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A Journey full of emotions

Being a senior high student is more difficult than we anticipated; it is a new chapter that we must
complete. And as senior high students, there would be more than just a project, in these few
months of becoming a grade 11 student, we have already written many essays on various topics
and issues that are currently affecting our society. But did we ever notice that we had changed
or gotten better after writing essays in various forms? working in a group or as individuals, we
can already see our progress through the process. And as we progress, we will learn about the
difficulties I encountered during this second quarter, whether they were difficulties or
achievements, it is all part of the process.
The process of writing and finishing an essay is difficult, and while it may appear simple, writing
an essay is more than just writing; it is an essay to persuade and convince the audience of what
you have written. through many trials and errors while writing an essay, there were times when I
felt my essay lacked in some areas, times when I felt it was good enough to be shown, and as
time passed, I would always try to improve myself and ask myself where I lacked and needed
improvement. I would always have other people check my work to see it was good enough to be
read by others, and even if I received negative feedbacks, I would always see It as a way to
better myself.
I’ve learned a lot about how to improve my writing skills and better understand the different
types of forms thanks to group activities and my group mates. Though not everyone cooperated,
I am glad that we finished everything despite the difficulties and setbacks we encountered. We
were able to learn from one another and understand ourselves in what areas we lacked. We
helped each other improve and grow, and even if it was a group work, each of us demonstrated
what we can do and what we cannot do. We completed everything by understanding and
assisting one another. And, while there were times when I struggled with our members and the
task, I saw it as an opportunity to improve and better myself more. Whether working as a group
or as an individual, we have already shown what we can offer to our groupmates and to
With the hardships and obstacles I’ve had this quarter, I’ve understood that no matter how hard
we strive, we will still fall short in certain areas, especially when it comes to writing, that no
matter how many times we try to perfect one essay, we will still see something lacking, but as
time passes, I’ve also discovered that there is no such thing as a perfect essay. There will
always be times when something or some information will not be enough. This quarter, it tested
my patience not just with its method but also with its development. It aided my development not
only as a student, but also as a writer who is constantly looking for flaws in her work. And with
its progression, we have already improved enough for ourselves to finish and survive this
quarter, and while it may not be enough, there will always be a period when we can still develop
and give ourselves time to learn again. And, as we conclude this emotional journey, let us begin
a new chapter in which we can learn and grow ourselves even more than we did in the second
quarter. As we conclude our second quarter chapter, let us begin a new one that will be filled
with many more hardships and accomplishments in the coming months.

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