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Name: Danielle Goodman Dates: 2/6-2/10 Class Period or Subject: ELA

Topic: Reading, Vocab, Grade Level: 2nd Co-op initials with date:
PA Anchor/Standard Standard - CC.1.2.2.A- Identify the main idea of a multi-paragraph text
or Eligible Content as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.

Standard - CC.1.2.2.B - Ask and answer questions such as who, what,

where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key
details in a text.

Lesson Objectives The Student Will Be Able To identify text evidence within the
given passage in order to figure out the main idea and points
within, with at least 85% accuracy.

TSWBAT demonstrate what cause and effect looks like in an

given expository text through repetition and basic learning skills
with at least 85% accuracy.
Sequence of activities - The first thing we would start off with would be our
Heggerty and sound cards.
- I would also introduce our sight words potentially
depending on time, if not here then after our Fundations
- Next, we will head back to our seats and go over
Fundations lesson Unit 9 Week 2. (Ir, Ur, Er)
- Then I will introduce new concepts like ar, or, er, ir, ur.
They can be combined with other syllables and we will use
the syllable frames to build three spelling words. (perfume,
splinter, spider)
- Afterwards I will explain that at the end of the word with
more than one syllable er is spelled with just an er (hunger,
temper, enter)
- We will practice using the spelling option for multisyllabic
words such as saying the word terminate and deciding each
of the syllables.
- We will try each of the sounds in the first syllable to
decipher the correct spelling.
- Then we will build some spelling words / Introduce our
heart words for the week (Say the word, tap it out, how
many sounds do you hear, draw lines for each sound, then
discuss how the sound makes itself and what it is for father,
mother, brother)
- Sky Writing (Tactile Visual Auditory learners)
- Add them to their student notebook
- Ask questions such as ….. What are the choice? Try each
option and talk about the correct one
- (Review of Suffixes)
- WINN will pause ELA.
- Then when all students get back, we will introduce our
vocabulary for the new week. (This will take about 10
minutes or so)
- Then we will discuss what makes a reading an expository
- Next, an introduction of what cause and effect is in stories
will be given by using a visual aid.
- We will look at our Wonders book and start off reading
“Into the Sea” (we will break up into two groups like last
- Then after we read the story, we will go back through and
meet together as a whole group with our pencils and go
over our questions in the book on using text evidence and
seeing the cause and effect in the story.
- After we finish our comprehension, we will move into
grammar which focuses on irregular verbs. We will
practice a couple together and go into more of an activity
on Tuesday.
Differentiation My lesson will be differentiated for my auditory, visual,
kinesthetic, and tactile learners in many ways. We have sky
writing during of Fundations lesson. There is also visual aids and
hands on activities to get my students involved. When
differentiating my process of this lesson, I want to make sure that I
am observing how well they are grasping the information given
and if they are not understanding our irregular verbs I will add in
another session breaking it down instead of making them practice
on their own.
Assessment Our assessments will be through formal observations, questioning,
and the discussion we have when going over our questions from
the book.
PA Anchor/Standard Standard - CC.1.1.2.D - Know and apply grade-level phonics and
or Eligible Content word analysis skills in decoding words. • Distinguish long and
short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words. •
Decode two-syllable words with long vowels and words with
common prefixes and suffixes. • Read grade-level high-frequency
sight words and words with inconsistent but common spelling-
sound correspondences. • Read grade-appropriate irregularly
spelled words.

Standard - CC.1.2.2.L - Read and comprehend literary non-

fiction and informational text on grade level, reading
independently and proficiently.
Lesson Objectives The Student Will Be Able To identify the necessary r-controlled
vowels in a given practice with at least 80% accuracy.

TSWBAT write a three to four sentence paragraph on what they

have learned from our expository text with at least 85% accuracy.
Sequence of activities - The first thing we would start our day off with would be
our Sound Cards and Heggerty.
- Then we will introduce the word of the day Thirsty by
building it on the board.
- After I will ask the students what the r controlled
combination is, what the base word is, and what the suffix
is. Then we will practice marking this word (underline the
base word, circle the suffix, how many vowel sections - so
how many syllables, how many scoops, ask and mark what
type of syllable there are, ask what consonants are on both
sides - a th digraph and an st blend)
- Review each spelling word (Write them on their board) /
Also review heart words.
- If time allows then we can read the red planet story
together from our Fundations unit.
- Once the students get back from WINN, we will play a
quick review game of our vocabulary words.
- We will play Pictionary together in two groups. One group
will be with Mrs. Myer and the other with Ms. Goodman.
(This way we can match sure they are all reviewing more
in depth)
- After we get back from lunch and recess, I will ask
questions such as “What makes a text expository?” “What
does it mean when a question wants us to find cause and
- Today we will go back through our story, read it, and
watch a video on erosion.
- Then they will each have a piece of paper where they must
write 3-4 sentences on what they learned from our story to
see how well they are comprehending this short passage.
- Afterwards, we would go back over our irregular verbs
through a game. (Irregular Verbs Ball Toss)
- I would say the irregular verbs that I chose and then say the
base form out loud. Then I would say the name of a student
and toss the ball to him. He will then choose another
irregular verb and repeat.
Differentiation This lesson is being differentiated in the process and product. My
tactile, visual, and hands on learners will all be able to connect to
some sort of the materials being taught. They have visual aids,
games that require learning, and a video to connect the materials
that they are reading in their expository text to the lesson of
Assessment They will be assessed through our Fundations lesson review
depending on their interaction with the materials, through our
vocabulary Pictionary and if they can connect examples to our
definitions, also from a quiet write time based on 3-4 sentences on
erosion and if they can convey their connection to the piece, and
lastly through our irregular verb toss.
PA Anchor/Standard Standard - CC.1.1.2.E -Read with accuracy and fluency to
or Eligible Content support comprehension: • Read on-level text with purpose and
understanding. • Read on-level text orally with accuracy,
appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. • Use
context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and
understanding, rereading as necessary.

Standard - CC.1.1.2.D - Decode two-syllable words with long

vowels and words with common prefixes and suffixes.
Lesson Objectives The Student Will Be Able To practice reading fluency and
comprehension in a given expository text and identifying the cause
and effect.

TSWBAT identify the syllable types in multisyllabic words to

enhance their decoding styles.
Sequence of activities - Our Wednesday lesson will begin with our Sound Cards
and Heggerty.
- Then we will get into our Fundations by starting with
reviewing our heart words. This will be a quicker version
than Tuesdays)
- We will then play a game called “That’s nonsense”
together as a class.
- After that, I want us to complete a worksheet on trying to
find the syllables that match with the words in our bank.
- Once that is over it will be time for WINN.
- When they come back, we will start with our vocabulary.
The game we will be playing this day will be a bingo
vocabulary. It will have our words from this week and a
couple words from last week. (That should take all the time
before lunch – If not we will go into a quick review of what
expository text are)
- After lunch and recess, we will automatically start off with
reading “Volcanoes” in our Wonders hard book.
- We will read through the whole story together as a class
and then watch a video on Volcanoes. (Ask questions as we
continue to go through the lesson)
- After we discuss where we can see cause and effect, we
will do another activity on irregular verbs.
- We will do a worksheet on irregular verbs.
Differentiation My differentiation in this lesson would be in learning environment
and process. They will have multiple different opportunities to
learn in a different environment such as quiet time, review, games,
and hands on activities. That goes a long with the process as well.
My process is differentiated for my visual and auditory learners.
Having the video in there helps tie in the lesson.
Assessment My assessments in this lesson will be through our worksheet on
vowels and consonants, observing our bingo game and how many
are putting the correct ones with the right words, and lastly
through our irregular verb game.
PA Anchor/Standard Standard - CC.1.1.2.D - Know and apply grade-level phonics and
or Eligible Content word analysis skills in decoding words.

Standard - CC.1.5.2.A - Participate in collaborative conversations

with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
Lesson Objectives The Student Will Be Able To identify the correct symbols to mark
the given words correctly with at least 85% accuracy.

TSWBAT collaborate with all peers in station learning at all

stations with at least 80% accuracy on a given task.
Sequence of activities - Our Thursday lesson will start with our Heggerty and
Sound Cards.
- Then we will move into our Fundations lesson on marking
the words that’s all (WS) Together as class so they can
decode words.
- We will review our sight words here as well.
- Depending on the time, we may move into our vocab-zee
game. (Since they did so well last week, we will play this
one again)
- Once WINN is over, we will come back and go over our
volcano story again.
- Then when we get back from lunch and recess we will go
into stations.
- One station will be writing an anchor chart on erosion from
the beginning of the week.
- Station two would consist of a Irregular Verbs worksheet.
- Station three would consist of a vocabulary quiz review.
- Station four would be a volcano.
Differentiation My lesson is being differentiated through learning styles, process,
and product. Since this day consists of station learning, it really
involves all types of learners and the way the material is being
PA Anchor/Standard Standard - CC.1.1.2.E - Read with accuracy and fluency to
or Eligible Content support comprehension: • Read on-level text with purpose and
understanding. • Read on-level text orally with accuracy,
appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. • Use
context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and
understanding, rereading as necessary.
Lesson Objectives The Student Will Be Able To demonstrate their learning of the
given vocabulary on an eight-question quiz with at least 80%

TSWBAT identify the text evidence and comprehension questions

on a given quiz with at least 85% accuracy.
Sequence of activities - Our day will still start with our Heggerty and Sound Cards.
- Then we would go into our Spelling quiz.
- After we will potentially start our vocabulary quiz
depending on time.
- Then they will go to WINN.
- They will come back and take their comprehension quiz.
- We will do a quick brain break before lunch!
- Then when we get back, we will move into math.
Differentiation If needed this lesson will be differentiated for my learners who
need a quiet learning environment or for my students who need the
way the process of the quizzes is handled. For example, my
struggling readers will have a helper sit with them for their
comprehension quiz.
Assessment My assessments will be through various items. They will be
assessed through their vocabulary quiz, spelling quiz, and
comprehension quiz.
Modification/Accommodation (Generalized across the week):
My modifications will depend on the student. Isaac, Trevor, and Willow will have extended
time on their reading passages. When going over the lesson, I will make sure that my students
such as Jaxson, Khloe, and Ellyn are connecting the sounds and letters.
End of the week self-evaluation:

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