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Student´s name:_____________________________________ ID Number: ___________ LEVEL:_____

Skyscraper Very tall building Changeable Sth irregular or inconstant

Sparkling Shiny Respectable Considered to be good, proper or
Pleasant A sense of satisfaction Disease Sickness
Overcrowded Fill beyond limits Witness Sb who sees an event, typically a crime
or accident
Waterborne Transportation on water Noticeable Attracting attention
Crevice A fissure on a rock or wall System A set of connected things forming a
complex whole
Crag A stiff or rugged cliff Paralysis Inability to act or function
Adhesive Sticky Vaccinating Treat with a vaccine to produce
Wharf A dock Therefore For that reason
Unifying Make or become united Programme A planed series of future events
Alive Not dead Measles An infectious viral disease causing fever
and a red rash on the skin
Awake Not sleeping Slightly Moderately
Asleep Sleeping Malnutrition Lack of proper nutrition
Glad Pleased, delighted Misleading Giving the wrong idea or impression
Aware Conscious Bilingualism The use of two languages
Alike Similar Cohabitation To live together
Knowledge Facts, information and skills acquired Globalisation Worldwide integration
by a person
Genealogy A line of descent traced from ancestors Polygamy Having more than one wife
Wishful Having a desire for sth to happen Hopefully In a hopeful manner
Ancestors A person more remote than a Whereas While on the contrary
Currently At the person time
According to Depending on
Pessimist Negative
Newlywed Just married
Discourse Written or spoken communication
Goodwill Helpful or cooperative feeling
Affair An event or incident
Interview A series of questions
Arrangement A set agreement
Renewable Not reduced when used
Student´s name:_____________________________________ ID Number: ___________ LEVEL:_____

Convinced Persuaded Challenge A call to accept any contest

Doubtful Uncertain, sure Percentage A proportion per hundred
Doubtless Certain, sure Muttering Murmuring
Unsure Uncertain Underhand Secret or dishonourable
Promise A declaration that sth will or will not Upstanding Honourable
Infamous Having an extremely bad reputation Circumstances A condition related to time, place, etc
Heresy An opinion opposite to a stablished Plagiarism Piracy
Recant Deny Tempting Inviting
Controversial A prolonged dispute, debate Dogmatic Asserting opinions in a doctrine
Centipede An elongated flattened body Respectful Feeling or showing respect
composed of many segments
Possession A state of being possessed Persuasive Convincing
Available Suitable or ready for use Tactful Careful, cautious
Mushroom fleshy fungi Condescending Arrogant
Malapropism An act of misusing words ridiculously Opportunities A chance to do sth
Spoonerism The transposition of initial or other
sounds of words
Buddhism Religion originated in India by Buddha

Impressionism A type of art from the 19th century

Dishonest Not honest
Guilty Not innocent

Listlessness Indifference
Treacherous Traitorous, deceptive, unreliable
Scholarship Money or aid granted to a student
Acronyms Initials representing a name
Childcare A job of looking after children
Inequalities Lack of equality
Discrimination The act of making a distinction
Student´s name:_____________________________________ ID Number: ___________ LEVEL:_____

Warden Someone who checks that rules are Staggering Extremely surprising
Surroundings All the things present in a place Catastrophic Causing a lot of damage
Impinge on Having a negative effect on sth Vast Extremely large
Immediacy A sense that sth is happening now Pressure Attempts to persuade, threaten or force
sb to do sth
Sewage Waste water from human use Painstaking Doing sth very carefully or slowly
Soil Fertile land Crescent Curved shape wide in the middle and
sharped at the ends
Illusory Not real, but with an appearance of Steer Control of direction in which a vehicle
being real moves
Impervious Not affected by sth Wheel Round objects for cars, bikes, etc
Consumerism The belief that sth is good if people Gypsy Sb who does not like to live in one place
buy it and use it a lot for a long time
Continuum Series of events that have a Whetted Sharped
particular quality
Broadcaster Sb whose job is to speak on radio or Phenomenon An event or situation that can be seen to
television programmes happen
Environmental Relating to the natural world Eventful With a lot of exciting things happening
Flock A group of birds, sheep or goats Sophisticated Knowing a lot about a complicated subject

Didja Did you Brilliant Very intelligent

Doncha Don’t you Peaceful Not involving war or violence
Dunno Don’t know Dense With a lot of things close together
Gimmie Give me Broad Wide
Gotta Got to Snow-capped With snow on top
Kinda Kind of Barren Arid, infertile
Lightning A bright flash during a storm Pier A structure built from the land over
Dive Jump into water Tide The way the level of the sea rises and
Jellyfish A sea animal you can see through Yacht A large expensive boat
Seagull A common grey and white seabird
Seashell The empty shell of a sea animal
Seaweed A green or brown plant that grows in
the sea
Shellfish Sea creatures with a hard shell
around them
Snorkel A tube used to breathe while
swimming under water
Tanker A large ship that carries petrol
Student´s name:_____________________________________ ID Number: ___________ LEVEL:_____

Illusion False appearance Velvet Soft thick fabric

Magician Sb who performs supernatural Horns A paired bony structure on the head
Assistant helper Serviette Table napkin
Disguise Outfit that changes one’s Jaws Bony structure in the mouth
Briefcase A flat rectangular container Endurance Tolerance
Beggar Sb who asks for charity Issues An important topic for debate
Tinker Sb who fixes metal utensils Obvious Logical
Tailor Sb who designs clothes Suddenly Unexpectedly
Pregnant Woman having a child in her womb Whatchamacallit Person or thing whose name we cannot
recall or does not know
Backwards Toward or into the back or past Gizmo A gadget which name is not known
Mysterious Difficult or impossible to understand Stuff Things
Utopia An imagined state where everything Ashore On to the shore
is perfect
Freshwater Found in fresh water, not of the sea Vicinity The area near or surrounding a
particular place
Opportunity A chance that makes sth possible Youth The period between childhood and adult
Illness A disease Wealth Abundance of money and possessions
Path A way or track laid down for Harvest Period of gathering in crops
Average A typical value in a set of data Thoroughly Greatly
Rumour A story or report of doubtful truth Crocodiles Big lizards
Iconic Very famous and believed to represent a Tribal Of or characteristic of a tribe
particular idea
Battlements A wall around the top of a castle Relatives Members of a family
Placeholder People whose name we don’t know Dinghy Small boat
Bandage A strip used to bind a wound Inflatable Capable of being filled with air
Mustard A yellow substance with a hot taste Peaked With a peak
Muffled Not easy to hear because it’s blocked Captivating Charming
Rigid Stiff, not easy to bend Ghost An apparition of a dead person
Student´s name:_____________________________________ ID Number: ___________ LEVEL:_____

Exhausting Extremely tired Righteous Morally correct

Relentless Continuing in a severe or extreme way Sticky Made or covered with a substance that stays
fixed to anything it touches
Rewarding Causing pleasure; pleasant Greasy Covered with or full of fat or oil
Stressful Making you feel worried or nervous Unripe Not ready to be collected or eaten
Diapers A piece of clothing for babies; nappy Turnovers The rate at which employees leave a workforce
and are replaced
Conscientious Putting a lot of effort into your work Faucet Tap
Morbid Too interesting in unpleasant subjects Trends General development in people’s behaviour

Craving A strong feeling of wanting sth Boundaries Real or imaginary line limiting sth
Suitability Acceptable or right for sb or sth Chiefly Mainly
Nickname An informal name for sb or sth Upbringing The way sb is treated and educated when
being young
Pseudonyms A name used instead of a real name Lenient Not severe or strong in punishment or judgement

Stage names Name used by actors different from theirs Bonds Close connection joining two or more people

Patronymics Name derived from the name of a father or Depth Distance down from top to bottom
Matronymics Name derived from the name of a mother or Length The measurement of sth from end to end
Maiden name Woman’s family name before marriage

Customary Usual / traditional

Antiquity Sth created long time ago
Oysters Sea creature living in a shell
Underneath Under / below
Dungarees Trousers with an extra piece of cloth covering
the chest
Bare Without any clothes
Raw Not cooked / in a natural state
Grit Very small pieces of stone or sand
Styrofoam Polystyrene
Amoeba Organism consisting of only one cell
Brine Water with salt in it
Crunchy Describes food that makes loud noise when
Smooth Perfectly regular surface
Bland Not having a strong taste
Soggy Unpleasantly wet and soft
Lumpy Covered with or containing lumps
Student´s name:_____________________________________ ID Number: ___________ LEVEL:_____

Aforementioned Mentioned earlier

Cynicism Believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere
Euphoria Extreme happiness, sometimes more than is reasonable in a particular situation
Slum A very poor and crowded area, especially of a city
Timeless Describes something that does not change as the years go past
Creed A set of beliefs that influences the way you live
Sumptuous Luxurious and showing that you are rich
Sinner To break a religious or moral law
Handful An amount of something that can be held in one hand
Miraculously Very effective or surprising, or difficult to believe
Needless Completely unnecessary
Oddly In a strange or surprising way
Remarkably Used for emphasising how surprising or unusual something is
Strangely In a way that is unusual, unexpected, or difficult to understand
Bond A close connection joining two or more people
Commission A payment to someone who sell goods that is related to the amount of goods sold
Millionaires A person who has money, property, etc that is worth at least 1,000,000
Untrained Never having been taught the skills for a particular job
Spare If something is spare, it is available to use because it is extra
Desperately Extremely or very much
Straightforward Easy to understand or simple
Moreover Used to add information, also and more importantly
Dealings Activities involving other people, especially in business
Gambling The activity of betting money, for example in a game or in a horse race
Jargon Special words and phrases that are used by particular groups of people
Affordability The ability to be afforded; inexpensiveness
Affordable Not expensive
Income Money that is earned from doing work or received from investments
However Despite whatever amount or degree
Prudently Careful and avoiding risks
Student´s name:_____________________________________ ID Number: ___________ LEVEL:_____

Gorgeous very beautiful or pleasant

Striking very unusual or easily noticed, and therefore attracting a lot of attention
Brand name the name given to a particular product by the company that makes it
Target Audience People who are affected by advertising
Billboard Hoarding advertisement
Puffin bird that lives near the sea in northern parts of the world and has a large, brightly
coloured beak
Materialism the belief that having money and possessions is the most important thing in life
Greed a very strong wish to continuously get more of something
Backwards towards the direction that is opposite to the one in which you are facing
Ahead in front
Wage a fixed amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee
Genetically belonging or relating to genes received by each animal or plant from its parents
Nevertheless despite what has just been said or referred to
Even so used to show that something is surprising, unusual, unexpected, or extreme
Essence the basic or most important idea or quality of something
Democracy the belief in freedom and equality between people
Slogan a short easily remembered phrase, especially one used to advertise an idea or a product
Jingle a short simple tune, often with words, that is easy to remember and is used to
advertise a product on the radio or television
Rhyme Words that rhyme have the same last sound
Bloodstream the flow of blood around the body
Successfully achieving the results wanted or hoped for
Harmonic relating to harmony
Accomplishment something that is successful, or that is achieved after a lot of work or effort
Synthetically describes products that are made from artificial substances
Analytically examining or liking to examine things very carefully
Arrangements a plan for how something will happen
Undisturbed not interrupted or changed in any way
Downhearted unhappy and having no hope, especially because of a disappointment or failure
Venom a poisonous liquid that some snakes, insects, etc. produce
Harmless not able or not likely to cause harm
Student´s name:_____________________________________ ID Number: ___________ LEVEL:_____

Achievement something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing
Fortuitous not planned, happening by chance
Regardless despite; not being affected by something
Innately An innate quality or ability is one that you were born with, not one you have learned
Shocked Amazed
Stillness staying in the same position; not moving
Rush a situation in which you have to hurry or move somewhere quickly
Loosely in a way that is not firmly fixed
Upon formal on
Therefore for that reason
Amid in the middle of or surrounded by
Grains seeds from a plant, especially a plant like a grass such as rice or wheat
Tight firmly or closely
Bittersweet containing a mixture of sadness and happiness/ tasting both bitter and sweet
Pitiless cruel and having no pity
Reputable having a good reputation and able to be trusted
Behaviour the way that someone behaves
Worn describes something that can no longer be used because it is so old or because it has
been damaged by continued use
Inefficient not organized, skilled, or able to work in a satisfactory way
Storytelling the activity of telling or writing stories
Loans an act of borrowing or lending something
Inconvenience a state or an example of problems or trouble, which often causes a delay or loss of
Immediately now or without waiting or thinking
Thereafter continuing on from a particular point in time
Dissatisfied not pleased with something; feeling that something is not as good as it should be
Several some; an amount that is not exact but is fewer than many
Refund an amount of money that is given back to you
Statement something that someone says or writes officially, or an action done to express an
Strategies detailed plans for achieving success in situations such as war, politics, business,
industry, or sport
At least not less than; at the minimum
Student´s name:_____________________________________ ID Number: ___________ LEVEL:_____

Benchmark a level of quality that can be used as a standard when comparing other things
Emblem a picture of an object that is used to represent a particular person, group, or idea
Renowned famous for something
Breathtaking extremely exciting, beautiful, or surprising
Corrupt dishonestly using your position or power to get an advantage, especially for money
Decadence low moral standards and behaviour
Plague to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something over a period of time
Ravages the damage caused by disease, time, war, etc.
Disease illness of people, animals, plants, etc., caused by infection or a failure of health rather
than by an accident
Poisoned harmful substances to something such as water or air
Adrift If a boat is adrift, it is moving on the water but is not controlled by anyone because of a
Crops a plant such as a grain, fruit, or vegetable grown in large amounts
Pattern a particular way in which something is done, is organized, or happens
Properly correctly, or in a satisfactory way
Ladder a piece of equipment used for climbing up and down
Weaker not strong, or not strong enough to work, last, succeed, persuade, or be effective
Measles an infectious disease that produces small, red spots all over the body
Gunfire the usually repeated shooting of one or more guns
Enlightenment the state of understanding something
Puzzled confused because you do not understand something
Herded The way humans gather domestic animals
Drift a general development or change in a situation
Ashamed feeling guilty or embarrassed about something you have done
Somehow in a way or by some means that is not known or not stated
Parachute a piece of equipment made of a large piece of special cloth that is fastened to someone
or something that is dropped from an aircraft
Whines a long, high-pitched complaining cry
Drops small round-shaped amount of liquid
Useless of no use; not working or not achieving what is needed
Alongside next to, or together with
Prevalent existing very commonly or happening often
Student´s name:_____________________________________ ID Number: ___________ LEVEL:_____

Ducts A tube or pipe that carries water or air.

Unable Not to be able to do something
Nourishment Food that someone needs to make them grow and keep them healthy
Reply An answer
Engaged Having formally agreed to marry / involved in something
Sympathy Understanding and care for someone else’s suffering
Courtship The time when people have a romantic relationship
Inheritance Money or objects that someone gives you when they die
Performance How well a person, machine, etc. does a piece of work or an activity
Contemporary Existing or happening now
Stroke A sudden change in the blood supply to a part of the brain
Complex Involving a lot of different but related parts
Incongruity The fact that something is different from what is around or from what is stated
Grief Very great sadness, especially at the death of someone
Distinctive Something that is easy to recognise because it is different from other things
Sensibility An understanding of or the ability to decide what is good or valuable
Swollen Larger than usual
Neither Not either of two things or people
Slightest Smallest in amount or degree
Attentive Listening carefully
Unwilling Not willing to do something
Circumstances A fact or event that makes a situation the way it is
Giggle A nervous or silly laugh
Chuckle Amused
Prop A piece of furniture or small object used in a play or a film
Laughter The act or sound of laughing
Indeed Really or certainly, often used to emphasise something
Improvisational relating to or characterized by spontaneous performance
Slapstick A type of humorous acting in which the actors behave in a silly way
Mannerism Something that a person does repeatedly with their face, hands or voice

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