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the salient points of this specific slides is english is very helpful in order to interact and how
powerful english is in business interactions, communication, legalization and especially how it utilize
in government context. On the other hand, the things that may encounter or its disadvantage if its
not properly disseminated.


it could be easy to assess or evaluate since english today is very common if I am not mistaken
according to my research 88% of filipinos speak english. e.g. in classroom/school environment. In
the academe, students utilize the english language in order to communicate or to express their
thoughts and ideas which is somehow the best example that I can provide.


The salient points that we get from this slides in relation to the language policy's and program it
traces the trajectory of this dominance of English in the Philippines from its introduction as the de
facto medium of instruction in the public school system during the American colonial era to its
incorporation as the indispensable competitive edge of Filipinos in the current era of globalization.
This privileged position of English language in the country’s linguistic economy has been reinforced
by the Filipino elite’s symbolic struggles over power in the wake of post-colonialism and the
country’s structural insertion at the margins of the global economy as a source of cheap, English-
speaking migrant labor.

2. The salient point of this slide is that there are several different ways to assess the language
policy and programs that we've encountered in the existing ones.

First, we can look at how they affect language learners and their communities. For example, one of
the biggest problems with language policy is that it doesn't take into account how language
learners live in their communities. Many times, a program will focus on teaching English to children
or adults who already speak English as their first language—but these people may have trouble
speaking it fluently if they're not learning about it from someone who understands where they come

Slide 27

Salient 1: "No matter where you came from or what social structure in life you have," always puts it
in my mind that even if there are many differences in our lives, especially in how we articulate each
word, one thing is most important: as long as we understand their words and the message they
imply, we can have a wonderful life.

Salient 2: Here in the Philippines, in a classroom setting, when a teacher encounters a student who
has a different pronunciation among the others, the teacher will approach that student and assess
them on how to pronounce it properly. The same goes for mine; we can assess them in many ways,
such as by letting them read a story, and if they mispronounce a word, we can help them pronounce
it properly so that it will not be a problem for them in the future.


1. For Slide number 28, some of the salient points extraced from the slide are

• English is continually mixed with elements of the other national language (Filipino—Tagalog),
resulting in a hybrid language, commonly known as “Taglish”

•The widespread use of Taglish is significant as the most culturally and socially endorsed form of
English (rather than the “international” English taught in schools), and it is increasingly seen in
written form online and through social media.

2. We all know that the Philippines has a long history of different settlers occupying the country.
Most notable for this case was America, who resided in the country for around 40 years. Over that
period, English became more widespread and began to be taught in schools. It is due to this that
English became so prominent.

Taglish is a mixture of two languages, the code-switching. Sometimes, it may be the most efficient
way to talk, with ideas and concepts being simpler to explain in one language while other things are
easier to say in the other language. Also, in a school environment, teachers as well as students tend
to do code switching in order to express well the things that we want to say.

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