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Debido a la situación actual, continuaremos trabajando las unidades 6 “ Around the globe
in 12 days ” y 7 “Can we go green? ” desde casa. Como siempre, realizaremos actividades
y tareas que irán enfocadas a un producto final, a un trabajo final. En la unidad 6 “Around
the globe in 12 days” y en la Unidad 7 “Can we go green? ”, trabajaremos los siguientes puntos:

UNIT 6 Around the world in 12 days UNIT 7 Can we go green?

Grammar/ Gramática Grammar/Gramática

To ask questions about culture/ To be verb (verbo estar/ser), to have verb

preguntar a cerca de la cultura: (verbo tener), past tense was were (pasado del
What is the official language of
verbo ser o estar), simple past tense ( walked,
How many languages do they speak in…? danced, played...)
To ask questions about food/ preguntar
a cerca de la comida:
What is the traditional dish from
Turkey? What is the main ingredient of
To ask questions about transport
/preguntar a cerca del transporte
To ask questions about
people/preguntar sobre las personas:
What is Mary’s first/family name?
Who is…? How old is…?
To ask questions about jobs/preguntar
a cerca de los trabajos
To be verb (verbo estar), to have verb(
verbo tener)
How many (cuantos-contable)/how much
(cuál)/why(por qué), because (porque…)
Read the story the story of “Around
the World in 80 days” and answer the
questions (leer la historia de la vuelta
al mundo en 80 días y contestar a las
 Indicar a una persona para que llegue a
un sitio : go to the left/right, go
straight on, turn around, go pass, at the
corner of, next to, opposite, between….

Vocabulary/ Vocabulario Vocabulary/ Vocabulario

Desert,sea,forest,river, beach, mountain,
Food: cheesecake, tikka field (campos), lake.
masala, pizza, spring rolls, maki nori, fish Environment:
and chips.
Routines: Get ready for bed, paint the
car, do the laundry, sweep the floors, energy (energías limpias), biodiversity,
mow the lawn, hoover the carpets, cook, Global warming (calentamiento global)
do the dusting (limpiar el polvo), clean Biosphere (biosfera), solar energy (enería
the windows solar), green “issues”, smog (polución en la
ciudad), acid rain (lluvia ácida).
Adverbs: every now and again, hardly  Renewable energy, air pollution,
ever(casi nunca), very little, normally, forest, water waste (gasto de agua),
once in a blue moon (casi nunca), environmental pollution, recycling.
infrequently, now and then.
Participar en un debate sobre las energías
The time: quarter past, quarter to, renovables y el reciclaje, medidas a tomar Do
o’clock, half past, twenty five past, ten you think cars should be banned from city
to…. centers?/ ¿crees que los coches deberían estar
prohibidos en las ciudades?Do you think there are
lessons to learn from nature? How often is
garbage collected in your neighborhood? (every
day/once/twice a week)…( ¿cada cuánto tiempo se
recolecta la basura en tu casa? Cada día/ una vez a
la semana/dos veces a la semana….
Reading plan/Plan de lectura En pequeños rupos, los alumnos realizarán una
recolección de los elementos que encuentren en el
Realizar un mural, con el grupo-clase, patio en la hora del recreo (plásticos, botellas,
sobre los principales elementos y zumos, platinas…) y harán un estudio para saber qué
personajes de la historia leida “La vuelta material gastamos más y qué deberíamos hacer al
al mundo en 80 días” respecto (una campaña de concienciación, carteles,

Unidad 6 “Around the world in 80 days”

1. How are you today? I´m __________

2. What day is today? Today is ________
3. In what season are we? We are in Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter
4. What is the weather like today? Today is sunny/windy/stormy/cloudy
5. What do you have for breakfast? I am going to have ____________
6. What are you wearing today? I am wearing t-shit/trousers/shoes….
7. In what month are we? We are in March.
2- Reading comprehension. Answer the questions. Lee y contesta a las

Hello, My name is Leya and I am from Tanzania, Africa. My parents are from Kenia and my
grandparents too. I speak French, English and the “batú language”. We usually go for a walk
around the National Park “Tarangire” and “Manyara Lake”. We can climb and eat there. Our
traditional dish is “ugali” from the North of Tanzania. A dish full of meat and vegetables.
It´s delicious!
In Tanzania we can go to different places and parks by motorbike and on food. Cars are nor
common in our town, petrol is expensive!
Our family and people around me like dancing traditional
songs (with drums), we like singing, we protect our animals
and we plant fruit and vegetables. My grand father is the
president of Tanzania and that´s why I have the
opportunity to study and learn today. Only people with
money and recourses can grow and learn (write and read).
My granddad is 46 years old, I know! He is very young, but
my mum and my dad too! My mum is a cook and my dad is a
bus driver. I spend the majority of the time with my
granny Leya, that is where my name comes from. See you

1. What is the official language of Tanzania?

2. How many languages do they speak in…? 3-

3. What is the traditional dish from ….?

4. What is the main ingredient of paella?

5. What transport do they use?

6. What people normally do?
7. Who is his granddad?

8. How old is he?

9. What jobs do her family have?

Vocabulary game. Read the vocabulary and use your memory

to complete the charts. Lee el vocabulario y utiliza tu
memoria para completar la tabla.
café au lait

spring rolls
maki nori

fish and

4- Research about a country. Búsqueda a cerca de un país.

*Recuerda: para completar la table debes usar el presente simple y el vocabulario

que hemos trabajado. No abuses del traductor. Por ejemplo:

Country: Japan
In japan they speak Japanese
The official flag is white and red.
The currency (moneda official) in Japan is the yen
The traditional dish is sushi . The sushi is originated from the process of
preserving fish in fermented rice. Today it’s made with vinegared rice and fresh
fish, presented in a number of ways and shapes. People have a paficic life. They
practice yoga and they grow vegetables in their gardens.
Now is your turn. Ahora es tu turno.

 Country:

 In they speak

 The official flag is

 The currency (moneda official) in is

 The traditional dish is .

 People (traditions and habits)

5- Reading plan. Plan de lectura. Visualiza los vídeos y contesta a las

preguntas sobre la historia de Julio Verne “La vuelta al mundo en 80

The story of “Around the World in 80 days”

Chapter 1 (watch the video) 5’14 min.

1. What happened in the bank of England?

2. How much money will pay Stuart if Mr Fogg goes around the world in 80 days?

3. What time does the train for France leave?

4. Who is Mr Fix?

5. What countries do they travel to after

leaving France?

6. What does Mr Fix thinks?

*Recuerda: puedes consultar el diccionario u ordenador si tienes dudas con el vocabulario.

6- Personal questions. Complete the chart with the times and

your habits:

Questions Answers

A what time do you get ready for


Have you ever paint your family car?

Who in your house do your laundry?

How often do you sweep the floors?

Do you mow the lawn?

(¿tu cortas la hierba?

Who hoover the carpets in your


Do you cook?

How often do you clean the windows?

*Recuerda: para exlicar la cantidad de veces, en el tiempo, que realizas una acción puedes
utilizar: every now and again, hardly ever(casi nunca), very little, normally, once in a blue
moon (casi nunca), infrequently, now and then.

7-Answer the following questions. Challenge accepted.

Acepta el reto y contesta rápidamente. Actividad oral.

To ask questions about geography

Where is Madrid?
What is the capital of Ireland?
In which continent is Australia?
What country is next to England?
What is the biggest city in Spain?

To ask questions about culture

What is the official language of Tanzania?
How many languages do they speak in Africa?
What is the coin of Germany?
What is the most famous monument in Italy?

To ask questions about food

What is the traditional dish from Turkey?
What is the main ingredient of paella?
Name two ingredients you need to prepare a salad
Is a carrot cake a starter, a dessert or a main course from England?

To ask questions about transport (medios de transporte)

How can you travel to London from Spain?
What is the best way to get to Las palmas from Tejeda?

8-Complete the following sentences with your daily habits. Completa

las siguientes frases según tus hábitos diarios.

1 Every now and again I sweep the flours.

9- Language for asking for and giving directions. Lenguaje para dar
direcciones (llegar a algún sitio). Inventa las posibles respuestas para guiar
a un turista que se encuentra en el aeropuerto de Gatwick,Londres.
*Recuerda: para realizar la siguiente actividad, los alumnos/as deben contar con un mapa de
Londres (tablets, teléfonos, ordenadores). De no ser posible, contestaremos a las preguntas con
direcciones (ve a la izquierda y sigue recto, ve a la derecha y gira en la esquina, sigue recto y gira a la

Language for asking for directions.

Excuse me/ Please...
Remember to always be polite
Where is the Kensington hotel?
Do you know where the museum is?
Can you point me to the nearest hospital?
Can you give me quick directions to the post office?
Could you give me directions to High park?
Could you tell me the way to the London Eye?
Do you know how to get to the train station from here?
How do I get to the bank from here?
I'm looking for the theatre. I thought it was around here.
Do you know where it is?
I'm looking for the post office. Do you know how to get there?

Reading plan/Plan de lectura mural,
Left ← Right → Ahead ↑

go left go right go ahead

turn left turn right go straight ahead
turn left into … street turn right into … street go straight on
It’s on the left It’s on the right Go straight on (until you come to
Take the first/second road on the Take the first/second road on the …)
left right go along

Back ↓ now and again (periódicamente,
Prepositions una vez cada cierto
Other tiempo),
hardly ever(casi nunca), very little (muy poco), normally, once in a blue moon
Turn back (nunca, prácticamente),
opposite /near / infrequently,
next to now
crossand then.
go back between/ behind/ in front of at the end (of)
on/at the corner (just) around the corner
traffic lights/ crossroads/
junction/ signpost
con el grupo-clase, sobre los principales elementos y personajes de la historia leida
“La vuelta al mundo en 80 días”.

*Recuerda: en este caso la tarea final es opcional ya que no podemos asistir al

centro ni elaborar el mural para colgarlo en los pasillos.

Unidad 7 “Can we go green?”

1- Answer the question. Contesta a la pregunta y reflexiona.

-Do you think the school our school can go green? How? ¿Crees que nuestra
escuela puede “cuidar a nuestro medio”? ¿cómo?

2- Match the words in bold with their definitions. Relaciona la palabra con su
definición correcta. Une cada definición con su término medioambiental.

1. is a thin layer of gases that surrounds the Earth.

2. cutting down forests. solar energy

3. energy that does not create pollution.

acid rain

4. variety of plant and animal life in a region.

green “issues”

5. an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that

causes corresponding changes in climate.

7. energy
6. is the part
fromof the
the sun.
earth's atmosphere and surface in which animals
and plants can live. clean energy


8. a very common synonym for “environmental”.


9. an extreme form of air pollution almost like fog.

Global warming

10. rain that is “poisonous” because of the poor air quality.


3-Imagine three renewable energies in the Canary Islands

and write the name with the draw.

1 2 3

4-Reflexion task and research about your. Reflexiona e investiga sobre tu



What are some ways energy is wasted?
How many hours a day is the TV on at home?
Name some appliances that use energy at home.
What types of energy are popular in the Canary Islands?
What is the main problem with renewable energy sources?

In your school…

Do your teachers switch the smart board off when they finish?
Do you turn the lights off before leaving for break?

How do you come to school?
Are there many cars in your town or city?
Do you think cars should be forbidden in the city centres?
Should gas for motorists be more expensive?
Do you know any health problems caused by the air pollution?
What can big cities do to improve their air quality?
How can we protect the environment and at the same time improve people's quality of living?

What is deforestation?
What's happening to forests in the world?
Is it allowed to do a barbecue in a forest?
What can happen if you leave glass in the forest?
What happens when we remove plants or trees?
Are there any Natural or National Parks in the Canary Islands?
Do you know the name of endemic or autochthonous flora?
What can we do to preserve flora endangered species?
What can we do to protect forests?
What do you usually take, showers or baths?
How many times do you go to the toilet in a day?
Do you know if there is recipient to capture rainwater in the island you live on?

In your school…

Are there automated sprinklers in the soils?

Is there a drinking fountain in the playground?
Is there a garden? If so, how many days a week do you water it?
Where does the water come from?

Does anyone smoke at home? How do you feel about it?
What are some types of pollution?
What are some ways that you can reduce pollution in this country?
What can you do to help prevent pollution?
What should we do to increase the awareness about environmental pollution?
Do you have any ideas on how to minimize the use of plastic bags and Styrofoam boxes?

Do you recycle?
What are some things which you recycle?
Do you think recycling is an important community service?
Do you think people should recycle newspapers? Why or why not?
Do you have different containers to recycle at school? And at home?
Why should we recycle?
Does your local government make it easy or hard for citizens to recycle?

5. We are getting ready for the final task. Nos preparamos para la tarea
final de la unidad.

Final discussion. Debate final


● In what ways can we save more water? Please tell your experiences.

We can save water by ...

● Do you think cars should be banned from city centers?

● Do you think there are lessons to learn from nature?

● How often is garbage collected in your neighborhood? (every

day/once/twice a week)

In my neighbourhood..

● What are some things that can be recycled?

● What can you do to make this world a better place?

● What do you think of people who smoke cigarettes indoors?

In my opinion ...

● Which is more important, increasing people's standard of living, or

protecting the environment?

*Recuerda: La tarea final la dejaremos pendiente para la vuelta ya que no

podremos realizar la búsqueda en los patios del material que más se gasta en los
desayunos y snaks. Realizarán los deberes que puedan hacer hasta la fecha de
regreso al colegio, mucha calma y lean las preguntas detenidamente.

No obstante, les pido que estudien el vocabulario de la unidad como si fuera para
examen. Saludos y mucho ánimo.

The following links may help. Los siguientes links te ayudarían en la unidades


Medio ambiente

Renewable energy. Energías renovables
Enerías en la tierra
Vocabulary unit food

Grammar tutorials. Past tense.

Past tense
Past tense
Past tense
Past tense


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