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Corollary Question no. 2: What themes emerged from the study?

A figure of the themes that emerged from the study is presented before the tables of emerging

Interview Question 1: What is your concept of enrollment status?

Thematic Chart A

Different Perceptions on Enrolment Status

Participants Responses Subordinate Themes

Marketing Manager 1 “The first thing that comes in my mind is survival aspect of an Survival Aspect
Marketing Manager 2 “Enrollment status is a sustenance that pumps the school.” Sustenance
Marketing Manager 3 “My concept of enrolment status is about goal and hitting the Hitting the Quota
Marketing Manager 4 “Enrolment status is also knowing what competitors have.” Knowing the Competitors
Marketing Manager 5 “ My concept of enrolment status is that it is a marketing Marketing Strategy
Marketing Manager 6 “It is the number of students in a school year.” Number of Students
Marketing Manager 7 “Number of enrollees.” Number of Enrollees
Marketing Manager 8 “Number of students in a school.” Number of Students
Marketing Manager 9 “The basis of success of a school year.” Basis of Success
Marketing Manager 10 “Total number of students enrolled.” Number of Students

Marketing Managers 1 to 10 shared different perceptions and definitions when asked

about their concept of enrolment status. The superordinate themes were: Survival Aspect;

Sustenance; Hitting he Quota; Knowing the Competitors; Marketing Strategy; Number of

Students; Number of Enrolees; and Basis of Success.

School marketing and recruitment are essential challenges, but the ultimate purpose of

both is to enhance the quantity and quality of students at primary, secondary, and tertiary

institutions. After all, a university or school would be nothing without its students or enrolees.

Because of changing social and economic conditions brought by the pandemic, recruiting and

enrolling students has become increasingly difficult and almost impossible, particularly in many

places, specifically in Calamba City. Nonetheless, students within the this place have become

more discerning in terms of the Return on Investment of primary, secondary, and tertiary

education, online education platforms have disrupted traditional academic activity patterns, and

more students are opting for non-traditional approaches to earning diplomas, degrees and

professional credentials.
Based on Group (2021) as cited in Increase Your Student Enrollments in Higher

Education 2021 article, he discussed that it should come as no surprise that institutional

admissions strategies have become increasingly complex and diversified. Colleges and

universities will go to considerable lengths to attract students, but recruitment methods are only

as good as their results, and a lengthy, high-cost recruitment plan will be futile unless qualified

potential students enrol and complete their degrees. Similarly, while some schools contemplate

decreasing admissions rules and standards in order to increase applications, most higher

education research indicates that this is detrimental in both local and international student

cohorts. It is critical to remember that the true purpose of enrolling students is retention, which

yields a considerably higher Return on Investment for both the institution and the successful

students. Private elementary, secondary, and tertiary schools and universities with positive

enrollment growth and strong rates of student retention are able to provide the best services,

programs, and resources, which attracts more qualified students and raises the school's overall


Chapter 5


The study offers the following recommendations:

1. Schools must design websites that embody or express their purpose, product and

vision. They argued that often, the first move of someone who doesn’t know about an

organization will be to visit its website. This is reason why private schools should

maintain a web site and actively involved in social media interaction at all times

especially in time of pandemic. In order to continue providing educational quality while

creating a safe and comfortable environment for students and parents to conduct school-

related transactions, it is necessary to increase the usage of social media platforms.

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