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1. Ikaria
2. Aegean Sea
3. There was no electricity
4. A blue zone
5. Because it was classified to be only 5 small regions in the world where life
expectancy is high
7. The factors are: good weather, physical activities, a strong sense of
community, eating real good food (fresh and natural)
9. Vegetables, seafood, olive oil
10. Compared to Athens where they were working hard (10 hours day
shift), making good money, but enjoy only on weekends, NOW they can
live more simple and natural life as a farmer, a gardener and live more on
herbal life. They are more enjoying their life now.

Strand II

1. The main idea of the video is to let us know and show us that the are many
ways of life out there and one of them is the Ikarian way of life, which is
more simple and natural and has longer life expectancy.

2. The purpose of the video is to show us an alternative way to live our life,
maybe we can live our life just like the people in this video.

3. Last message from an ikarian: if we want to live longer life we must not
be sad, not get stressed, have some times to enjoy drinking wine, and stay

The author included this because he thinks that not only eating a healthy,
natural, good food can make us live longer, but our mental condition also
important like not to be sad, not to be stressed, how we can keep calm and
enjoy our life are more important.

Strand III
1. Based on the video I think they enjoy their life and happy. Everyone
looks happy, enjoy their meal, enjoy their drink and relax.
2. Eating good and healthy food, have some physical activities, good
community, not to be stressed, enjoy what we have, stay calm, and not to
be sad
3. They really enjoy their life, they are relax, they don’t think high, having a
good community, and having natural and healthy food.

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