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Lab No.

: 1 

Mole Concept - Quantitative Analysis (Acid/Base Titration) 

Aim: To determine the concentration of Hydrochloric Acid in

mol/dm and  g/dm using a prepared standard solution of sodium
3 3

carbonate of  concentration 0.3 mol/dm .   3

Skills: Manipulation and Measurement & Analysis and Interpretation 

Apparatus: 1000cm volumetric flask, Burette, 25cm pipette, pipette filler, 3 conical
3 3

flasks, 2  beakers, clamp stand, filter funnel, dropper, white tile, electronic balance. 
Reagents: Distilled water, Sodium Carbonate, 0.3mol/dm Hydrochloric Acid,


Diagram of Apparatus: 


A. Preparation of Standard Solution  

1. Calculate the mass of sodium carbonate required to prepare a solution of
concentration  0.3mol/dm   3

2. Weigh out the mass sodium carbonate required in a small beaker using an
electronic  balance.  
3. Dissolve mass of Sodium carbonate in distilled water.  
4. Pour solution into a 1000cm volumetric flask with the aid of a filter

funnel.  B. Acid/Base Titration

deCarteret College 3 CAPE Chemistry Unit 1 - Lab Manual 2021-2022 

Prepared by Daniel C. Walsh 
1. Rinse the burette with sodium carbonate and fill it with the same solution.
Use a filter  funnel when filling the burette. Ensure the tap is off before filling
the burette. 2. Pipette 25cm of hydrochloric acid solution into one of the conical

flasks. 3. Add three (3) drops of phenolpthalein indicator to the hydrochloric

acid. 4. Place the conical flask under the burette on top of a white tile.  
5. In the table provided record the initial volume of base in the burette.  
6. Gently add the base until the entire solution turns a very
pale/faint pink. 7. Record the final volume of acid in the burette
on the table provided.  
8. Repeat steps 2-7 until a total of three sets of readings are taken. 

Results: Record results in the table below.  

Volume, cm 3 
Rough  1  2  3

Final Volume 11.9 9. 19.0 28.5


Initial Volume 0.0 0. 0.6 19.0

Volume Used 11.9 9. 9.4 9.5


1. Calculate the mass of Sodium Carbonate required to prepare a solution of

0.3mol/dm   3

0.3 mol dm Na CO - 25cm

2 3

HCl-unknown conc. 
0.3 mol 1000cm 3

X mol 25cm 3

x=0.3 × 25

= 0.0075 mol Na CO   2 3

2. What is the average volume of Sodium Carbonate used for the titration? (1 mark)  

= 10.1cm 3

3. How many moles of the standard, Sodium Carbonate, are present in the average
volume  used in the titration? (2 marks)  

0.00074 moles

4. Write molecular and ionic equations to represent the reaction that occurred
during  titration. (4 marks) 
Na CO (aq)+ 2 HCl (aq) → 2 NaCl (aq) +CO (g) + H O (l)
2 3 2 2

5. How many moles of hydrochloric acid were present in the 25cm volume used? (2 3


1 mole Na CO : 2 mol HCl 

2 3

∴  0.0075 mole : x mole

x = 0.0075 × 2

= 0.015 moles HCl

6. Determine the molar concentration of Hydrochloric Acid in mol/dm . (2 marks) 

If 0.015 moles HCl is in 9.5 cm 3

x moles HCl in 1000cm (1dm ) 3 3

x = 0.015 × 1000


= 1.579 mol dm -3

7. Determine the mass concentration of Hydrochloric Acid in g/dm . (2 marks)  


0.03 mol dm-3 Na CO                            106 g

2 3 

moles= mass 

           molar mass

= 0.3 × 106 

= 31.8 in 1000cm 3

x g in 250 cm 3

x = 31.8 × 250


= 7.95g in 250 cm

Precaution/ Sources of Error: Faulty technique was used during the experiment. 


The molar concentration of Hydrochloric Acid in  mol/dm is 1.579 mol dm .

3 -3

Lab No.: 2  


Redox Titration 
Aim: To determine the concentration of KMnO 4 in mol/dm and 3

g/dm Skills: Manipulation and Measurement & Analysis and



Apparatus: Burette, 25cm pipette, pipette filler, 3 conical flasks, 2 beakers, clamp

stand, filter  funnel, dropper, white tile. 

Reagents: Distilled water, 35.0g/dm Iorn (II) Sulphate Acidified, Potassium

Permanganate  solution. 

Diagram of Apparatus:

1. Rinse the burette with potassium permanganate and fill it with the same
solution. Use a  filter funnel when filling the burette. Ensure the tap is off before
filling the burette. 2. Pipette 25cm of Ammonium Iorn (II) Sulphate into one of

the conical flasks. 3. Place the conical flask under the burette on top of a white
4. In the table provided record the initial volume of acid in the burette.  
5. Titrate to the first pink colour. 
6. Record the final volume of acid in the burette on the table provided.  
7. Repeat steps 2-6 until a total of three sets of readings are taken that differ by no
more  than 0.05cm . 3

Results: Record results in the table below.  

Volume, cm 3 
Rough  1  2  3

Final Volume 32.2 31.7 31.8 31.3

Initial Volume 0 0 0 0
Volume Used 32.2 31.7 31.8 31.3


1. What is the average volume of Potassium Permanganate used for the

titration? (1  mark)  

32.2 + 31.7 + 31.8 + 31.3 / 4 = 31.75

2. Write a balanced redox equation for this reaction (acidic conditions). 

Fe 🡪 Fe + e
2+ 3+ -

MnO + 5e 🡪 Mn 4
- - 2+

5Fe 🡪 5Fe + 5e
2+ 2+ -

MnO + 5e 🡪 Mn 4
- - 2+

5Fe + MnO + 5e 🡪 5Fe + 5e + Mn

- - 3+ - 2+

5Fe + MnO + 8H 🡪 5Fe + Mn + 4H O

- + 3+ 2+

8H + 5Fe + MnO 🡪 5Fe + Mn + 4H O

+ 2+
- 3+ 2+

3. Calculate the number of moles of Iron (II) Sulphate are present in the
standard  solution. (2 marks)  

Moles = mass/molar mass

= 35/152
= 0.23 mol/dm 3

              4. Calculate the number of moles of Iron (II) Sulphate are present in the 25cm solution. 

(2 marks) 

Mol = C x V
= 0.23 x 0.025
=0.00575 mol

5. Determine the mole ratio for the reaction. (1 mark) 

The reaction has a 1:5 mole ratio

6. Calculate the number of moles of KMnO in the average volume used. (2 marks) 

For Iron sulphate, the number of moles in 0.025dm was 0.00575mol. 3

The number of moles in 0.010175 dm of iron sulphate would be 0.00234 moles. 


Since there is a 1:5 mole ratio, this number would be divided by 5. 0.00234/5 = 0.000468 moles. 
Therefore, there are 0.000468 moles present in 0.010175 dm KMnO 3

7. Determine the molar concentration of Potassium Permanganate in mol/dm . (2 marks) 


Conc. = moles/volume = 0.000468/0.010175 = 0.046 mol dm -3

             8. Determine the mass concentration of Potassium Permangante in g/dm . (2 marks)  


Mass = moles/molar mass =0.046/158.03

= 0.00029g/dm 3

Precautions/Sources of Error:  Parallax error

Conclusion: KMnO has 0.00029g/dm , and 0.046mol/dm

3 3

Lab No. 2 – Mark Scheme 

Skill: Manipulation and Measurement & Analysis and Interpretation

Redox Titration  
Analysis & Interpretation
Lab No.: 3 

Energetics – Enthalpy of Reaction 

Aim: To determine the molar enthalpy change for the reaction

between Magnesium metal and Hydrochloric Acid 
Skills: Analysis and Interpretation  

Apparatus: Thermometer, foam cup, electronic balance, stopwatch 

Reagents: Magnesium powder, 2.0moldm hydrochloric acid 



1. Accurately weigh, to two decimal places, an empty weighing bottle (small

beaker).  2. Place between 0.55g and 0.65g of magnesium powder into the
weighing bottle. Record  your weighing in the table below.  
3. Pipette 50.0cm of 2.0 moldm hydrochloric acid into a foam cup. 
3 -3

4. Stir gently using a thermometer and take the temperature every

30seconds.  5. At exactly 3 minutes add magnesium powder to the
foam cup.  
6. Stir thoroughly using the thermometer and continue to take the temperature
every 30  seconds, from 3 ½ minutes to 10 minutes.  
7. Reweigh the weighing bottle and any residual powder and record the mass in the
table  below.  

Results: Table 1 – Mass of Magnesium Powder  

Mass of Weighing bottle (g)  177.8 g

Mass of Weighing bottle + Magnesium  Powder 178.40

Mass of Weighing Bottle + Residual  Magnesium 177.88


Mass of Magnesium Powder in Foam cup 0.4 + 28.6 = 29 g

Table 2 – Temperature Readings 

Time Temperature ( C)o
Time (mins)  Temperature

0  25 5½ 41

½  25 6 43

1  25 6½ 45

1 ½  25 7 45.5
2  25 7 ½  46

2 ½  2 8 46

3  2 8 ½  46

3 ½  2 9 46

4  3 9 ½  46

4 ½  3 10  46.1

5 3

Treatment of Data:  

1. Write a balanced equation for the reaction which occurred.  

Mg (s)+ 2 HCl (aq) → MgCl (aq) + H (g)

2 2

2. Plot a graph of temperature against time.  

3. Extrapolate to determine the temperature of the solution at 3 minutes. Use this

value to determine the highest temperature change.  


1. How many moles of magnesium were added to the cup?  

Moles = mass
molar mass

Mass of magnesium powder = (mass of weighing bottle + magnesium powder) – (mass

of weighing bottle)
= (45.80g) – (45.20g)
= 0.60g
Moles = 0.60g
24g mol-1

= 0.025 moles of magnesium

2. Calculate the heat produced when magnesium is added to excess acid in

the cup. [You man assume that 4.30J are required to raise the temperature
by 1.00cm of any  dilute solution by 1.00ºC]  

ΔH = mcΔT
ΔT = (25.3 oC) – (24 oC) = 1.3 oC
ΔH = (0.60g) × (4.30 Jg-1k-1) × (1.3 oC)
= 3.354 kJ

3. Calculate the molar enthalpy change for the reaction which occurred.
Include three significant figures, the correct sign and the units in your

Molar enthalpy change = ΔH ÷ n

= (3,354kJ) ÷ (0.025 mol)
= 134.16 kJ mol-1
The type of reaction is exothermic [⸫ ΔH= -ve] = -134 kJ mol-1

Conclusion: The molar enthalpy change for the reaction between Magnesium metal
and Hydrochloric Acid is -134 kJ mol-1.d

Lab. No.: 4 


The Effect of Concentration on Rate of Reaction 

Aim: To investigate the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction

between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid.  

Apparatus: 3 beakers, 2 measuring cylinder, 1 glass rod, 1 funnel ,paper , pencil,

stopwatch Reagents: Sodium Thiosulphate, Hydrochloric Acid, Distilled Water 

Diagrams of Apparatus:  
1) Using a pencil, draw a cross in the middle of a piece of paper. 

2) Use a measuring cylinder to pour 50cm of sodium thiosulphate (Na S O )

2 2 3

into an empty beaker. 

3) Center the beaker onto the cross that is drawn on the paper. 
4) Add 50cm of hydrochloric acid to the beaker and start the stopwatch

immediately. 5) View the cross through the beaker from above. Stop the
time on the stopwatch immediately as the cross disappears.
5) Record the time and repeat the procedure using a different concentration of
sodium thiosulphate each time. Reduce the volume of the Na S O each time by
2 2 3

10cm and add 10cm of water to the mixture to maintain the 50cm in the
3 3 3

measuring cylinder at all times. 

6) Record the times and tabulate the results.  

Results: Record Results in the table below. 

Volume of Acid  (cm ) 3
Volume of   Volume of Water  (cm ) 3
Reaction Time  
Sodium   (sec) 
(cm )
50cm   3
50cm   3
0  34.39 
50cm   40cm   47.17
3 3
50cm   3
30cm   3
20  102.29
50cm   3
20cm   3 236.63
50cm   3
10cm   3

40  -
50cm 3
0cm 3


Treatment of Data:  

1. Plot a graph of volume of sodium thiosulphate against time. 

2. Plot a graph of Volume of sodium thiosulphate against the inverse of
time (1/t).  3. Identify the controlled, manipulated and responding

Discussions: Your discussion should include the following points.  

Rate of reaction, in chemistry, is defined as the speed at which a chemical

reaction proceeds.
A non-linear connection may be seen in the form of the graph showing the
volume of sodium thiosulfate versus time, as well as in the graph showing that
volume against time. This demonstrates a link in proportion. The rate of a
reaction declines as the concentration of the reactants increases, according to
observations and data gathered. This happens as a result of fewer collisions
taking place when focus falls. Because there are fewer collisions, fewer reactants
collide in the proper orientation to complete the reaction, which results in fewer
products being created. Both the order of N2S2O3 and the order of HCl are first

There are four other general properties that can affect the rate of a reaction:

1) Temperature. Usually reactions speed up with increasing temperature.

2) Physical state of reactants. Powders react faster than blocks - greater surface
area and since the reaction occurs at the surface we get a faster rate.
3) The presence (and concentration/physical form) of a catalyst (or inhibitor). A
catalyst speeds up a reaction, an inhibitor slows it down.
4) Light. Light of a particular wavelength may also speed up a reaction.
Conclusion: Write a suitable conclusion based on the aim of the experiment. 
Lab No.: 6 


Effect of Temperature and Concentration on Chemical Equilibrium  

Aim: To demonstrate the effects of changes in temperature and

concentration on equilibrium. 

Apparatus: Boiling tubes, beakers, Ice bath, hot water bath,  

Reagents: Cobalt II Chloride, Hydrochloric Acid, distilled water.  

[Co(H O) ]
2 6
(aq) + 4Cl ⇌ [CoCl ] + 6H O
(aq) 4
(aq) 2 (l)  
(pink) (blue)


1. Boil a beaker of water and prepare a beaker of crushed ice and water. 

2. Dissolve about 4 g of cobalt II chloride in 40 cm of water in a beaker. A reddish-


pink, approximately 0.4mol/dm solution will be formed. 


3. Make the pink cobalt chloride solution up to 100cm with 3

60cm concentrated hydrochloric acid from a measuring cylinder. A violet-


colored solution should be formed.  

4. Place about 2 cm depth of this system in each of the six test tubes in two groups of
three in test tube racks.  
For investigating changes in concentration: 

5. Keeping one tube as a control, use separate pipettes to add water to the second tube
and concentrated hydrochloric acid to the third until the colours change.  
6. Show that these changes are reversible by adding concentrated HCl to the
second test tube and water to the third. 
For investigating changes in temperature: 

7. Starting with three tubes of violet-coloured solution, keep one tube as a control, and
place the second tube in the hot water (over 90 °C). Put the third test tube in the ice-
water mixture.
deCarteret College 15 CAPE Chemistry Unit 1 - Lab Manual 2021-2022 
Prepared by Daniel C. Walsh 
8. Show that the changes are reversible by placing the second test tube in the ice-
water mixture and the third test tube in the hot water. 
System Conditions Observation Inference

Investigating changes in Concentration

Equilibrium shifts to the right and [CoCl4]2-

Addition of HCl Pink to blue

Addition of water Blue to pink Equilibrium shifts to the left and [Co(H 2O)6]2+

Investigating changes in Temperature

Beaker placed in boiling Pink to darker

[CoCl4]2+ produced
water pink

Pink to lighter
Beaker placed in ice [Co(H2O)6]2- produced


∙ Describe what happens as the tube is shaken. 

Shaking the solution raises the concentration of oxygen in the mixture and this oxidizes the methylene
blue back to its blue form.

∙ What is the role of the Zinc metals in this experiment?

∙ Write the balanced chemical equations for each reduction step. Identify the colored species. 

∙ Provide the oxidation state and the d electron count for each vanadium species. ∙ Arrange the
vanadium species in order of increasing crystal field splitting. ∙ Can V5+ and V4+ exist free in aqueous
solution? Why? 

Conclusion: Write a suitable conclusion in response to the aim of the experiment.

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