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Tugas 1 Kelompok Tujuh

Advantage And Disadvantage Of School Library


Dosen Pengampu: Drs. Jumino , M.Lib., M.Hum.
Disusun guna memenuhi salah satu komponen nilai ulangan akhir semester mata kuliah

Rr. Diah Olly Sekar Wangi 13040120120012

Bintang Perdana Putri 13040120120005
Maria Ulfa 13040120130030
Gita Khoirunnisa 13040120130072
Nadya Indri Kusumarini 13040120130079
Bagus Saputra 13040120140106
Durotun Nur Laili 13040120120023
Syifa Nadhifah Kholda 13040120120017
The school library might also be called the student information warehouse. The
school library became an incentive to brighten the nation according to the 1945 law. The
fact that on the streets of the library is a boring place for students. The drive factor is an
aggressive librarian, monotonous library material, and much more. Your group identified
some of the merits and weaknesses of the school library in accordance with our experience
that also became a cult in the school. Not only do we also attach solutions to the problem in
the following details:
Advantage of School Library:
1. The school library is a place to find information for students and it can be easily
found in any school that has a school library.
2. A place that is comfortable, conducive because usually in school library not too
noisy, and low-cost for learn and seek an information
3. It was possible to study for a long time because the books at library can be
4. In library there is a librarian who can help ud to find some references books and it
made this more efficient
5. A well managed school library ca increase student’s interest and reading in science
and information
6. School library can become a means to obtain valid and reliable information.
Disadvantage of School Library:
1. Most students use the library just a place to borrow books only and didn’t take
advantage of other facilities in the library because in several school the students
aren’t introduced to the services and facilities of the library so that the function of
the school library isn’t optimal
2. He Librarian sometimes isn’t have degree on library or even they aren’t do the
training for librarian. Beside, sometimes school library is only relied on one
librarian to manage the library.
3. There are several school that during break time at school but the librarian isn’t
stand by in the library, meanwhile in fact during break time students can take
advantage of library facilities & infrastucture.
4. The stock of books owned by the library is limited, so it is possible to have to wait
for the book to be returned by the previous borrower, and some school libraries
store more collections of textbooks than reading books for students
5. Sometimes the location of the school library is placed at the very end of the corridor,
so it doesn’t attract the attention of students to visit the library
6. The facilites provided do not meet the needs of both students and teachers
1. Give the students user education that can help students to know more about school
library and use the library not only for borrowing book but take the advantage of
the school library facilities.
2. Choose some competent librarian and at least have attended training as librarian, if
there isn’t place 2 librarians and the other has more skills in library.
3. School libraries can provide additional operating hours by opening earlier or
closing late. Also, School libraries can collaborate with several teachers to carry out
learning in the library.
4. School libraries should add more variety of ther collections so that the students can
enjoy using the library
5. School must to setting up the library they have at strategic and easy accessible
locations of students.
6. School libraries should provide complete facilities for students or teachers too. Like
provide computers for information search, online catalogs to do the cataloging more
easily, or even give space for comfort room that absolutely can attract students to
use the school library.

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