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NAME: Thalia Julcapoma arellano

I believe that this picture show a bad relationship because The father doesn't pay
attention to his son because he continues working even when he is at home. also i
can see that the boy is bored because his show facial expressions and body
languages . on the other hand the father show a communication through social
networks , maybe he is working so this picture really have a particular message to
get across . Sometimes the fathers prefer work than spending time with their child.

I remember that my father kept this communication with me three years ago , so
only played with my toys , I hate doing it because i never had someone for play . I
feel sad and angry I think that is communication is very common but I believe all
the kids hate it . besides this is making a very serious point , this in the future
could have serious problem with the relationship of the father with his sons like the
communication can be complicated and confusing .


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