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There are four primary categories of tissue: nervous, epithelium, muscle, and connective.

We've looked into these four tissues under the microscope. In this lab report, we first
examined the epithelium tissue. It is primarily a cellular tissue, meaning there is very little
extracellular material between the cells. It forms the layers that cover the surfaces and line
the hollow organs of our body. Epithelium is especially important in hollow organs with
openings to the outside environment, because it protects against foreign materials entering
the body. (VanPutte et al., 2021). For this tissue, we have gathered seven slides to look
under the microscope. The first to be examined was transitional epithelium. It is made up
of several layers of cells that become flattened when stretched. It lines most of your urinary
tract and allows your bladder to expand. (Epithelium: What It Is, Function & Types, n.d.)
Due to its location in the excretory system, especially in the ureters and urinary bladder,
one of the primary functions of this tissue is to be an extremely effective permeability
barrier, impenetrable to water and most small molecules. It also allows the organ to stretch
and increase its volume depending on fluid pressure. (BD Editors, 2017). Then we look at
simple squamous epithelium. Its structure is a single layer of flat, often hexagonal cells; the
nuclei appear as bumps when viewed in cross section because the cells are so flat. The
function of it is to diffuse, filtrate, some secretion, and some protection against friction It is
commonly found in the lining of blood vessels and the heart, lymphatic vessels, lung alveoli,
portions of kidney tubules, and the lining of serous membranes of body cavities (pleural,
pericardial, peritoneal) (VanPutte et al., 2021). Pseudostratified epithelia consist of a single
layer of cells, but due to the different heights of the cells, it gives the appearance of having
mutliple layers of cells, hence the name pseudostratified. Importantly, all cells are attached
to the basement membrane. This type of epithelium is found in the respiratory tract and
functions to secrete mucous and move material up the respiratory tract through the
beating of cilia. (Epithelium Lab, n.d.). The human spleen is the largest lymphoid organ
and thus the largest filter of blood in the human body and it is found between the stomach
and the diaphragm. Its function is that it reacts to bloodborne antigens by producing
antibodies. In fact, it is the main source of circulating antibodies. It also removes defective
red blood cells and platelets from the circulation. (Paxton, 2003). In addition to structure
and movement, bones support energy metabolism, the production of blood cells, the
immune system, and brain function (Newman, 2022). Cuboidal epithelium has been
examined as well. Its structure is a single-layer of cube-shaped cells; some cells have
microvolli (kidney tubules) or cilia (terminal bronchioles of the lungs). Its function is
secretion and absorption by cells of the kidney tubules: secretion by cells of glands and
choroid plexuses; movement of particles embedded in mucus out of the terminal
bronchioles by ciliated cells. It is located in the kidney tubules, glans and their ducts,
choroid plexuses of the brain, lining of terminal bronchioles of the lungs, and surfaces of
the ovaries. Columnar Epithelium structure is single layer of cells; some cells are tall and
thin and reach the free surface, and others do not; the nuclei of these cells are at different
levels and appear stratified; the cells are almost always ciliated and are associated with
goblet cells that secrete mucus onto the free surface and its function is to Synthesize and
secrete mucus onto the free surface and move mucus (or fluid) that contains foreign
particles over the surface of the free surface and from passages. It is usually found in the
lining of nasal cavity, nasal sinuses, auditory tubes, pharynx, trachea, and bronchi of lungs
(VanPutte et al., 2021). After we've discussed the epithelium, we've moved to Connective
tissue. This tissue binds structures together, form a framework and support for organs and
the body as a whole, store fat, transport substances, protect against disease, and help repair
tissue damage. They occur throughout the body (Connective Tissue | SEER Training, n.d.).
In this set of slides, we first determine the hyaline cartilage. The structure of it was that
collagen fibers are symmetrical and evenly dispersed in the matrix, making the matrix
appear transoarent; the chondrocytes are found in spaces, or lacunae, within the firm but
flexible matrix. It functions as it allows growth of long bones; provides rigidity with some
flexibility in the trachea, bronchi, ribs, and nose; forms strong, smooth, yet somewhat
flexible articulating surfaces; and forms the embryonic skeleton. It is found in areas such
as growing long bones, respiratory system cartilage rings, costal cartilage of ribs, nasal
cartilages, bone articulating surfaces, and embryonic skeleton (VanPutte et al., 2021). We
then examined next the human tendon. A tendon is a tissue that attaches a muscle to other
body parts, usually bones. Tendons are the connective tissues that transmit the mechanical
force of muscle contraction to the bones; the tendon is firmly connected to muscle fibers at
one end and to components of the bone at its other end. (Tendon, Description & Function,
n.d.) A tendon’s structure is similar to a fiberoptic cable or a rope, with small collagen
fibers arranged in bundles. This bundling reinforces the tendon and makes it stronger.
(Tendon: Function, Anatomy & Common Injuries, n.d.) A tendon is a fibrous connective
tissue that attaches muscle to bone. Tendons may also attach muscles to structures such as
the eyeball. A tendon serves to move the bone or structure. (Tendon Vs. Ligament, n.d.).
Human Blood was examined next, its structure formed elements and a fluid matrix. The
blood function is to transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, nutrients, waste
products, and other substances; protects the body from infections and is involved in
temperature regulation. It is located in acellular spaces. Fibrocartilage has a large
proportion of dense collagen bundles oriented parallel. Its cells occupy lacunae that are
often arranged in rows between the coarse bundles of collagen. It is found in intervertebral
disks, at sites of attachment of tendons to bone, and in the articular disks of certain joints.
Any cartilage type may have foci of calcification. The elastic cartilage, which is yellow in
appearance, is more pliable than the other two forms because it contains elastic fibers in
addition to collagen. In humans, it makes up the external ears, the auditory tube of the
middle ear, and the epiglottis (Cartilage: Description, Anatomy, & Function, n.d.) Areolar
Connective Tissue consists of large, pink-stained collagenous fibers; smaller, dark elastic
and reticular fibers (fine collagenous fibers); and a collection of cells, including fibroblasts,
fibrocytes, mast cells, and macrophages (Wise, 2022). Adipose Tissue is lying three layers
deep under the skin, the adipose tissue is composed of a loose collection of specialized cells,
called adipocytes, embedded in a mesh of collagen fibers.  Its main role in the body is
function as a fuel tank for the storage of lipids and triglycerides (BIOdotEDU, n.d). After
determining the first two tissues, we then move to muscle tissues. This tissue is composed of
cells that have the special ability to shorten or contract in order to produce movement of the body
parts. The tissue is highly cellular and well supplied with blood vessels. (Muscle Tissue:
SEER Training, n.d.) Smooth muscle is a type of tissue found in the walls of hollow organs.
The smooth muscle cells are 3–10 m thick and 20–200 m long. The cytoplasm is
homogeneously eosinophilic and consists mainly of myofilaments. The nucleus is located in
the center and takes a cigar-like shape during contraction. The cell membrane forms small
pouch-like invaginations into the cytoplasm (caveolae), which are functionally equivalent to
the T-tubules of the skeletal muscle. In addition, it plays an important role in the ducts of
exocrine glands. It fulfills various tasks, such as sealing orifices (e.g., pylorus, uterine os) or
transporting the chyme through wavelike contractions of the intestinal tube. The primary
functions of striated muscles are to generate force and contract in order to support
respiration, locomotion, and posture (skeletal muscle) and to pump blood throughout the
body (cardiac muscle). Striated musculature is comprised of two types of tissues: skeletal
muscle and cardiac muscle. Skeletal muscle is the tissue that most muscles attached to bones
are made of. Hence the word "skeletal". Cardiac muscle, on the other hand, is the muscle
found on the walls of the heart (Karunaharamoorthy, 2022).  Skeletal muscle is a
specialized contractile tissue found in animals that functions to move an organism’s body.
Skeletal muscle is comprised of a series of muscle fibers made of muscle cells. These muscle
cells are long and multinucleated. A tendon connects the muscle to the bone at the ends of
each skeletal muscle. The simple act of raising your arm requires many muscles, so the
signal is sent down many nerves to many muscles. Each skeletal muscle receives the
nervous impulse at a neuromuscular junction. These are places where nerves can stimulate
an impulse in a muscle cell. The impulse travels down channels in the sarcolemma, the
plasma membrane of skeletal muscle cells. Skeletal muscle is found between bones and uses
tendons to connect the epimysium to the periosteum, or outer covering, of bone (BD
Editors, 2019). The cardiac muscle only exists in the heart. It contains cardiac muscle cells,
which perform highly coordinated actions that keep the heart pumping and blood
circulating throughout the body. It functions as it contracts and expands in response to
electrical impulses from the nervous system. Pacemaker cells generate electrical impulses,
or action potentials, that tell cardiac muscle cells to contract and relax. The pacemaker
cells control the heart rate and determine how fast the heart pumps blood. The
interconnected cardiac muscle cells, or fibers, give cardiac muscle tissue its strength and
flexibility. Most cardiac muscle cells contain one nucleus, but some have two. The nucleus
houses all of the cell’s genetic material (Eske, 2019). Finally, the nervous tissue was
examined with a microscope. We determine all of the four given slides. The first thing to be
looked up was neurons. Neurons are the cells considered to be the basis of nervous tissue.
They are in charge of the electrical signals that communicate information about sensations
and generate movements in response to those stimuli, as well as inducing thought processes
within the brain. An important part of the function of neurons is in their structure, or
shape. The three-dimensional shape of these cells allows for an enormous number of
connections within the nervous system. It is usually located in our brain, spinal cord, and
nerves. (12.2 Nervous Tissue - Anatomy and Physiology 2e | OpenStax, n.d.). The actual
nerve cell is the neuron. It is the "conducting" cell that transmits impulses and the
structural unit of the nervous system. The other type of cell is the neuroglia, or glial cell.
The word "neuroglia" means "nerve glue." These cells are nonconductive and provide a
support system for the neurons. (Nerve Tissue | SEER Training, n.d.) Nervous tissue
develops from the embryonic ectoderm, the layer covering the embryo that becomes the
epidermis. The main function of nervous tissue is the processing of information coming
from the external and internal environments and then triggering a response. It is also
responsible for controlling many vital functions, such as breathing, digestion, heart blood
pumping, regulation of blood flow, control of the endocrine system, and many others.
These functions mostly rely on the electrical properties of nerve cells. Nervous tissue
constitutes the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord, as well as the
peripheral nervous system, including nerve ganglia, nerves, and neurons scattered
throughout the body. (Megías, n.d.)

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