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Ulep, Judycarla Maria V.

STS 0002-41
BS Biology 2-3 December 5, 2020

Assignment 4.1

Science and Technology Poster

Figure 1. Digital poster about Science and Technology

Filipino Culture Poster

Figure 2. Digital poster about Filipino culture

5 Filipino Inventions and their background

Invention Background
• Dr. Fe del Mundo
• Dr. Fe del Mundo developed a bamboo version of modern
medical incubator for rural communities that is less expensive
and easier to assemble. It is being used by premature babies
Incubator born before the mother’s 37th week of pregnancy. In 1936, Dr.
del Mundo became the first woman pediatrician to be admitted
to Harvard Medical School. She’s also the first woman to be
acknowledged as a National Scientists in the Philippines in
1980. She also established the Children’s Medical Center.
• Abelardo Aguilar
• The first antibiotic, Penicillin was discovered by Alexander
Fleming in 1926 after a mould termed Peniucillium notatum
contaminated one of his experiments. That begins discoveries
all kinds of antibiotics from plants, insects and even marine
Erythromycin organisms including Dr. Abelardo Aguilar, a Filipino who
discovered erythromycin, an antibiotic used in treating
infections of the respiratory tract, Legionnaire’s disease and
diptheria as well as urinary tract infections and syphilis. He was
working then with Eli Lily Co., a U.S. pharmaceutical
• Agapito Flores
• Agapito Flores is the inventor of the fluorescent lamp which is
the most widely used source of lighting in the world today. The
fluorescent lamp reportedly got its name from Flores. The
Fluorescent lamp
fluorescent lamp, however, was not invented in a particular
year. It was the product of the development of the lighting
method that began with the invention of the electric light bulb
by Thomas Edison.
• Daniel Dingel
• Daniel Dingel started working on a water-powered car and
prototype in 1969. His hydrogen reactor uses electricity from a
Water-powered car 12-volt car battery to transform ordinary tap water with salt into
deuterium oxide or heavy water. Dingel’s car has never been
patented and commercializes because of what he suspects as
anti-Dingel car conspiracy by multinational oil companies.
• Eduardo San Juan
• Filipinos consider Eduardo San Juan as the inventor of the
Lunar Rover, or more popularly known as the Moon Buggy.
The Moon buggy was the car used by Neil Armstrong and other
astronauts when they first explored the moon in 1969. He
Lunar rover worked for Lockheed Corporation and conceptualized the
design of the Moon Buggy that the Apollo astronauts used. As
a NASA engineer, San Juan reportedly used his Filipino
ingenuity to build a vehicle that would run outside the Earth’s
atmosphere. He constructed his model using homemade

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