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1. Why is it important to teach physical education in the Elementary?

Physical education must be taught to children because the stage of

childhood depends on it. This is enabled because they develop important motor,
cognitive, and affective skills for their daily activities. Cultivating physical activity
is an important one part to develop the level of one's fitness. Also need to pay
attention to skill-related fitness. Like that of the components of health-related
fitness, it is also important to focus on focus on cultivating skill-related fitness.
These ingredients are the often used in sports activities.

2. How important is teaching health in the basic education

It further helps in preventing diseases and making people more aware of
their health conditions. Most importantly, it not only focuses on physical health
but also mental health and others. We need to teach the importance of health in
basic education so that they know what effect it has on our health. It must be
imprinted in the mind not only of the student but also of every person that in all
their movements, no matter what it is, always prioritize health. In this way, it will
be easier for a person to avoid things that he knows are harmful to him,
especially to his health. By simply having good nutrition based on what we eat
and exercise, it will help to avoid various diseases that we can get.

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