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Speaking 02 Basic 12

Juan: Hi bro. I saw the new model of laptops, tablets and other products of
Lenovo. Their new products have changed a lot.
X: Why do you say that? Do you prefer to use a laptop or a computer or other
device? Why?
Juan: Yeah, now they got some remarkable improvements, and Lenovo is still
practical and reliable. I prefer to use a laptop because I can download more
things than on the cell phone, it can go faster and they heat up less easily.
X: How do you about the old computers?
Juan: I think the previous models of their laptops were better because they used
to be so different. You know, more practical and simpler.
X: A lot of people say that about their previous products of Lenovo. Many people
are excited about this modern tablets and laptops but they´re not very
Juan: Yeah, I understand what you’re saying.
X: How have computers changed since they came out?
Juan: Well, for example my grandfather used to own an old Acer Power Windows
Computer but it was large and box-shaped.
Actually, the new computers are part of the new generation. Also, they are made
by advanced technology like laptops with magnetic accessories, laptops with a
second electronic ink screen, among others.
Juan: These modern products are too expensive but I think they are not as
durable as some the previous ones.
X: Maybe you’re right about that Juan.
Juan: Bye X
X: Bye Juan, see you tomorrow.

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