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Lesson Title: Reading pitch names

Targeted Grade Level: [4th ]

Academic Subject: [Music]

Lesson Goals:

Students will be able to read music pitch names using standard notation on a treble
clef staff.

Lesson Objectives:

 Students will recall the letters of the musical alphabet.

 Students will be able to use their hand to locations on the treble clef staff.
 Students will be able to number the lines and spaces on a treble clef staff.
 Students will come up with their own acronym for the lines and spaces
 Students will play a game in teams competing for which team can name the
notes the fastest.

Materials/Resources Needed:

 Music staff
 Graph of hand with fingers numbered
 Music Staff with Lines and spaces numbered
 Physical music staff on the ground
 Paper and writing utensils

Lesson Components:
Phase One:

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Attending to the Material (Use techniques of underlining, listing, reflecting.)
 Students will begin the lesson by recalling the letters of the musical alphabet.
( abcdefg)
 Students will then trace their hands and with the fingers in a horizontal label
the fingers 1-5 and the spaces between the fingers 1-4

Phase Two:
Developing Connections (Make material familiar and develop connections using
key-word, substitute-word, and link-word system techniques.)

 Students will associate the tracing and labeling of their fingers to the musical
staff, by identifying the 5 lines and 4 spaces on the staff and labeling them.
 Students will show understanding by placing a finger of the opposite hand in
the correct line or space when the teacher calls.

Phase Three:
Expanding Sensory Images (Use techniques of ridiculous association and
exaggeration. Revise images.)
 The teacher then introduces the labeling of the lines and spaces using the
letters as acronyms for the lines and spaces. Lines: EGBDF0 Every Good Boy
Does Fine. Spaces: “if it’s in a space it spells FACE.”

 Students will then come up with their own acronyms to help them remember
the lines and spaces. Students will also draw picture associations to go along
with their acronyms and sentences.

Phase Four:
Practicing Recall (Practice recalling the material until it is completely learned.)

 Students will divide into 2 teams in front of the staff on the floor. The teacher
will call a note name, specifying if it’s on a line or a space. The student who
reaches the correct location on the line or space first, earns a point for their
team. The team with the most points wins. Students may play several times.

Student performance will be evaluated by their performance in the game, and also
by the paper they turn in with the labels and acronyms

EDUC 6330 | Lesson Plan Template

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