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LESSON 1: Introduction Physical Education


Physical education has undergone many vicissitudes and several changes of direction in
Philippine schools. Time was when physical education was considered as education of the
physical, hence, a well-built physique was considered as a physically educated body. The
activities then were such terms as “drill”, “physical training” and calisthenics. This old concept
of physical education would in all respects mean today as strengthening the muscles.


The newer and modern concept of physical education is that it is education through
physical activities. In modern physical education parlance, it is education through “movement”.
“Wunderlich (1967) says of movement: It provides sensory data. It broadens the perceptive
horizon. It stimulates function and structure of all bodily organs. It is the means by which an
individual learns about himself in relation to his ambient environment. What education through
movement more particularly entails in addition is the taking of that culture-based family of
activities and processes – games, dance, gymnastics, athletic sports, and outdoor pursuits – as a
means through which the teacher can help effect desirable outcomes, regardless of whether or
not those activities have intrinsic worth of their own.
Physical education performs three functions: biologic, integrative, and social. Biologic
function refers to the enhancement of the individual’s growth and development through body
movement. Integrative function refers to personality integration achieved through participation
in properly selected physical education activities. The informal nature of the activities is such
that they provide relaxation and relief from strains and tensions, provide opportunities for
socialization, as well as the development of the mental capacities of the individual. The social
function consists of transmitting values and standards that are consistent with the needs and
ideals of Society.
All in all, physical education as education “through movement is best conceived of as
being that part of the educational process which aims to enhance and harmonize the physical,
intellectual, social and emotional aspects of a growing individual chiefly through professionally
selected and directed physical activities.
Physical education is an integral part of the educational program designed to promote
the optimum development of the individual physically, socially, emotionally, and mentally
through total body movement in the performance of properly selected physical activities.

Why Physical Education is as Important as School Work:

1. Physical activity enhances an individual’s ability to think, concentrate, & focus.

Several research studies show that performing physical activities helps in enlarging the basal
ganglia of the brain. The Basal Ganglia is a part of the brain which is responsible to maintain an
individual’s capability to focus.

In this current era, students have several diversions in the form of technology (television,
tablets, PCs, mobile phones), therefore, it is difficult for them to maintain focus. By promoting
physical education, school teachers can help them improve their concentration.

Scientific research also reveals that physical education in school helps improve the connections
between neurons in the brain. Healthy and well-connected neurons help improve the over-all
thinking ability of students, thus, making them more efficient in the classroom.

2. Physical activity is important for healthy growth & development.

In today’s world, many school children eat unhealthy foods. These may include fries, soft drinks,
pizzas, and burgers. Consuming these on a regular basis can lead to childhood obesity.

Physical education at school helps in preventing obesity and high blood pressure. Physical
exercise and activities will help them burn off their extra calories. If these calories are not
burned off they will be stored as fat. By doing physical exercises individuals use their extra
calories to gain energy.

Plus, such activities play an important role in the healthy growth and development of bones
and cartilages. Bone strengthening exercises such as jumping are particularly important for
school children as such activities produce a force onto the bone that helps enhance its strength
and growth.

While muscle strengthening exercises make muscles larger and stronger, they also help children
carry more weight and aid in protecting joints against injuries.
Being physically active makes the students energetic and strong, which can help motivate them
to take interest in classroom activities.

Exercises that help strengthen muscles include:

 climbing trees
 using monkey bars
 bike riding
 doing push-ups
 hula hooping

A physically active student will also have a healthy heart. Any exercise which provides oxygen to
the muscles is called an aerobic exercise. Such exercises are essential for a healthy heart.

Research shows that children who perform aerobic exercises, two to three times a week for at
least twenty minutes, have a healthier heart as compared to those who don’t take part in
physical education. Some of the healthy aerobic exercises are:

 playing basketball
 playing soccer
 jumping rope

3. Physical activity prevents sleep deprivation.

A complete night’s sleep is an essential component of a happy and healthy life. Those students
who take part in physical activities and exercise regularly have a tired and exhausted body that
craves a good night’s sleep.

Complete sleep makes kids more upright and attentive during lectures in the classroom. Being
attentive will help prevent them from performing careless mistakes and will provide them the
energy to be helpful towards teachers and fellow students.

4. Physical activity helps relieve stress and anxiety.

School life is hectic for every individual. Therefore, taking part in physical activities and
education allows students to relieve their academic stress and anxiety.

Stress might be due to a fight with a friend or a low grade despite hard work. Stressed students
are not able to concentrate and focus on their academic performance if they are not allowed
time to de-stress.

Physical activities give students an environment to breathe out their stress. By exercising and
breathing deeply, we provide extra air to our lungs which in turn provides more oxygen to the
brain, this makes the brain feel relaxed and stress-free.
A physically active individual is more likely to be happy and healthy, which makes them a better
student in the classroom. They often feel proud and happy about themselves and are good
towards their fellow students.

5. Physical activity makes an individual flexible and happy.

Many schools have made physical education an essential component of their school curriculum
and students are promoted to maintain a healthy balance between their education and

This is due to the fact that those students who take part in physical activities have proved to
be happier and healthier than those students who spend all their time doing school work.

Such activities help develop blood circulation in an individual’s body. This helps in providing
more oxygen to the heart and brain and allows the body to maintain a balance between
physical and mental health.

Balancing exercise and stretching also help improve flexibility and physical balance which
decreases the chances of injuries. Frequent exercise also makes it less stressful to handle
mental tasks.

Benefits of Physical Activity

1. Improve your memory and brain function (all age groups).

2. Protect against many chronic diseases.

3. Aid in weight management.

4. Lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

5. Improve your quality of sleep.

6. Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.

7. Combat cancer-related fatigue.

8. Improve joint pain and stiffness.

9. Maintain muscle strength and balance.

10. Increase life span.

FITNESS – A MAJOR GOAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Different people differ in their concept of
fitness. In the Field of physical education, the concept of fitness has implications for physical,
social, emotional, and mental well-being, considering these four aspects, it can be said that
fitness is the ability to live a healthy, satisfying, and useful life. This kind of life is what the
educational philosophers and thinkers’ term as the “good life.” This is the ultimate goal of
To live the good life” means that an individual satisfies his basic needs as physical well-
being, love, affection, security and self-respect. He lives happily with other people because he
likes them and is interested in them. He has an interest and de sire to serve humanity and
believes in and exemplifies high ethical standards. Because of his close relationship with people
and future events he lives an interesting and exciting life.
Physical education as a part of the educational system strives to help or facilitate the
development of the potentialities of the individual so that he can attain total fitness to enable
him to enjoy the “good life.” Therefore, a major goal of physical education is fitness.

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