
what we do or what we have done will be effective as a product of what we have
learned. Being strong or having perseverance kind of skill can be said to be a
strong foundation in learning, because it is not easy to know modern knowledge
in this learning system, for example in the use of gadgets, we must be strong in
knowing and accepting these things because we have no choice but to do this
new system of learning. Having perseverance in ourselves we can also engage
in self-direction, we must know where we are going, what are our goals in life
after we graduate or after we complete our K to 12 programs what is course or
field we will walk we will be in college. Having these kinds of skills, helps us
decide on things that will help us in the future.

Planning ourselves in the future is an ability we have to help ourselves

with what may happen in the future. Since we can give ourselves direction, we
should also give planning, because this new learning literacy involves our skills
getting our goals in the future. There are other skills that every student needs to
have, such as being self-disciplined, because this is where change begins, not
with other people. Being self-discipline students help us to connect ourselves in a
world where the is a lot of misconceptions and problems we can encounter
because in our life there are events that we don't understand or we can't
understand them so let's be self-discipline the real one that character of a 21st
century still knows right and wrong in everything. Adapting to the modern way of
teaching and learning becomes a challenge for all of us both learners and
teachers because they both adjust. First of the teachers, because of the modern
way of teaching, other teachers are not yet literate in using technology as a
teaching partner, and the students are also used to using it or not all but some of
them are literate in usage. In this situation we can say that there are delays or
the teaching and the student's learning are not effective, so we must be literate in
adapting to the modern mode of learning that requires different skills to make the
teaching successful. It is also undeniable that our initiatives are our ability to
solve our learning needs just like when the materials we need for teaching or
learning are not available, we must find ways to provide a solution and be
effective in our teaching.

3. Leadership, Teamwork, Collaborative, Cooperation, Facility In Using Virtual

Leadership is a skill that anyone needs to have. Every learner of the 21st
century must have a foundation in himself, one of which is being a leader, for
example for me as a future teacher in the future I must have this ability because I
am the teacher in the classroom that I will teach I have brought to my students
and I manage our classroom that we can say I am my authority. So we must
have and know the importance of character as a leader. As a leader, the result of
this is teamwork, we must become connected to each of our subordinates, so
that what we do is effective, just like in the classroom as 21st-century learners
and teachers, we need teamwork to make the learning of the students effective.
Children and we also provide what is needed to be learned this is where
collaborative work can be seen inside the classroom. This will serve as a product
of learning and teaching, which means that our techniques and strategies have
been made become successful. Collaborative is a skill that not only happens
through the teacher and students but also happens to fellow students because it
develops their ability to interact and learn something from their fellow students,
so through this, we can strengthen their communication and relationship in the

Maybe be successful when every learner of the 21st-century cooperation,

because this is also one of the important foundations for them and especially us
future teachers. To strengthen the connection between learners and teachers,
everyone must cooperate because if you are a teacher, all you do is teach your
lessons and your students will not understand them, you cannot be said to be an
effective teacher that teacher because you are the only one who understands
your lesson, not the student. So it is important that you also know what the
students need to learn and in what way they are good so that they can learn
easily. This is where our characteristics as cooperative teachers come in. Having
this new type of giving learnings to our students there are a lot of methods to do
or strategies to do, one of which is the virtual facilities. As future teachers we
should be observant of the different situations we have, for example in our
teaching when our classroom is not available (physical) we can find another way
one of which is the virtual facilities to be a classroom or medium when we teach
or when we deliver our lesson. So, it is important for us that we should know how
to use websites and other software materials that help us delivering our lessons.

4. Civic, Ethical, And Social Justice Literacy;

As social studies students and we will the social studies teacher in the
future it is important that we know the certain community. Every culture they have
and the tradition that they bring to their growth will serve as their identity as a
person, we as future teachers cannot judge their culture and tradition. All we
need is to be realistic and idealistic with them and they are the same with us
because our main aim is to help every student learn together and be given an
adequate education not only in their knowledge but to enhance their ability in
everything they will go through. Being true to ourselves is one of the strengths
that we can use in our teaching because that's where it comes in if teaching is
your passion. So, as social studies teachers in the future, we must learn about
every situation in society and apply everything we learn to be successful and
help many others.

Social justice literacy is very important for every student to learn and
possess because a more equal distribution of resources and opportunities is the
goal of the political and intellectual movement known as social justice. Through
mediation as 21st-century learners we can help ourselves in knowing what
should and should not be done in society. Shaping our minds is very important to
be in tune with the truth about social justice so that we don't become ignorant.
Also, advocates for social justice want to create a more equitable and just society
by correcting historical injustices and providing resources to underprivileged
groups. So, as a learner also in 21st century we will start in ourselves the
development of a strong foundation and that is our studies so that we will not
become useless people in society.

5. Global Awareness, Multicultural Literacy, Humanitarianism;

According to, Fresno Pacific University Staff it state that teaching children
about various countries and cultures as well as their civic obligations and rights
both locally and worldwide is a part of promoting global consciousness in the
classroom. In an interconnected world, being able to comprehend, appreciate,
and get along with people from different cultures is becoming increasingly crucial
for academic and social success. It is important that we have global awareness
regarding the concerns that are happening in the world today, because our minds
can be open to the reality that there are such problems that are happening and
we can give our opinion about it. It also helps us better understand every
situation that the world has. Through mediation as 21st-century learners we can
help ourselves in knowing what should and should not be done in society.
Shaping our minds is very important to be in tune with the truth about social
justice so that we don't become ignorant.

Having a broad understanding of each culture and knowing how to respect

and connect with them is important. Because according to Hseu & Hetzel,
multicultural literature serves as a powerful tool in enabling students to gain a
better understanding of both their own culture and the cultures of others. It
means that we should know how to understand and appreciate every culture in
the world and especially here in the Philippines which is already experiencing a
decrease in their population. He added, Through this deeper knowledge,
relationships can be strengthened, bridging the gap between students from
diverse cultural backgrounds. So as a future teacher, educating our students
about the importance of the culture that we have begins with ourselves.

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