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From: Steve Davis

To: Matthew Libby

Cc: Scott Robichaux; Charles Mays; Thomas Kilmartin; Jason Stewart
Subject: Communication Issues
Date: Monday, January 9, 2023 5:25:09 PM

Chief Libby,
I am writing to you today to discuss a number of matters. In general, and at the outset, I want
to say that since my return to the City we have had, at least what I thought, was a mutually
respectful professional relationship with open communications. Recent events have brought
this relationship and communications into question.
First, your promotion of multiple members of the Police Department seems retaliatory. It is no
secret that we disagree with the position of Professional Standards within the Department. And
so, when you promote multiple officers in senior leadership the week before we start
interviews, to either above or equal to the proposed new Professional Standards position, the
appearance is that these promotions are for political purposes.
Therefore, the promotions are hereby suspended pending review. The promotions are not
being suspended based on the merit, or a reflection on the individuals but because the
paperwork is incomplete, lacks any justification or support, and because you failed to
communicate whatsoever with myself or Human Resources or Finance with regards to these
promotions. Moving forward, you are to submit all recommendations for promotions or job
offers to me for approval prior to enacting or issuing orders to the individuals. As not to
negatively impact these officers further, you’re to resubmit completed promotion paperwork
with appropriate justification and reasoning behind the promotions. Each should be submitted
separately, so that it can become a part of their HR file.  After the final approval of promotions
and the hiring of the new Director of Professional Standards you are to host a promotion
ceremony to include all of them. 
Second, your P-card has been suspended pending investigation into the over $19,000 purchase
that was placed on it last month. This is a clear violation of the City’s P-card policy, our
Purchasing Policy, and is way over your authorization limit. The purpose of this purchase is
also suspicious as it also involves software for Professional Standards. The only thing we have
placed in service for Professional Standards is the job description. Which was openly
discussed with you and our attorney on several occasions. We were holding off on the
standard operating procedures for the new person to have some input and I believe the
software is a key part of this. Had we discussed this in advance, I would have denied it. 
Third, your current trip to Las Vegas on City funds is also suspended pending review. I
understand this must be some sort of training trip, but again due to a lack of professional
communications we have at this moment. I have not been informed of the necessity of this
specific trip. While it might be necessary to travel to Las Vegas and attend this training, I have
no information or communication in front of me to justify why it’s necessary for a City
employee to stay at such an exclusive and expensive vacation resort. This lacks professional
consideration for the optics of such a large expense on taxpayer’s funds for a relatively short
trip.  You are to immediately send me details and sufficient justification or seek
reimbursement for the conference and all travel and lodging expenses.   
Additionally, please provide me a list of all non-GPSTC trainings that any officer is currently
scheduled to attend. I understand our officers have a very high level of training and on-going
training that is required to obtain and maintain certification, and I do not want to negatively
impact any officer’s or the department’s ability to protect and serve the people of Port
Wentworth. Much like the issue with the promotions and your trip to Las Vegas, there needs
to be better communication and information sharing going on with things.
Fourth, I am sorry that we had to rescind the job offer for your daughter. That did not bring
myself or anyone any pleasure. The City’s HR Policy is clear in that nepotism cannot happen,
specifically within the same department. This is really a situation where I wish you had
communicated with myself or HR or Legal ahead of time, and we could at least all been on the
same page about the clear words in the HR Policy and we could have worked to try and find
something else that could work for her. I hope this incident does not lead to even the
appearance of retaliation or an untenable work relationship between us moving forward.
Moving forward, I think better, more open communications from you and your department can
really alleviate and address much of what’s been discussed in this email.
Steve Davis, MPA CPM
City Manager

7224 GA Highway 21
Port Wentworth, GA 31407

T: (912) 964-4379
F : (912) 966-7429

Terresa Lake – Executive Assistant

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