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page 14 and hand in exercise 6

Recommend some place to go: F

The place that I recommend to go is the cinema, since it is tranquility and you can
have a good time.

Offer to take max out one evening: I

What I suggest to get the most out of a night is push and push.

Tell him about the most expensive restaurant in your town: I

The most expensive restaurant in the city is Galidon, since it has very good
service and high quality.

Complain about the lack of entertainment venues: I

There is a great lack of places of entertainment such as cinema, bowling, etc. I
don't understand how they can't have places of entertainment, since that is why
young people get together.

Describe a typical evening out in detail: I

A typical evening in the city is to go to eat at a very nice restaurant, talk with your
date, get to know each other in depth, after a few hours they pay the bill between
the two of them and then the guy usually takes his date home.

Describe your favorite kind of evening out and why you like it: F

My favorite night out is going out with my friends to eat at a super nice restaurant
like Kansas, we stayed for hours chatting and laughing. Then each one pays her
part and we stay to sleep in someone's house.

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