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I, the undersigned,

Name : Mahanda Dzuhrisa

Place & Date of Birth : Bandung, 21 June 2003
Student ID : 222121042

Faculty/Department : Educational Sciences And Teachers’ Training/ Indonesian Language and

Literature Education
Email Address :

Address : Village Imbanagara Raya.

Hereby agree on below regulations during my course program:

1. Will comply with all regulations applied by UPT BAHASA
2. Trying to follow the courses that I take at UPT Bahasa according to the applicable provisions.Will
3. With the ability I have in the field of English and having participated in the UPT language
program before, I will always try to improve my public speaking in the course and will continue to
take the course as long as I am a student of Siliwangi University.

I would take any consequences in accordance to the rules of Upt Bahasa if I happen to violate
the above regulations.

This letter is made without any constraint.

Tasikmalaya, 27-01-2023

( Mahanda Dzuhrisa )

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