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Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 1 14. 10. 16.

오후 4:35

Grammar Point Practice

중등 내신에 꼭 필요한 문법 사항을 간결하고 명확하게 제시해 중등 다양한 유형의 문제를 풀어보면서 학습한 문법 사항에 대한 이해를
문법의 기본을 확실히 다질 수 있습니다. 확실히 체크해 볼 수 있습니다.

U n i t

to부정사의 명사적 용법 Practice Answer Keys p. 02

Chapter to부정사의 형태: to + 동사원형 A 밑줄 친 부분이 주어, 보어, 목적어 중 어떤 역할을 하는지 쓰시오.

Opener to부정사의 역할: 명사, 형용사, 부사 1 To lose weight isn’t easy.

2 I decided to take piano lessons after school.

A to부정사의 명사적 용법
3 My dream is to become a famous model.
to부정사가 명사처럼 주어, 목적어, 보어의 역할을 한다.
1 주어 역할: ~하는 것은 4 I want to go to a university in the United States.

To see a movie star in person is exciting.

= It is exciting to see a movie star in person.
To work at a ticket booth is not boring. B 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

1 She hopes become a good professor.

2 목적어 역할: ~하는 것을
2 I don’t know what eat for lunch.
want hope decide plan promise agree learn wish expect 3 It is very rude yell at people.

My mom promised to buy me a new computer. 4 He told me to join not the tennis club.
I like to share my ideas on social networking sites.

3 보어 역할: ~하는 것(이다)

C 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말과 알맞은 의문사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.
Our plan is to leave early and arrive before lunchtime.
The duty of the police is to protect people. fix tell start

cf. to부정사의 부정: not + to-v 1 나는 Jackson에게 무엇을 말해야 할지 모르겠다.

My mom told me not to open the door for strangers. I don’t know Jackson.

2 그들은 그들의 차를 수리하는 방법을 몰랐다.

They didn’t know their car.

B 의문사 + to부정사
3 너의 발표가 언제 시작해야 하는지 말해 줄게.

what to-v: 무엇을 ~할지 where to-v: 어디서 ~할지 I will tell you your presentation.
when to-v: 언제 ~할지 how to-v: 어떻게 ~할지, ~하는 법
who(m) to-v: 누구를 ~할지

Please tell him what to do when he arrives.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.
Can you show me how to use this copier? 1 내 목표는 금메달을 따는 것이다. (win)
cf. 「의문사 + to-v」는 대개 「의문사 + 주어 + should/can/could + 동사원형」으로 바꿔 쓸 수 있다. My goal a gold medal.
I have no idea where to look for a part-time job.
2 그는 빨간색 재킷을 반품하길 원했다. (want, return)
→ I have no idea where I should look for a part-time job.
He the red jacket.

3 밤을 새서 공부하는 것은 건강에 좋지 않다. (study, all night)

is not good for your health.

4 이 기계를 멈추는 방법을 모르겠다. (stop, machine)

I don’t know .

22 Chapter 02 to부정사 23

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 2 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Grammar & Writing 서술형 대비
4가지 유형의 서술형 Task(문장완성, 그림묘사, 자료해석, 오류수정)를 통해 문법과 영작 실력
향상뿐만 아니라 내신 서술형 문제들도 완벽히 대비할 수 있습니다.

Grammar Writing 서술형 대비 Answer Keys p. 03

Task 1 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오. Task 3 빈칸에 알맞은 단어 꾸러미를 찾아 바르게 배열하여 문장을 완성하시오.
단 어 그 림
배 열 1 나는 오늘 할 일이 많지 않다. (much work, don’t, I, do today, have, to) 묘 사
Preparing for a World Tour
1 2 3 4
2 지금 당장 의논할 것이 있나요? (anything, right now, discuss, is there, to) 다양한 도표, 그림, 그래프 등 자료
3 나는 진통제를 좀 사려고 약국에 들렀다. (the drugstore to, some painkillers, I, buy, stopped by)
to, sunglasses, protect read, to, some books 이해력이 필요한 서술형 유형
presents, give, to wear, sweaters, to
4 그녀는 수학에서 B를 받아서 실망한 듯 보였다. (disappointed, in math, to, she, get a B, looked)

There are many things to prepare for your trip.

5 그의 고향은 너무 멀어서 차로 갈 수 없다. (go to by car, his hometown, too far away, is, to) 1 Pack in cold countries.

2 Take your eyes from the sun.

6 이 상자는 책을 전부 넣을 만큼 충분히 크다. (enough, hold, is, to, all the books, big, this box) 3 Include to the people you meet.

4 Don’t forget to bring on the train.

고 난 도

Task 2 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오. Task 4 아래 대화에서 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 O, 어색하면 X를 체크한 후, 어색한 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
문 장 오 류
완 성 1 당신을 곧 다시 만나길 바랍니다. (hope, see) 수 정
Erin: 1 I want to run a marathon this summer.
I again soon.
Unfortunately, I don’t know 2 how preparing for
2 내 계획은 마드리드에서 이틀 밤을 보내는 것이다. (plan, spend)
You should find 3 a person gives you advice.
학습한 문법 사항을 종합적으로
two nights in Madrid.
How about talking to my cousin? His job is
3 우리 엄마는 결혼한 후에 운전하는 방법을 배우셨다. (learn, drive)

My mom after she got married. Erin:

4 trains athletes. I can give you his number.
Thanks! It is 5 so kind for you to help me.
이해해야 풀 수 있는 고난도 오류수정
4 그가 Lisa를 ‘돼지’라고 부른 것은 나빴다. (mean, call)

It Lisa “piggy.” 1 (O/X)

2 (O/X)
5 너무 비가 심하게 와서 운전을 빨리 할 수 없었다. (rain, hard, drive)

It was fast. 3 (O/X)

4 (O/X)
6 그 소파는 그 위에서 잠을 잘 만큼 편안하다. (comfortable, sleep)
5 (O/X)
The couch on.

32 Chapter 02 to부정사 33

Actual Test 내신 대비
학교 시험과 가장 유사한 유형의 객관식과 서술형 문제를 통해 완벽한 실전 대비를 할 수

Actual Test 내신 대비 Answer Keys p. 03

[1-2] 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 5 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은? 서술형 13 ⓐ It isn’t an easy song to sing.

1 9 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오. ⓑ Toronto is a good city to live in.
an honor to meet you. A: I don’t know to make for dinner. ⓒ Your dog has a good toy to play.
B: How about bulgogi? Bob의 부모님은 무척 너그럽게도 나를 집에 태워다 ⓓ It is a great topic to write about.
ⓐ I am ⓑ She is 주셨다.
A: Do you know to make bulgogi? ⓔ There wasn’t anyone to talk to.
ⓒ He is ⓓ It is (give, generous, to, were, enough)
B: No, I don’t. But we can look up the recipe
ⓔ That is
on the Internet. Bob’s parents

ⓐ how — what me

ⓑ what — where a ride home.

2 I wasn’t sure apologize to Clara. ⓒ what — how
ⓓ when — how
[14-16] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을
ⓐ to ⓑ when ⓔ where — what
ⓒ why ⓓ when to
ⓔ to when [10-11] 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른 것을 14 우리는 서로에게 거짓말을 하지 않기로 약속했다.
고르시오. (promise, lie)

서술형 10 ⓐ I called my uncle to check his schedule. We

[6-8] 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. ⓑ I have a good place to recommend to you.
to each other.

빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은? ⓒ We met at the station to take a train to
6 Can you tell me where I should put this file? Boston.
• There are many in the
Can you tell me ⓓ I called the restaurant to cancel my
• They need them. this file?
ⓔ Jeff got a part-time job to buy a new bike.

ⓐ dishes wash — someone help Chapter 2 to부정사

ⓑ dishes washing — someone help to

그 경기에 지게 되어 무척 실망스러웠다.
to부정사의 명사적 용법 C 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말과 to부정사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.
ⓒ dishes wash to — someone to help (very frustrating, lose)
Answer Keys p. 23
ⓓ dishes to wash — to help someone 7
what how who where when

To raise children is not easy. 11 ⓐ She hopes to become a doctor. It

ⓔ dishes to wash — someone to help A 밑줄 친 부분이 주어, 목적어, 보어 중 어떤 역할을 하는지 쓰시오. 1 그녀는 내게 기타를 연주하는 법을 가르쳐줬다.
ⓑ He likes to study in the early morning.
It is the game. 1 Rachel likes to teach young children.
She taught me the guitar.
ⓒ I want to go to a nice restaurant for dinner. 2 나는 그녀에게 무엇이라고 말할지 모르겠다.
2 To walk alone late at night is scary.
. I have no idea to her.
ⓓ Emma went shopping to buy summer clothes. 3 Their project is to plan a future city.
3 그는 언제 그녀의 사무실을 방문할지 물어봤다.
ⓔ We decided to throw a farewell party for John. 4 He hopes to go to a good university.
He asked her office.
4 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? 5 Her goal is to set a world record.
4 나는 누구에게 도움을 요청할지 모르겠다.
6 He wants to get along with his classmates.
ⓐ It is silly you not to talk with Jason. I don’t know for help.
7 My hobby is to grow vegetables and flowers.
ⓑ It was wise 5
Cindy to take your 8 To have an early dinner is good for your diet.
좋은 컴퓨터를 어디서 살 수 있는지 말해주겠니?

Can you tell me a good computer?

advice. 8 His car trunk was too small to hold four
16 그 문제는 그들에게는 너무 어려워서 풀 수 없었다.
9 We promised to meet up on Christmas Eve.
[12-13] 다음 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오. 10 To take a short nap in the afternoon can refresh you.
ⓒ It was interesting him to learn
suitcases. (difficult, solve)
Chinese. 12 ⓐ I’m very surprised to see you here.
ⓓ It was careless her to make such a His car trunk was ⓑ I have an idea to where go on Sunday. The question
B 주어진 말과 to부정사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오. (단, 한 번씩만 쓸 것) D Writing Practice 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

mistake. ⓒ My plan is to pick them up at the airport. [1-4]

write get take move
1 가장 좋은 것은 너의 부모님께 그것에 대해 말하는 것이다. (tell, about)

The best thing to do .

ⓔ It was mean Jackson not to invite ⓓ She was too busy to go on the trip with us.
four suitcases. . 1 good grades is important to me. 2 기차역에 어떻게 가는지 알려주세요. (get to)
you. ⓔ My little brother learned to use the computer. 2 She decided an autobiography. Please show me .
3 They are planning to the countryside. 3 그녀는 처음에는 거기에 가려고 계획하지 않았다. (go)

4 Her job is care of elderly people. at first.

34 Chapter 02 to부정사 35[5-8] arrive change exercise believe

to find my key like Brad Pitt in Mr. Lee’s business

5 in yourself is very important. 4 그는 Brad Pitt 같은 큰 스타가 되기를 원한다. (become)

6 You need more to get healthy.

7 Did everyone agree the date of the meeting? 5 나는 내 열쇠를 찾기 위해 어디를 봐야 할지 모르겠다. (look)

8 They expect in New York early in the morning.

6 그들은 Mr. Lee의 사업에 그들의 돈을 투자하기로 동의했다. (invest)

10 Chapter 02 to부정사 11

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 3 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35


01 문장의 형식
Unit 1 문장을 이루는 요소 08
Unit 2 1형식, 2형식 10
Unit 3 3형식, 4형식 12
Unit 4 5형식 14

02 to부정사
Unit 1 to부정사의 명사적 용법 22
Unit 2 to부정사의 형용사적 용법 24
Unit 3 to부정사의 부사적 용법 26
Unit 4 가주어와 진주어, 의미상의 주어 28
Unit 5 too ... to-v, ... enough to-v 30

03 동명사
Unit 1 동명사의 역할 38
Unit 2 동명사와 to부정사 40

04 분사
Unit 1 현재분사와 과거분사 48
Unit 2 분사구문 50

05 시제
Unit 1 현재, 과거, 미래, 진행시제 58
Unit 2 현재완료시제 60

06 조동사
Unit 1 can, may, will 68
Unit 2 must, have to, should 70
Unit 3 would like to, had better, used to 72

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 4 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

07 대명사
Unit 1 부정대명사 80
Unit 2 재귀대명사 82

08 비교
Unit 1 원급, 비교급, 최상급 90
Unit 2 비교 구문을 이용한 표현 92

09 접속사와 절
Unit 1 부사절, 시간을 나타내는 접속사 100
Unit 2 이유, 결과를 나타내는 접속사 102
Unit 3 조건, 양보를 나타내는 접속사, 짝으로 이루어진 접속사 104

10 관계사
Unit 1 주격, 목적격, 소유격 관계대명사 112
Unit 2 관계대명사 that, what, 관계대명사의 생략 114
Unit 3 관계부사 116

11 수동태
Unit 1 수동태의 형태와 시제 124
Unit 2 수동태의 여러 가지 형태 126
Unit 3 주의해야 할 수동태 128

12 가정법
Unit 1 가정법 과거, 가정법 과거완료 136
Unit 2 I wish, as if 138

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 5 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 6 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35
문장의 형식
Unit 1 문장을 이루는 요소

Unit 2 1형식, 2형식

Unit 3 3형식, 4형식

Unit 4 5형식


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 7 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

문장을 이루는 요소
Chapter 문장: 주어, 동사, 목적어, 보어, 수식어와 같은 여러 가지 문장의 요소로 이루어진다.

A 문장의 요소
영어 문장은 기본적으로 주어와 동사가 있어야 하며, 문장에 따라 목적어와 보어가 꼭 필요한 경우도 있다.
그 외에 문장의 의미를 풍부하게 하기 위해 수식어가 첨가될 수 있다.

He is my favorite singer.
주어 동사 보어

She bought many things at the mall.

주어 동사 목적어 수식어

1 주어

행동이나 상태의 주체가 되는 말로, 문장에서 ‘~는/가’로 해석된다. 주로 명사(구)나 대명사가 주어로 쓰이고
동명사구나 to부정사구와 같이 긴 주어가 오기도 한다.
Seoul is the capital of Korea.
Eating healthy food is important.

2 동사

주어의 행동이나 상태를 나타내는 말로, 문장에서 ‘~하다/이다’로 해석된다. 전치사, 조동사 등과 함께 두 단어
이상의 구를 이루기도 한다.

She is looking for a new job.

We should leave in an hour.

3 목적어

동사의 대상이 되는 말로, 문장에서 ‘~을/를’로 해석된다. 동사 뒤에 오며, 주로 명사(구)나 대명사가 목적어로
쓰이고 동명사구나 to부정사구와 같이 긴 목적어가 오기도 한다.
I cleaned my room.
He likes to play baseball.

4 보어

주어나 목적어에 대해 보충 설명하는 말이다. 동사 뒤에서 주어를 보충 설명하는 주격보어와 목적어 뒤에서 목적어를
보충 설명하는 목적격보어가 있다. 주로 명사(구)나 대명사, 형용사(구)가 보어로 쓰인다.

Sarah looked happy. <주격보어>

We call Elizabeth “Liz.” <목적격보어>

5 수식어

문장의 필수 요소는 아니지만 문장의 의미를 풍부하게 하는 말이다. 주로 형용사, 부사, 전치사구가 수식어로

Mozart is a famous composer.

Last night, I met Jennifer at the movie theater.

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 8 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 01

A ( ) 안에서 밑줄 친 부분의 문장 요소로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1 My mom washed her car in the morning. (목적어 / 보어)

2 The children were playing in the backyard. (동사 / 목적어)

3 I had lunch at two o’clock. (보어 / 수식어)

4 She became a math teacher. (목적어 / 보어)

B 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 골라 문장을 완성하시오.

great wrote dinner my teacher

1 I my name on the paper.

2 often wears a suit.

3 His presentation was .

4 We had at a Chinese restaurant.

C 각 밑줄 친 부분의 문장 요소가 무엇인지 쓰시오.

주어 동사 목적어 보어 수식어

1 Ryan and Sam are best friends.

2 You should finish the work by six o’clock.

3 Studying English is easy.

4 My dad stopped smoking last year.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오.

1 Tom과 나는 같은 학교에 다닌다. (go to, Tom and I, the same school)

2 그녀는 일기를 쓰고 있었다. (was, a diary, she, writing in)

3 그것은 정말 놀라운 소식이다. (very surprising, it, news, is)

4 우리는 그 영화를 극장에서 봤다. (that movie, we, at the theater, saw)

Chapter 01 문장의 형식 9

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 9 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

1형식, 2형식
A 1형식: 주어 + 동사
1형식 문장은 목적어나 보어를 필요로 하지 않는다. 뒤에 부사(구), 전치사구 등의 수식어를 함께 쓰기도 한다.

Olivia exercises every day.

주어 동사 수식어(부사)

My grandfather was sleeping in the bedroom.

B 2형식: 주어 + 동사 + 주격보어
2형식 문장은 주격보어가 주어를 보충 설명한다. 주격보어로는 명사(구)나 형용사(구)가 온다.

They are high school students.

주어 동사 주격보어(명사)

1 상태동사 + 명사/형용사

상태를 나타내는 be동사와 상태 변화를 나타내는 become, get, go, grow, turn 뒤에는 주격보어로 명사나
형용사가 온다.
(1) be, become + 명사/형용사
The man is a doctor.
She became famous all over the world.
(2) get, go, grow, turn + 형용사
It gets dark quickly after sunset.

2 감각동사 + 형용사

감각을 표현하는 동사 look, sound, smell, feel, taste 뒤에는 주격보어로 형용사가 온다
Justin looks angry.
That idea sounds perfect.
The pizza smells good.
The sweater feels soft.
The soup tastes great.

cf. 감각동사의 주격보어가 부사처럼 해석되어도 형용사를 쓴다는 것에 유의한다.

He feels happy today. (O)
He feels happily today. (X)


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 10 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 01

A 다음 문장에서 주격보어를 찾아 쓰시오. (주격보어가 없을 경우 X)

1 Alice was angry at me.

2 He became an artist.

3 My sister lives in Australia.

4 Your plan sounds fantastic.

B ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 This dishwasher works ( good / well ).

2 Everybody was ( happy / happily) with the results.

3 This orange tastes very (sweet / sweetly).

4 After we set up our tent, the sky grew (darkness / dark).

C 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

1 The milk went badly.

2 The show was perfectly.

3 The black dress looked nicely on her.

4 Jason became richness after he started the company.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말과 알맞은 감각동사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 저 털 코트는 비싸 보인다. (fur coat, expensive)

That .

2 그 소고기 스튜는 맛있는 냄새가 난다. (beef stew, delicious)

3 네 의견은 아주 좋게 들린다. (idea, very good)

4 그 토마토 수프는 매운맛이 나니? (tomato soup, spicy)

Does ?

Chapter 01 문장의 형식 11

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 11 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

3형식, 4형식
A 3형식: 주어 + 동사 + 목적어
3형식 문장은 동사 뒤에 한 개의 목적어가 오고, 목적어는 ‘~을/를’로 해석된다. 목적어로는 주로 명사(구)나 대명사가

Our team won the game.

주어 동사 목적어

George ate a sandwich in the cafeteria.

B 4형식: 주어 + 동사 + 간접목적어 + 직접목적어

‘…에게 ~을 (해) 주다’를 의미하는 수여동사는 두 개의 목적어, 즉 간접목적어(…에게)와 직접목적어(~을)를 필요로

give tell sell send show write teach

lend buy make cook get ask

I sent my grandparents a card.

주어 동사 간접목적어 직접목적어

David bought me this T-shirt.

C 4형식 문장의 3형식 문장 전환

4형식 문장은 간접목적어와 직접목적어의 순서를 바꾸어 3형식 문장으로 전환할 수 있다. 이때, 대부분의 동사는
간접목적어 앞에 전치사 to를 쓰지만 for를 쓰는 동사도 있다.

Susan gave me a wedding invitation. <4형식>

간접목적어 직접목적어

Susan gave a wedding invitation to me. <3형식>

직접목적어 간접목적어

1 to를 쓰는 동사 : give, tell, sell, send, show, write, teach, lend 등

Jake showed me his new car. <4형식>

→ Jake showed his new car to me. <3형식>

2 for를 쓰는 동사 : buy, make, cook, get 등

I bought Ashley a wallet. <4형식>

→ I bought a wallet for Ashley. <3형식>


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 12 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 01

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 Eric teaches English (to / for) little kids.

2 She sent ( me a package / a package me).

3 We made a cake ( to / for) Emma.

4 I lent 100 dollars ( to / for) Isaac.

5 Sam will show ( his painting us / us his painting) next Friday.

B 주어진 문장을 3형식 문장으로 바꿔 쓰시오.

1 Sophia gave me a present.

Sophia gave .

2 He got his sister a book.

He got .

3 I told my friends the story.

I told .

4 My mom cooked us chicken pasta.

My mom cooked .

C 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 그들은 내 컴퓨터를 재빨리 고쳤다. (fix, computer)

They quickly.

2 할머니께서 내게 스웨터를 만들어 주셨다. (make, a sweater)

My grandmother .

3 그는 그의 차를 친구에게 팔았다. (sell, car)

He his friend.

4 나는 Julia를 위해 초콜릿을 샀다. (buy, chocolate)

I Julia.

5 제가 당신에게 개인적인 질문을 해도 될까요? (ask, a personal question)

May I ?

Chapter 01 문장의 형식 13

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 13 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

A 5형식: 주어 + 동사 + 목적어 + 목적격보어
5형식 문장은 목적격보어가 목적어를 보충 설명한다. 동사가 가지는 의미에 따라 명사(구), 형용사(구), to부정사(구),
동사원형 등이 목적격보어로 올 수 있다.
My parents want me to study harder.
주어 동사 목적어 목적격보어

1 목적격보어로 명사(구)를 쓰는 동사 : call, make, name 등

Some people call him a genius.

The experience made me a stronger person.

2 목적격보어로 형용사(구)를 쓰는 동사 : make, keep, find, believe, think 등

Their visit made me happy.

Drink some hot tea. It will keep you warm.

3 목적격보어로 to부정사(구)를 쓰는 동사 : want, tell, ask, expect, allow 등

He asked me to say hello to you.

My mom allowed me to sleep at my aunt’s house.

4 목적격보어로 동사원형을 쓰는 동사
1) 사역동사: make, let, have
사역동사는 주어가 목적어에게 어떤 동작을 하도록 시키는 동사이다.

My teacher made me apologize to Megan.

The manager let her take a day off. <let은 허가의 의미를 지님>

cf. get도 사역의 의미로 쓰이지만 목적격보어로 to부정사(구)를 쓴다.

My teacher got me to help Emma.

cf. help는 목적격보어로 동사원형과 to부정사(구)를 모두 쓸 수 있다.

Tina helped Billy (to) write his report.

2) 지각동사: see, watch, hear, smell, feel

지각동사는 감각기관을 통해 느끼는 것을 나타내는 동사이다.

We heard her play the guitar.

cf. 동작이 진행 중임을 강조할 때에는 목적격보어로 현재분사를 쓰기도 한다.

I saw Daniel running to school.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 14 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 01

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 Our teacher told us (be / to be) on time.

2 Regular exercise keeps you (health / healthy).

3 She heard them ( speak / to speak) Japanese.

4 My parents let me ( stay / to stay) up later than usual.

B 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

1 He found the questions difficulty.

2 I felt the ground to move.

3 I want our friendship last forever.

4 His boss had him to make a presentation.

C ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 They expect the price . (go up)

2 My brother sometimes makes me . (angry)

3 My mom had me . (do the dishes)

4 I watched them . (play soccer)

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 많은 사람들이 그 쇼가 지루하다는 것을 알게 되었다. (find, show, boring)

Many people .

2 나는 누군가가 내 이름을 부르는 소리를 들었다. (hear, someone, call)

I .

3 엄마는 내가 어젯밤에 TV를 보지 못하게 하셨다. (let, watch TV)

My mom didn’t last night.

4 그는 내게 그를 도와달라고 부탁했다. (ask, help)

He .

Chapter 01 문장의 형식 15

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 15 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Grammar Writing 서술형 대비

Task 1 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오.

단 어
배 열 1 그들은 강을 따라 조깅을 하고 있다. (jogging along, they, the river, are)

2 이 음료는 약간 신맛이 난다. (drink, sour, this, a little, tastes)

3 그녀는 내게 그녀의 새 가방을 보여줬다. (showed, she, new bag, me, her, to)

4 Samuel은 내게 그의 공책을 빌려줬다. (me, Samuel, his, lent, notebook)

5 나는 그의 손이 떨리는 것을 느꼈다. (felt, shake, hand, I, his)

6 아빠는 내가 친구들과 함께 캠핑을 가게 해 주셨다. (me, my dad, with my friends, let, go camping)

Task 2 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

문 장
완 성 1 그들은 인터넷을 통해 인기를 얻게 되었다. (become, popular)

through the Internet.

2 Andrew는 내게 꽃다발을 보냈다. (send)

a bouquet of flowers.

3 나는 어제 부모님을 위해 저녁 식사를 준비했다. (cook, dinner)

my parents yesterday.

4 그녀는 늘 그녀의 방을 깨끗하게 유지한다. (keep, clean)

She always .

5 우리는 그가 그렇게 일찍 올 것이라고 예상하지 못했다. (expect, come)

so early.

6 나는 내 개가 테니스공을 가지고 노는 것을 지켜봤다. (watch, play)

with a tennis ball.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 16 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Answer Keys p. 01

Task 3 Jacob에게 부모님이 남긴 메모를 보고 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오. (과거형으로 쓸 것)

자 료
해 석
Note for Jacob
해도 되는 것: - 집에 친구 초대하기
- 저녁 식사로 피자 주문하기
- 여섯 시까지 밖에서 놀기
해야 할 것: - 아홉 시 전에 숙제 끝내기
- 남동생 돌보기

Example: They allowed me to invite my friends over. (allow, invite my friends)

My parents went out last night. They left a note about what I could do and what I should do.

1 They for dinner. (allow, order pizza)

2 They until six o’clock. (let, play outside)

3 They before nine o’clock.

(have, finish my homework)

4 They . (tell, take care of my little brother)

고 난 도

Task 4 아래 대화에서 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 O, 어색하면 X를 체크한 후, 어색한 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
오 류
수 정
Roy: 1 You look so happily! Did you have fun at the

U2 concert?
Ann: Yes! 2 I saw them to perform last night. Their

concert was amazing!

Roy: You’re lucky! I wanted to go too, but 3 I couldn’t
get a ticket.
Ann: Yeah. Their tickets always sell out quickly, but my uncle 4 gave a ticket me.

That was very nice of him.

Roy: You should 5 buy something to him.

1 ( O / X )

2 ( O / X )

3 ( O / X )

4 ( O / X )

5 ( O / X )

Chapter 01 문장의 형식 17

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 17 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Actual Test 내신 대비

[1-3] 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 서술형

1 [5-6] ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

His voice sounds .
5 His encouragement made me
ⓐ loudly ⓑ greatly harder.
ⓒ softly ⓓ good (study)
ⓔ beautifully

2 6 She asked me quiet in the

My dad let me his iPad.
ⓐ use ⓑ using (be)
ⓒ to use ⓓ be used
ⓔ being used

[7-8] 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 말을 고르시오.

3 7 I Nathan to call me in the

Our teacher told us our best.

ⓐ do ⓑ did
ⓒ done ⓓ doing ⓐ asked ⓑ wanted
ⓔ to do ⓒ told ⓓ had
ⓔ expected

4 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 문장 요소로 알맞지 않은 것은?

ⓐ You can take this seat. ― 동사 8 We Amy play the piano.

ⓑ He teaches me math. ― 보어
ⓒ He lost his new camera. ― 목적어 ⓐ saw ⓑ watched
ⓓ Reading books is interesting. ― 주어 ⓒ had ⓓ heard
ⓔ The men are baseball players. ― 보어 ⓔ got


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 18 15. 2. 16. 오전 10:19

Answer Keys p. 02

9 다음 중 문장의 형식이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? 서술형

ⓐ He washed his shirts. [13-14] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을

ⓑ A lot of cars are on the road.
ⓒ We studied Spanish in the morning. 13 너의 새로운 헤어스타일이 멋져 보인다.
ⓓ Anna had a cheeseburger for lunch.
ⓔ Jack and Roy are playing soccer now.
Your new hairstyle .

14 그의 노래는 전 세계적으로 매우 인기를 얻게 되었다.

10 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 전치사가 나머지와 다른 것은?
(very popular)
ⓐ Ryan gave his seat an elderly lady.
ⓑ She sent an email her teacher. His song

ⓒ My mom made cookies us. all over the world.

ⓓ I told my secret my best friend.
ⓔ Grace showed her report card her

15 다음 중 어법상 틀린 것은?

ⓐ Let’s make it simple.

ⓑ They named their dog Lucky.
ⓒ He bought flowers for me.
서술형 ⓓ I felt someone touch my shoulder.
[11-12] 3형식 문장은 4형식 문장으로, 4형식 문장은 3형식 ⓔ She lent her bike for me.
문장으로 바꿔 쓰시오.

11 Michael wrote a card to me.

a card.

16 보기와 같이 두 문장을 한 문장으로 바꿔 쓰시오.

보기 I felt the waves. They splashed on my
I felt the waves splash on my feet.

12 He cooked me chicken soup. I saw Joshua. He bought a shirt at the mall.


Chapter 01 문장의 형식 19

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 19 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35


통합형 [19-24] 어법상 틀린 부분이 있는지 체크한 후, 틀린 부분을 바르게

[17-18] 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 고쳐 쓰시오.

A: Tomorrow is my mom’s birthday.

예시 I saw Chloe to cry in her room.
B: (A) 너는 그녀에게 선물을 드릴 거니? (O/X)
A: Yes. I’m thinking of buying a scarf for her. I will
to cry cry/crying
also make her a cake.
B: That sounds (B) . I’m sure your mom
19 She looks beautifully in her wedding dress.
will be very happy tomorrow.
A: I hope so. I want her (C) a wonderful

day tomorrow.


17 우리말 (A)와 일치하도록 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을

완성하시오. 20 Let me show my painting for you.
(give, a present)

Will you ?

21 My sister taught me some English words.

18 빈칸 (B)와 (C)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은? (O/X)

(B) (C)
ⓐ nice — have
ⓑ nice — having
ⓒ nice — to have
ⓓ nicely — have 22 Brian wanted me help him.
ⓔ nicely — to have (O/X)

23 I had him to repair my car.


24 I heard my neighbors fight last night.



Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 20 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Unit 1 to부정사의 명사적 용법

Unit 2 to부정사의 형용사적 용법

Unit 3 to부정사의 부사적 용법

Unit 4 가주어와 진주어, 의미상의 주어

Unit 5 too ... to-v, ... enough to-v


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 21 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

to부정사의 명사적 용법
Chapter to부정사의 형태: to + 동사원형
Opener to부정사의 역할: 명사, 형용사, 부사

A to부정사의 명사적 용법
to부정사가 명사처럼 주어, 목적어, 보어의 역할을 한다.
1 주어 역할: ~하는 것은

To see a movie star in person is exciting.

= It is exciting to see a movie star in person.
To work at a ticket booth is not boring.

2 목적어 역할: ~하는 것을

want hope decide plan promise agree learn wish expect

My mom promised to buy me a new computer.

I like to share my ideas on social networking sites.

3 보어 역할: ~하는 것(이다)

Our plan is to leave early and arrive before lunchtime.

The duty of the police is to protect people.

cf. to부정사의 부정: not + to-v

My mom told me not to open the door for strangers.

B 의문사 + to부정사

what to-v: 무엇을 ~할지 where to-v: 어디서 ~할지

when to-v: 언제 ~할지 how to-v: 어떻게 ~할지, ~하는 법
who(m) to-v: 누구를 ~할지

Please tell him what to do when he arrives.

Can you show me how to use this copier?

cf. 「의문사 + to-v」는 대개 「의문사 + 주어 + should/can/could + 동사원형」으로 바꿔 쓸 수 있다.

I have no idea where to look for a part-time job.
→ I have no idea where I should look for a part-time job.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 22 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 02

A 밑줄 친 부분이 주어, 보어, 목적어 중 어떤 역할을 하는지 쓰시오.

1 To lose weight isn’t easy.

2 I decided to take piano lessons after school.

3 My dream is to become a famous model.

4 I want to go to a university in the United States.

B 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

1 She hopes become a good professor.

2 I don’t know what eat for lunch.

3 It is very rude yell at people.

4 He told me to join not the tennis club.

C 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말과 알맞은 의문사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

fix tell start

1 나는 Jackson에게 무엇을 말해야 할지 모르겠다.

I don’t know Jackson.

2 그들은 그들의 차를 수리하는 방법을 몰랐다.

They didn’t know their car.

3 너의 발표가 언제 시작해야 하는지 말해 줄게.

I will tell you your presentation.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 내 목표는 금메달을 따는 것이다. (win)

My goal a gold medal.

2 그는 빨간색 재킷을 반품하길 원했다. (want, return)

He the red jacket.

3 밤을 새서 공부하는 것은 건강에 좋지 않다. (study, all night)

is not good for your health.

4 이 기계를 멈추는 방법을 모르겠다. (stop, machine)

I don’t know .

Chapter 02 to부정사 23

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 23 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

to부정사의 형용사적 용법
A 명사를 수식하는 to부정사
to부정사는 형용사처럼 명사를 수식하는 역할을 한다. 이때, to부정사는 명사나 대명사 뒤에 쓰여 ‘~할’, ‘~하는’의
의미를 나타낸다.

Nancy has a lot of friends to invite.

I have a paper to finish tonight.

Do we have anything to eat for breakfast?

B -thing/-one/-body + 형용사 + to부정사

-thing /-one/-body로 끝나는 대명사를 형용사와 to부정사가 함께 수식할 경우 「-thing /-one/-body + 형용사
+ to-v」의 순서로 쓴다.
I have something important to tell everybody.
I can’t find anything good to wear.

C 명사 + to부정사 + 전치사
to부정사의 수식을 받는 명사가 전치사의 목적어일 경우 반드시 전치사를 써야 한다.
Gary bought an apartment to live in. (O) (← live in an apartment)
Gary bought an apartment to live. (X)

She has so many things to take care of. (O) (← take care of so many things)
She has so many things to take care. (X)


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 24 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 02

A 자연스러운 문장이 되도록 연결하시오.

1 She bought a few books ⓐ to spend on clothes.

2 I have a lot of laundry ⓑ to read on the train.

3 He doesn’t have much money ⓒ to throw out.

4 There is trash ⓓ to ask me?

5 Do you have any questions ⓔ to do today.

B 빈칸에 알맞은 전치사를 골라 문장을 완성하시오. (단, 필요 없는 경우 X)

in with about

1 The baby has a new toy to play .

2 The students need more rooms to study .

3 We have many things to buy .

4 There are many issues to talk at the meeting tomorrow.

C 어법상 어색한 곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

1 I have some work finish today.

2 It is a good way improve your memory.

3 I don’t have a pen to write.

4 I want something to drink cold.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 그 당시 나를 도와줄 사람이 아무도 없었다. (anybody, help)

There wasn’t me at that moment.

2 그는 자신의 문제에 대해 이야기를 할 사람이 아무도 없다. (anyone, talk to)

He doesn’t have about his problem.

3 우리 가게에는 오늘까지 수리해야 할 차가 많다. (cars, repair)

Our shop has a lot of by the end of the day.

Chapter 02 to부정사 25

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 25 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

to부정사의 부사적 용법
A to부정사의 부사적 용법
to부정사가 부사처럼 동사, 형용사, 부사를 수식하는 역할을 한다. 이때, to부정사는 목적, 감정의 원인, 결과, 판단의
근거, 조건 등의 의미를 나타낸다.

1 목적: ~하기 위해

Jerry turned on his computer to write an email.

She went to the mall to buy a present for her mom.

cf. 격식을 차려 말할 때에는 to 대신 in order to나 so as to를 쓸 수 있다.

She studied very hard in order to pass the exam.

2 감정의 원인: ~해서

The students are excited to go on a field trip.

My parents were disappointed to see my bad grades.

3 결과: (…해서) ~하다

The boy grew up to be a Nobel Prize winner.

He woke up one morning to find himself famous.

4 판단의 근거: ~하다니

You must be really hungry to eat so fast.

He must be very rich to have that expensive sports car.

cf. to부정사가 판단의 근거를 나타낼 때에는 대체로 강한 추측을 의미하는 조동사 must가 함께 온다.

5 조건: ~한다면

To hear him sing in person, you would fall in love with him.
You would be shocked to see these pictures of car accidents.

6 형용사 수식: ~하기에

This book is not easy to understand.

The name of the restaurant is difficult to remember.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 26 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 03

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 The firefighters did their best (save / to save) the people.

2 John must be stupid (to lend / lending) her money.

3 The hotel is not ( easy to find / to easy find) at night.

4 ( See / To see ) her in her wedding dress, you would be amazed.

B 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

1 I wanted to win a prize, so I did my best.

I did my best a prize.

2 She learned Chinese because she hopes to study in China.

She learned in China.

3 They ran to the store but found it closed.

They ran to the store, only it closed.

C 밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 우리말로 해석하시오.

1 I was so happy to see him healthy again.

2 This passage is very difficult to understand.

3 He went to his teacher to get some advice.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 우리 할머니는 90세가 되도록 사셨다. (live, be)

My grandmother 90 years old.

2 나는 제일 좋아하는 가수의 콘서트에 가게 되어 신이 났다. (thrilled, go)

I to my favorite singer’s concert.

3 디저트를 거절하다니 너 정말 배부르구나. (must, full, refuse)

You really the dessert.

4 나는 예약을 취소하기 위해 호텔에 전화를 걸었다. (cancel one’s reservation)

I called the hotel .

Chapter 02 to부정사 27

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 27 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

가주어와 진주어, 의미상의 주어

A 가주어와 진주어
주어 역할의 to부정사구를 문장의 맨 앞에 쓰는 것 보다 가주어 It을 써서 「It … to-v」로 쓰는 것이 더 자연스러운
표현이다. 가주어 It은 해석하지 않으며 to부정사구를 주어로 해석한다.
To walk alone at night is dangerous.
= It is dangerous to walk alone at night.
가주어 진주어

To talk with you is a pleasure.

= It is a pleasure to talk with you.

B to부정사의 의미상의 주어
to부정사의 행위의 주체가 문장의 주어와 다를 때, to부정사 앞에 의미상의 주어를 쓴다.
1 for + 목적격
to부정사의 의미상의 주어는 일반적으로 「for + 목적격」 형태로 쓴다.
The lecture was difficult for me to understand. < to understand의 주체 = I >
It will be hard for them to reject the offer.

2 of + 목적격
사람의 성향이나 특성을 나타내는 형용사 뒤에는 「of + 목적격」 형태로 to부정사의 의미상의 주어를 나타낸다.

kind nice polite wise generous

honest silly careless rude thoughtful

It is very nice of Julie to help you move.

It was thoughtful of you to send him a card.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 28 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 03

A 빈칸에 for나 of 중 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

1 It was honest him to admit his mistake.

2 It was impossible Jason to understand the manual.

3 It is hard me to memorize all of their names.

4 It was very generous Angela to offer me a room for the night.

B 어법상 어색한 곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

1 It is very useful knowing the recipe.

2 It was polite for you to help him.

3 The questions were easy of me to solve.

4 It was wise to you to call the police.

C 주어진 문장을 가주어 It을 활용해서 바꿔 쓰시오.

1 To follow these steps is necessary.

2 To satisfy customers is very difficult.

3 To stay in a five-star hotel is very expensive.

4 To learn a new language is challenging.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 우리 부모님을 설득시키기는 그렇게 어렵지 않다. (persuade)

not so difficult my parents.

2 많은 현금을 가지고 다니는 것은 위험하다. (carry)

dangerous a lot of cash with you.

3 그 영화는 아이들이 보기에 좀 지루했다. (children, watch)

The movie was a little boring .

4 그가 떠나버린 것은 무례했다. (rude, leave)

Chapter 02 to부정사 29

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 29 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

too ... to-v, ... enough to-v

A too … to-v : 너무 …해서 ~할 수 없다
「too + 형용사/부사 + to-v」 구문은 「so + 형용사/부사 + that + 주어 + can’t /couldn’t ~」로 바꿔 쓸 수 있다.

too + 형용사/부사 + to-v

He is too small to ride the roller coaster.

→ He is so small that he can’t ride the roller coaster.
My father was too busy to answer the phone.
→ My father was so busy that he couldn’t answer the phone.

cf. It is too hot for us to play basketball outside.

→ It is so hot that we can’t play basketball outside.

B … enough to-v: ~할 만큼 충분히 …하다

형용사/부사 + enough + to-v

The hall was big enough to hold 100 people.

Melissa runs fast enough to win the race.

cf. He is honest enough for you to trust him.

Her voice was loud enough for me to hear in the next room.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 30 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 03

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 It’s 6:00 a.m. It is ( too / enough) early to call anyone.

2 The man is rich ( too / enough) to travel all around the world.

3 I am ( too / enough ) full to eat any more cake.

4 She was generous ( too / enough) to give me a discount.

B 밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 우리말로 해석하시오.

1 It is too late to go for a walk.

2 His mistake was too serious for us to forgive.

3 Raymond is old enough to make his own decisions.

C 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

1 I am so tired that I can’t walk any longer.

I am tired any longer.

2 This bed sheet is too small to cover my mattress.

This bed sheet is small it cover my mattress.

3 It was so cold that we couldn’t go jogging in the morning.

It was cold jogging in the morning.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 그의 배낭은 너무 무거워서 그녀는 들 수가 없다. (heavy, pick up)

His backpack is .

2 그 배는 100대의 차를 싣고 갈 만큼 충분히 크다. (big, carry)

The ferry is .

3 그 이야기는 아이들이 따라갈 만큼 충분히 단순하다. (simple, children, follow)

The story is .

4 그 가죽 재킷은 너무 비싸서 내가 살 수가 없었다. (expensive, buy)

The leather jacket was .

Chapter 02 to부정사 31

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 31 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Grammar Writing 서술형 대비

Task 1 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오.

단 어
배 열 1 나는 오늘 할 일이 많지 않다. (much work, don’t, I, do today, have, to)

2 지금 당장 의논할 것이 있나요? (anything, right now, discuss, is there, to)

3 나는 진통제를 좀 사려고 약국에 들렀다. (the drugstore to, some painkillers, I, buy, stopped by)

4 그녀는 수학에서 B를 받아서 실망한 듯 보였다. (disappointed, in math, to, she, get a B, looked)

5 그의 고향은 너무 멀어서 차로 갈 수 없다. (go to by car, his hometown, too far away, is, to)

6 이 상자는 책을 전부 넣을 만큼 충분히 크다. (enough, hold, is, to, all the books, big, this box)

Task 2 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

문 장
완 성 1 당신을 곧 다시 만나길 바랍니다. (hope, see)

I again soon.

2 내 계획은 마드리드에서 이틀 밤을 보내는 것이다. (plan, spend)

two nights in Madrid.

3 우리 엄마는 결혼한 후에 운전하는 방법을 배우셨다. (learn, drive)

My mom after she got married.

4 그가 Lisa를 ‘돼지’라고 부른 것은 나빴다. (mean, call)

It Lisa “piggy.”

5 너무 비가 심하게 와서 운전을 빨리 할 수 없었다. (rain, hard, drive)

It was fast.

6 그 소파는 그 위에서 잠을 잘 만큼 편안하다. (comfortable, sleep)

The couch on.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 32 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Answer Keys p. 03

Task 3 빈칸에 알맞은 단어 꾸러미를 찾아 바르게 배열하여 문장을 완성하시오.

그 림
묘 사
Preparing for a World Tour
1 2 3 4

to, sunglasses, protect read, to, some books

presents, give, to wear, sweaters, to

There are many things to prepare for your trip.

1 Pack in cold countries.

2 Take your eyes from the sun.

3 Include to the people you meet.

4 Don’t forget to bring on the train.

고 난 도

Task 4 아래 대화에서 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 O, 어색하면 X를 체크한 후, 어색한 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
오 류
수 정
Erin: 1 I want to run a marathon this summer.

Unfortunately, I don’t know 2 how preparing for

Tim: You should find 3 a person gives you advice.
How about talking to my cousin? His job is
4 trains athletes. I can give you his number.
Erin: Thanks! It is 5 so kind for you to help me.

1 ( O / X )

2 ( O / X )

3 ( O / X )

4 ( O / X )

5 ( O / X )

Chapter 02 to부정사 33

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 33 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Actual Test 내신 대비

[1-2] 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 5 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

1 an honor to meet you.

A: I don’t know to make for dinner.
B: How about bulgogi?
ⓐ I am ⓑ She is
A: Do you know to make bulgogi?
ⓒ He is ⓓ It is
B: No, I don’t. But we can look up the recipe
ⓔ That is
on the Internet.

ⓐ how — what
ⓑ what — where
2 I wasn’t sure apologize to Clara. ⓒ what — how
ⓓ when — how
ⓐ to ⓑ when ⓔ where — what
ⓒ why ⓓ when to
ⓔ to when


[6-8] 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

3 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?
6 Can you tell me where I should put this file?

• There are many in the
sink. Can you tell me

• They need them. this file?

ⓐ dishes wash — someone help

ⓑ dishes washing — someone help to
ⓒ dishes wash to — someone to help
ⓓ dishes to wash — to help someone 7 To raise children is not easy.
ⓔ dishes to wash — someone to help
It is

4 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

ⓐ It is silly you not to talk with Jason.

ⓑ It was wise Cindy to take your
advice. 8 His car trunk was too small to hold four
ⓒ It was interesting him to learn
ⓓ It was careless her to make such a His car trunk was

ⓔ It was mean Jackson not to invite
four suitcases.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 34 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Answer Keys p. 03

서술형 13 ⓐ It isn’t an easy song to sing.

9 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오. ⓑ Toronto is a good city to live in.
ⓒ Your dog has a good toy to play.
Bob의 부모님은 무척 너그럽게도 나를 집에 태워다
ⓓ It is a great topic to write about.
ⓔ There wasn’t anyone to talk to.
(give, generous, to, were, enough)

Bob’s parents

a ride home.


[14-16] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을


[10-11] 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른 것을 14 우리는 서로에게 거짓말을 하지 않기로 약속했다.

고르시오. (promise, lie)

10 ⓐ I called my uncle to check his schedule. We

ⓑ I have a good place to recommend to you.
to each other.
ⓒ We met at the station to take a train to
ⓓ I called the restaurant to cancel my
ⓔ Jeff got a part-time job to buy a new bike.

15 그 경기에 지게 되어 무척 실망스러웠다.
(very frustrating, lose)

11 ⓐ She hopes to become a doctor. It

ⓑ He likes to study in the early morning.
the game.
ⓒ I want to go to a nice restaurant for dinner.
ⓓ Emma went shopping to buy summer clothes.
ⓔ We decided to throw a farewell party for John.

16 그 문제는 그들에게는 너무 어려워서 풀 수 없었다.

[12-13] 다음 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.
(difficult, solve)
12 ⓐ I’m very surprised to see you here.
ⓑ I have an idea to where go on Sunday. The question

ⓒ My plan is to pick them up at the airport.

ⓓ She was too busy to go on the trip with us.
ⓔ My little brother learned to use the computer.

Chapter 02 to부정사 35

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 35 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35


통합형 [19-24] 어법상 틀린 부분이 있는지 체크한 후, 틀린 부분을 바르게

[17-18] 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 고쳐 쓰시오.

A: I don’t think I’m very good at writing papers.

예시 It is common for wear shoes indoors in the
B: Let me see your paper. Well, I think your United States.
writing is good enough to get an A. (O/X)
A: Really? It’s very nice (A) , but
for to
aren’t there any parts for me to revise?
B: No. (B) 나는 바꿔야 할 것을 못 찾겠는데.
19 I really want visiting Paris someday.
17 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?

ⓐ for you to say so
ⓑ for you saying so
ⓒ of you to say so
ⓓ of your to say so 20 It was foolish to accept not the offer.
ⓔ of you saying so (O/X)

21 I didn’t know who to ask for the information.
18 우리말 (B)와 일치하도록 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을

(find, anything, change)

I can’t .

22 We should recycle at order to protect the


23 It is easy of people to criticize others.


24 The house was too expensive for we to buy.



Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 36 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Unit 1 동명사의 역할

Unit 2 동명사와 to부정사


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 37 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

동명사의 역할
Chapter 동명사의 형태: 동사원형 + -ing
Opener 동명사의 역할: 명사 역할(주어, 목적어, 보어)

A 주어 역할: ~하는 것은

Riding horses was very fun.

(= It was very fun to ride horses.)
Driving a luxury car costs a lot of money. <동명사 주어는 단수 취급>

B 목적어 역할: ~하는 것을

Sarah enjoys reading the newspaper after breakfast. <동사의 목적어>

He complained about working late. <전치사의 목적어>

cf. 동명사의 부정: not + v-ing

My family doctor suggested not eating too much sugar.

C 보어 역할: ~하는 것(이다)

My favorite hobby is playing(= to play) the guitar.

D 자주 쓰이는 동명사 구문

go v-ing: ~하러 가다 feel like v-ing: ~하고 싶다

be busy v-ing: ~하느라 바쁘다 be good at v-ing: ~을 잘하다
be worth v-ing: ~할 가치가 있다 look forward to v-ing: ~하기를 고대하다
It is no use v-ing: ~해 봐야 소용 없다 How/What about v-ing?: ~하는 게 어때?
be used to v-ing: ~하는 데 익숙하다 can’t help v-ing: ~하지 않을 수 없다

My family will go camping this weekend.

I feel like eating noodles for lunch.
She is good at giving advice to people.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 38 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 04

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고른 후, 그것이 주어, 목적어, 보어 중 어떤 역할을 하는지 쓰시오.

1 ( Learn Korean / Learning Korean) can be very difficult.

2 His job is ( set up / setting up) all the lighting equipment.

3 She avoids ( talking to / to talk to) strangers.

4 ( Not eating breakfast / Eating not breakfast) is a bad idea.

B 주어진 두 문장을 동명사를 활용해서 한 문장으로 완성하시오.

I had to write my paper. I finished it yesterday.
I finished writing my paper yesterday.

1 He wants to win a gold medal at the Olympics. It is his dream.

His dream is .

2 She plays the cello in her free time. She enjoys it.

She enjoys .

3 I take a short nap in the afternoon. It is good for my health.

is good for my health.

C 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

rain meet laugh take

1 exams is very stressful.

2 I look forward to you soon.

3 I couldn’t help at his funny joke.

4 It just started , and I don’t have an umbrella.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 거짓말을 하는 것은 아주 나쁜 행동이다. (tell, lies)

very bad behavior.

2 그는 여름에는 거의 매일 수영을 하러 간다. (go, swim)

almost every day in summer.

3 Chris는 그림 그리는 것을 잘한다. (good at, draw, pictures)

Chris .

Chapter 03 동명사 39

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 39 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

동명사와 to부정사
A 동명사만 목적어로 취하는 동사

enjoy finish mind avoid give up keep practice quit

I enjoyed spending time with my cousins.

She kept complaining about the bad weather.

B to부정사만 목적어로 취하는 동사

want hope decide plan promise agree learn wish expect

We hope to hear from you soon.

He promised to go to the festival with me.

C 동명사와 to부정사를 모두 목적어로 취하는 동사

1 의미 차이가 없는 경우: start, begin, like, love, hate 등

She started learning the guitar.

= She started to learn the guitar.

2 의미 차이가 있는 경우: remember, forget, try 등

remember + v-ing: (과거에) ~한 것을 기억하다 remember + to-v: (앞으로) ~할 것을 기억하다

forget + v-ing: (과거에) ~한 것을 잊다 forget + to-v: (앞으로) ~할 것을 잊다
try + v-ing: ~을 시도해 보다 try + to-v: ~하려고 노력하다

I remember meeting her when I was a child.

Please remember to email her this afternoon.

I won’t ever forget seeing fireworks at Disneyland. It was amazing.

Don’t forget to return the book by Friday.

I tried calling her several times, but she didn’t answer.

She tried to start the car, but it didn’t work.

cf. stop + v-ing (~하는 것을 멈추다) vs. stop + to-v (~하기 위해 멈추다)
He stopped checking his text messages. <목적어 역할>
He stopped to check his text messages. <부사 역할–목적>


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 40 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 04

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 Do you mind ( turning / to turn) down the TV?

2 We decided ( going / to go) hiking on Mt. Seorak.

3 My father quit ( smoking / to smoke) 10 years ago.

4 I’m planning ( moving / to move) to New York next year.

B ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 Did she give up horses after the accident? (ride)

2 Sam and I promised on New Year’s Eve. (meet)

3 He learned when he was 20 years old. (swim)

4 We kept all the way to the park. (walk)

C 밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 우리말로 해석하시오.

1 Don’t forget to take out the garbage when you go out.

2 I remember seeing him on TV.

3 We tried to catch the last train.

4 You should stop eating snacks late at night.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 그들은 함께 행진하는 것을 연습했다. (practice, march)


2 그들은 그 건물을 보수하는 데 동의했다. (agree, renovate)

the building.

3 나는 주말에 쇼핑몰에 가는 것을 피한다. (avoid, go to)

the mall on weekends.

4 대부분의 사람들은 돈을 많이 벌기를 바란다. (most, want, make)

a lot of money.

Chapter 03 동명사 41

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 41 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Grammar Writing 서술형 대비

Task 1 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

문 장
완 성 1 동화책을 읽는 것은 아이들에게 좋다. (read storybooks, good)

for children.

2 나는 오늘 영어 공부를 하고 싶지 않다. (feel like, study)


3 그 회사는 새 직원들을 고용하기 시작했다. (company, begin, hire)

new employees.

4 그녀를 설득하려고 노력해 봤자 소용 없다. (no use, try, persuade)


5 그들은 5월에 그 프로젝트를 끝낼 것으로 예상한다. (expect, finish, project)

in May.

6 우리 이웃집 개가 밤새 계속 짖었다. (my neighbor’s, keep, bark)

all night.

Task 2 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

문 장
전 환
He writes songs for children, and it is his job.
His job is writing songs for children.

1 She is preparing her presentation, so she is busy.

She is busy .

2 It is very important to try your best.

is very important.

3 Sandra likes to cook for her children.

Sandra enjoys .

4 Peter doesn’t play computer games anymore.

Peter stopped .

5 He doesn’t remember that he saw that movie.

He doesn’t remember .

6 We had to make a reservation for the restaurant, but we forgot.

We forgot .


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 42 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Answer Keys p. 05

Task 3 Mr. Smith의 계획표를 보고 ( ) 안의 말을 활용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

자 료
해 석
Mr. Smith’s goal: • become healthy
• be in good shape

Health plan: •X eat too much red meat

•O drink a lot of water
• O swim every day

1 Mr. Smith’s goal is .

2 He wants .

3 He will red meat. (avoid)

4 He will water. (try)

5 He will also every day. (go)

고 난 도

Task 4 아래 대화에서 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 O, 어색하면 X를 체크한 후, 어색한 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
오 류
수 정
Mark: What are you going to do tomorrow?

Ben: 1 I was planning visiting the National Gallery

of Art. But I just noticed that it’s closed

Mark: Then 2 how about to play basketball with me

and Paul?
Ben: That sounds great. 3 Play basketball is always fun.
Mark: 4 We’ll start playing at 11:00 a.m. Can you make it?

Ben: I will try to make it, but I might be a little late.

Mark: That’s okay. 5 Don’t forget bringing your basketball shoes.

1 ( O / X )

2 ( O / X )

3 ( O / X )

4 ( O / X )

5 ( O / X )

Chapter 03 동명사 43

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 43 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Actual Test 내신 대비

[1-2] 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 5 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

1 lots of water is good for your

ⓐ He likes watching movies.
ⓑ Ben quit drinking coffee.
ⓒ They suddenly stopped talking.

ⓐ Drink ⓑ Drinking ⓓ My hobby is riding my bike.

ⓒ Drunk ⓓ To drinking ⓔ I finished cleaning my room before my

ⓔ By drinking mother came back.


[6-7] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을

2 Carrie is interested in new 6 우리는 제 시간에 가려고 노력했지만 교통 체증 때문에
ⓐ learn ⓑ learns
ⓒ learned ⓓ learning We tried on time, but we
ⓔ to learn were late because of a traffic jam.

7 담배 좀 꺼 주실 수 있나요? 이곳은 금연 구역이에요.

[3-4] 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 말을 고르시오.
Would you mind out your
3 I don’t eating at fast-food cigarette? This is a non-smoking area.

ⓐ like ⓑ want
ⓒ hate ⓓ mind
8 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?
ⓔ enjoy

• I forgot my money. I have to
go to the currency exchange desk at the
• I remember butterflies when
I was young.
4 Laura to get a part-time job in
Busan. ⓐ exchanging — chasing
ⓑ exchanging — to chase
ⓐ hoped ⓑ decided ⓒ to exchange — chase
ⓒ wanted ⓓ avoided ⓓ to exchange — chasing
ⓔ planned ⓔ to exchange — to chase


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 44 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Answer Keys p. 05

9 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은? 13 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 옳은 것을 2개 고르시오.

ⓐ Being honest is important.

A: I decided tennis lessons
ⓑ I’m good at to fix computers.
starting next week.
ⓒ She stopped drink coffee every day.
B: Can I join you? I quit skating
ⓓ He suggested buying not the mobile phone.
lessons, but I want to learn something
ⓔ My dog’s favorite activity is playing with balls.

ⓐ take — take
ⓑ taking — taking
ⓒ taking — to take
ⓓ to take — taking
ⓔ to take — to take
[14-16] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을

14 일찍 일어나는 것은 나에게 아주 어렵다.

(get up, early)

[10-11] 다음 문장을 우리말로 해석하시오.
very difficult for me.
10 I couldn’t help crying when I said goodbye to

15 나는 영화를 볼 때 팝콘을 먹는 것을 좋아한다.

(like, eat, popcorn)
11 She forgot to stop by the drugstore.

when I watch a movie.

12 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것은?

16 그들은 점심 식사를 위해 테이블을 정돈하느라 바빴다.
ⓐ I practiced reading English out loud.
(busy, arrange)
ⓑ Adam hates going to crowded places.
ⓒ She promised taking me to a movie.
ⓓ They never stop fighting over video games.
the tables for lunch.
ⓔ We tried making pizza at home yesterday.

Chapter 03 동명사 45

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 45 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35


통합형 [19-24] 어법상 틀린 부분이 있는지 체크한 후, 틀린 부분을 바르게

[17-18] 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 고쳐 쓰시오.

A: Who are you calling?

예시 I’m very tired, but I’ll go to hike in the
B: I’m calling my Internet company’s customer afternoon.
service department. My Internet connection is (O/X)
very bad. However, I keep (A) a busy
to hike hiking
A: Why don’t you try calling them later?
19 I hope going to a good high school.
B: Yeah, I should do that.
A: (B) 점심을 먹는 게 어때? The food at the new Italian

restaurant down the street looks really good.
B: That sounds great! I’ve been looking forward
(C) there.
20 He began working on the new project.
17 빈칸 (A)와 (C)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

(A) (C)
ⓐ get — eating
ⓑ getting — to eat
ⓒ getting — to eating
21 Finally, the baby stopped to crying. Now, she is
ⓓ to get — eating
ⓔ to get — to eating

22 My new smartphone was worth to pay a lot of
money for.
18 우리말 (B)와 일치하도록 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을

(get, some lunch)

23 I learned making mushroom soup from a

24 To stay healthy, you should avoid eating fatty



Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 46 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Unit 1 현재분사와 과거분사

Unit 2 분사구문


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 47 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

현재분사와 과거분사
Chapter 분사: 현재분사(v-ing)와 과거분사(p.p.)가 있으며, 형용사처럼 명사를 수식하거나 주어나 목적어를 보충 설명하는
Opener 보어 역할을 한다.

A 현재분사 vs. 과거분사

1 현재분사(v-ing): 능동(~하는)이나 진행(~하고 있는)의 의미를 나타낸다.

I heard a shocking rumor about him.

Look at that talking bird.

2 과거분사(p.p.): 수동(~된)이나 완료(~해진)의 의미를 나타낸다.

The man looked lost.

I bought some frozen fruit.

cf. 과거분사(p.p.)의 형태
•규칙 변화(동사원형 + -(e)d): open – opened – opened, use – used – used 등
•불규칙 변화: cut – cut – cut, build – built – built, eat – ate – eaten 등

B 분사의 역할
1 명사 수식: 분사는 형용사처럼 명사를 수식한다. 수식어구와 함께 와서 길어질 경우 명사 뒤에서 수식한다.

It was an exciting game.

There are many products made in China.

2 보어 역할

His new movie looks interesting. <주어 보충 설명>

I saw his car parked across the street. <목적어 보충 설명>

C 감정을 나타내는 분사
주어가 감정을 일으키는 원인이 될 때는 현재분사를, 주어가 감정을 느끼는 주체일 때는 과거분사를 쓴다.

현재분사(~한 감정을 일으키는) 과거분사(~한 감정을 느끼는)

boring (지루하게 하는, 지루한) bored (지루함을 느끼는)

interesting (흥미로운) interested (흥미를 느끼는, 관심 있는)
exciting (흥미진진한, 신나는) excited (기대에 찬, 신이 난)
shocking (충격적인) shocked (충격을 받은)
disappointing (실망스러운) disappointed (실망한)
tiring (피곤하게 하는) tired (피곤한)

The lecture was very boring.

I was very bored.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 48 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 06

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 The question was ( confusing / confused).

2 The boy ( standing / stood) at the gate is Jack.

3 I buy ( freezing / frozen) meals when I don’t have time to cook.

4 My parents were ( disappointing / disappointed) by my grades.

B ( ) 안의 분사(구)가 들어갈 알맞은 위치를 고르시오.

1 The ⓐ car ⓑ was ⓒ inexpensive. (used)

2 The ⓐ car ⓑ was ⓒ inexpensive. (used for the parade)

3 He fixed ⓐ the ⓑ window ⓒ. (broken)

4 He fixed ⓐ the ⓑ window ⓒ. (broken by Lucy)

C ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 I was very after the long walk. (tire)

2 She told an story about her childhood. (amaze)

3 He bought a book in Spanish. (write)

4 He was trapped inside the house. (burn)

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 Ryan은 중고 컴퓨터를 샀다. (use, computer)

Ryan bought a .

2 내게 놀라운 소식이 있다. (surprise, news)

I have some .

3 그녀는 그 여행에 대해 무척 기대에 차 보였다. (look, very, excite)

She about the trip.

4 나는 Andy로부터 흥미로운 이야기를 하나 들었다. (hear, interest, story)

I from Andy.

Chapter 04 분사 49

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 49 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

A 분사구문
분사구문은 「접속사 + 주어 + 동사」의 부사절을 분사를 이용해서 부사구로 바꾼 것이다.

분사구문 만드는 법
1 접속사를 없앤다.
2 주어를 없앤다. (단, 주절과 부사절의 주어가 같은 경우)
3 동사를 v-ing 형태로 바꾼다.

When she crossed the road, she heard someone call her name.
→ Crossing the road, she heard someone call her name.
While I was walking to school, I saw Andrew.
→ Walking to school, I saw Andrew.

B 분사구문의 의미
1 시간, 때: ~할 때(when)

When I entered the room, I noticed people staring at me.

→ Entering the room, I noticed people staring at me.

2 동시동작: ~하는 동안에(as/while)

As he listened to music, he watered the flowers.

→ Listening to music, he watered the flowers.

3 이유: ~하기 때문에(because/since/as)

Because she is a vegetarian, she doesn’t eat meat.

→ Being a vegetarian, she doesn’t eat meat.

cf. 조건(if)이나 양보(although) 부사절은 접속사를 생략하면 의미가 명확하지 않기 때문에 거의 분사구문으로
줄여 쓰지 않는다.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 50 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 06

A 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

1 Danced to the music, she looked very happy.

2 Look in the mirror, I found a pimple on my face.

3 Heard the news from his secretary, he got very angry.

4 To lying on the beach, I felt relaxed.

B 밑줄 친 부분을 분사구문으로 바꿔 쓰시오.

1 When I saw Jacob, I called his name.

, I called his name.

2 Since he felt bored, he played online games.

, he played online games.

3 While she was cleaning her room, she listened to the radio.

, she listened to the radio.

C 밑줄 친 부분을 when이나 because를 활용해서 부사절로 바꿔 쓰시오.

1 Driving to work, she listens to CDs.

, she listens to CDs.

2 Having a stomachache, I didn’t eat lunch.

, I didn’t eat lunch.

3 Arriving at the station, he ran to the restroom.

, he ran to the restroom.

4 Being a translator, he is fluent in both English and French.

, he is fluent in both English and French.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 설거지를 하면서 그는 콧노래를 불렀다. (do the dishes)

, he hummed to himself.

2 뱀을 보고 그 남자는 도망갔다. (see, the snake)

, the man ran away.

3 모자를 벗으면서 Sam은 교실로 들어왔다. (take off, his hat)

, Sam entered the classroom.

Chapter 04 분사 51

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 51 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Grammar Writing 서술형 대비

Task 1 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

문 장
완 성 1 그것은 무척 지루한 경기였다. (very, bore)


2 그들은 작은 장난감에는 관심이 없다. (interest)

in small toys.

3 바다에는 수영하고 있는 사람들이 좀 있다. (swim, in the sea)

There are some .

4 그것은 1308년에 지어진 오래된 절이다. (temple, build)

It’s an old .

5 일등상을 수상해서 나는 행복했다. (win, first prize, feel, happy)

, .

6 태국에서 여행을 하는 동안 나는 다른 나라에서 온 많은 사람들을 만났다. (travel, in Thailand)

, many people from

other countries.

Task 2 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오.

단 어
배 열 1 노을을 보면서 우리는 바닷가에 앉아 있었다. (were sitting, the sunset, we, watching)

on the beach.

2 그들은 파란색으로 칠한 방에 머물렀다. (in the room, blue, painted, stayed)

They .

3 집에 도착해서 그는 간단히 샤워를 했다. (took, home, he, arriving, a quick)


4 돈이 없어서 나는 아무것도 사지 않았다. (no money, buy, I, having, didn’t)


5 Denny는 그의 시험 결과에 실망했다. (Denny, his, disappointed at, was, test results)

6 그는 대만에서 만들어진 컴퓨터를 샀다. (bought, in Taiwan, he, a computer, made)


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 52 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Answer Keys p. 06

Task 3 그림을 보고 주어진 말을 알맞은 분사 형태로 바꿔 문장을 완성하시오.

그 림
묘 사
wear caps
ride a bike
tie to the tree
make of wood
play basketball
sit on the bench

Example: The boy playing basketball looks serious.

1 The dog is barking loudly.

2 The woman is reading a book.

3 The boys are playing basketball.

4 The little girl is playing with toys .

5 The girl seems to be having fun.

고 난 도

Task 4 아래 글에서 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 O, 어색하면 X를 체크한 후, 어색한 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
오 류
수 정
I saw 1 an interested documentary about ligers
yesterday. Normally, 2 I’m not interesting in animals,
but this documentary was great. 3 Watched the
documentary, I learned many things about ligers.
I 4 was surprising that they are half-tiger, half-lion.
Ligers enjoy swimming, like tigers, and they are very
sociable, like lions. 5 Aren’t they amazing?

1 ( O / X )

2 ( O / X )

3 ( O / X )

4 ( O / X )

5 ( O / X )

Chapter 04 분사 53

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 53 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Actual Test 내신 대비

[1-3] 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 서술형

1 [5-6] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을

It was an experience for me. 완성하시오.

ⓐ amaze ⓑ amazing 5 오늘 아침에 배달된 소포가 하나 있다.

ⓒ amazed ⓓ to amaze (deliver)
ⓔ being amazed
There was a package this

2 Most people were with the 6 스케이트보드는 흥미진진한 스포츠이다.


ⓐ satisfy ⓑ satisfying Skateboarding is an sport.

ⓒ satisfied ⓓ to satisfy
ⓔ being satisfy

7 제시된 문장의 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 같은 것은?

Having five kids, Jane is always busy.
3 , I went back inside.
ⓐ If she has five kids
ⓑ After she has five kids
ⓐ Feel cold ⓑ Felt cold
ⓒ While she has five kids
ⓒ Feeling cold ⓓ To feel cold
ⓓ Before she has five kids
ⓔ Because I feeling cold
ⓔ Because she has five kids


4 제시된 문장의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? [8-9] 밑줄 친 부분을 분사구문으로 바꿔 쓰시오.

8 While I was going to school, I had a car

Look at that baby.
ⓐ tired ⓑ crying
, I had a
ⓒ excited ⓓ sleeping
car accident.
ⓔ smiled


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 54 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Answer Keys p. 06

9 Since she had a large suitcase, she took a


[13-14] 우리말과 일치하도록 분사구문을 활용해서 문장을

, she took
13 축구를 하다가 그는 무릎을 다쳤다.
a taxi.

, he hurt his knee.

10 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

A: How was the movie? 14 티켓을 가지고 있었기 때문에, 그녀는 그 공연을 볼 수
B: It was , but a little too long. 있었다.
I got toward the end and fell
she could see the concert.

ⓐ interest — bored
ⓑ interesting — boring
ⓒ interesting — bored
ⓓ interested — boring
ⓔ interested — bored

[15-16] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을


15 Julie는 나에게 매우 실망했다.

[11-12] 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오. (very, disappoint in)

11 ⓐ She has a talking bird. Julie

ⓑ William fixed my broken radio.
ⓒ We saw Andrew lying on the grass.
ⓓ His new book looks interested.
ⓔ I got a present wrapped in pretty paper.

16 나는 무대에서 노래를 부르고 있는 그 남자를 모른다.

(man, sing, on the stage)
12 ⓐ Feeling sick, she couldn’t go to school.
ⓑ Look at the boy climbed the tree. I don’t know

ⓒ Running to the bus stop, he waved at me.

ⓓ People were amazed by the new technology.
ⓔ This is an old palace built in the 16th century.

Chapter 04 분사 55

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 55 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35


통합형 [19-24] 어법상 틀린 부분이 있는지 체크한 후, 틀린 부분을 바르게

[17-18] 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 고쳐 쓰시오.

A: What did you think of the movie we saw

예시 She looked shocking by the news.
yesterday? (O/X)
B: (A) the preview, I thought it would
shocking shocked
be exciting. But, to be honest, (B) 나는 실망했어.
A: Me, too. The acting was okay, but it didn’t have
19 I have a basketball sign by Michael Jordan.
an (C) plot.
B: I agree. I’m surprised that the movie got

positive reviews.

17 빈칸 (A)와 (C)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

(A) (C) 20 I hiking up the mountain, I sweat a lot.

ⓐ Watch — interesting (O/X)
ⓑ Watching — interesting

ⓒ Watching — interested
ⓓ Watched — interesting
ⓔ Watched — interested
21 Watch the movie, he ate popcorn.


18 우리말 (B)와 일치하도록 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을 쓰시오.

22 I found an interesting book. I was impressed by
the story.

23 The final score was a little disappointed.


24 Looking at the wall, I saw a spider moved.



Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 56 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Unit 1 현재, 과거, 미래, 진행시제

Unit 2 현재완료시제


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 57 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

현재, 과거, 미래, 진행시제

Chapter 시제: 동사의 형태 변화를 통해 어떤 동작이나 상태가 일어난 시점을 표현하는 것이다.

A 현재시제
현재시제는 현재의 사실이나 상태, 반복되는 습관, 불변의 진리를 나타낼 때 쓴다.

Most students have smartphones these days.

My brother plays soccer every Saturday.
The earth goes around the sun.

B 과거시제
과거시제는 과거의 상태나 동작을 나타낼 때 쓰며, 과거를 나타내는 표현(last week, two years ago 등)이 함께
나올 때가 많다.

Brian traveled to South America last year.

I met Jason at the mall a few days ago.

C 미래시제
1 will + 동사원형
미래에 대한 예측, 주어의 의지나 즉흥적 결심을 나타낼 때 쓴다.

The U.S. president will visit Korea next month.

It’s cold in this room. I will close the window.

2 be going to + 동사원형
미래에 대한 예측이나 이미 정해진 계획을 나타낼 때 쓴다.

Look at the sky! It is going to snow soon.

They are going to get married in September.

D 진행시제
1 현재진행시제(am/are/is + v-ing): 현재에 진행 중인 일을 나타낼 때 쓴다.

My dad is washing the dishes in the kitchen.

cf. 현재진행시제는 가까운 미래의 계획을 나타내기도 한다.

We are leaving in an hour.

2 과거진행시제(was/were + v-ing): 과거의 어느 순간에 진행 중인 일을 나타낼 때 쓴다.

I was studying in the library when she called me.

cf. have, like, hate, want, know 등 소유, 감정, 지각을 나타내는 동사는 진행형으로 쓰지 않는다.
She knows the answer. (O) She is knowing the answer. (X)


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 58 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 07

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 It ( is / was ) chilly this morning, so I wore a jacket.

2 Andy is 14 years old. He (goes / went) to middle school now.

3 We ( are / will ) going to move to Boston next year.

4 They ( are / were ) fighting with each other when I arrived.

B 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

1 Chris and I watch a horror movie yesterday.

2 There were 12 months in a year.

3 Andrew was taking a shower now.

4 Tina is going transfer to another school next month.

C 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

have read freeze graduate

1 Water at zero degrees Celsius.

2 I dinner two hours ago.

3 He is a book about ancient history now.

4 My sister from elementary school next year.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 나는 Sara가 우리 반 반장이 될 것이라고 생각한다. (become)

I think Sara our class president.

2 나는 미안함을 느껴서 그에게 사과하기로 결심했다. (decide to, apologize)

I felt sorry, so I to him.

3 Kevin과 Lisa는 방에서 카드 게임을 하는 중이었다. (play cards)

Kevin and Lisa in the room.

4 우리는 치킨과 콜라를 주문할 것이다. (order)

We chicken and Coke.

Chapter 05 시제 59

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 59 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

A 현재완료시제: have/has + 과거분사(p.p.)
과거에 일어난 일이 현재까지 영향을 줄 때 쓴다.

I have known Roy since kindergarten.

He has repaired cars for more than 10 years.
We have not(= haven’t) decided where to go for lunch yet.
A: Have you invited Owen to your birthday party?
B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

cf. 과거의 특정 시점(yesterday, last year 등)을 나타내는 말이 있을 때에는 현재완료시제가 아닌 과거시제를 쓴다.
It was pretty warm last week. (O)
It has been pretty warm last week. (X)

B 현재완료시제의 용법
1 완료: 막 ~했다
과거에 시작되어 최근 또는 막 완료된 일을 나타내며, already, just, yet 등과 자주 쓰인다.
They have just completed a big project.
Have you sent the email to the company yet?

2 경험: ~한 적이 있다

과거부터 현재까지의 경험을 나타내며, ever, never, before, once 등과 자주 쓰인다.

She has never been late for class.
I have eaten Mexican food before.

3 계속: (계속) ~해 왔다

과거부터 현재까지 계속되어 온 일을 나타내며, 「since + 기준 시점(~ 이래로)」, 「for + 기간(~ 동안)」과 자주

He has played soccer since he was six years old.

We have walked around the city for several hours.

4 결과: ~해 버렸다 (그 결과 지금은 ~하다)

과거에 발생한 일의 결과가 현재까지 영향을 미치는 것을 나타낸다.

Mr. Collins has forgotten her name. (He doesn’t know her name now.)
They have lost their homes because of the flood. (They don’t have their homes


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 60 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 07

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 Sam ( done / has done) yoga since he was seven years old.

2 I ( woke / have woken) up very early this morning.

3 They ( not have / have not) arrived at the station yet.

4 ( Has she / Does she has) taken any medicine for her cold?

B 밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 우리말로 해석하시오.

1 She has worked for the same company for 10 years.

2 His team hasn’t started regular training yet.

3 Mike and Tina have already gone to bed.

4 Have you ever read this book?

C 주어진 문장을 현재완료시제로 바꿔 쓰시오.

1 I threw out my old dolls, so I don’t have them now.

I out my old dolls.

2 The seven o’clock train left. It is not here now.

The seven o’clock train .

3 Bob was in the hospital a week ago. He is still in the hospital.

Bob in the hospital for a week.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 그들이 이미 경찰을 불렀다. (call)

already the police.

2 Kate는 1년 넘게 발레 수업을 듣고 있다. (take)

ballet classes for over a year.

3 그는 전에 실수를 한 적이 한 번도 없다. (make)

never any mistakes before.

Chapter 05 시제 61

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 61 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Grammar Writing 서술형 대비

Task 1 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오.

단 어
배 열 1 아빠는 뒤뜰에서 꽃에 물을 주고 계신다. (watering, my dad, the flowers, is)

in the backyard.

2 우리 가족은 지난 일요일에 놀이공원에 갔다. (went, an amusement park, my family, to)

last Sunday.

3 Mr. Brooks는 3년 동안 수학을 가르쳐왔다. (math, has, Mr. Brooks, taught, for)

three years.

4 우리는 저녁에 식료품 장을 보러 갈 것이다. (grocery shopping, we, go, will)

in the evening.

5 너는 전에 중국에 가본 적이 있니? (ever, China, have, you, been to)


6 그들은 이틀 후에 돌아올 것이다. (come back, they, going to, are)

in two days.

Task 2 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

문 장
완 성 1 Ms. Wilson은 중요한 프로젝트를 진행 중이다. (work on, an important project)

Ms. Wilson .

2 나는 그 단어를 사전에서 찾아보았다. (look up, word, dictionary)

I .

3 이모는 그때 우리를 위해 스파게티를 만드시는 중이었다. (make spaghetti)

My aunt at that time.

4 우리는 방과 후에 영화를 보러 갈 것이다. (go to the movies, after school)

We .

5 그들은 전에 유럽을 여행한 적이 있다. (travel through Europe)

They .

6 그는 그의 방 청소를 벌써 끝냈다. (finish, clean one’s room)

He .


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 62 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Answer Keys p. 07

Task 3 일기예보를 보고 알맞은 시제를 이용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

자 료
해 석
4-Day Weather Forecast

2/5 2/6 2/7 (Today) 2/8

New York snow rain rain sunny

Miami rain cloudy cloudy sunny

Chicago sunny sunny sunny cloudy

San Diego sunny cloudy sunny rain

Example: It rained in New York yesterday.

1 It in New York on February 5.

2 It in Miami since yesterday.

3 It in Chicago for days.

4 It in San Diego tomorrow.

고 난 도

Task 4 아래 글에서 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 O, 어색하면 X를 체크한 후, 어색한 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
오 류
수 정
1 I am going camping with my friends last weekend.
2 I lived in a big city since I was seven, and it was my
first time to go camping. At the campground, 3 I was
having my own tent. 4 I usually don’t enjoy being
outdoors, but this time I had a lot of fun. 5 I will go
there again soon.

1 ( O / X )

2 ( O / X )

3 ( O / X )

4 ( O / X )

5 ( O / X )

Chapter 05 시제 63

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 63 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Actual Test 내신 대비

[1-2] 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 5 A: What was Ann doing when you called her?
1 Come into the living room. The show B: She .

soon. (eat dinner)

ⓐ start ⓑ started
ⓒ has started ⓓ will start
[6-7] 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.
ⓔ is going to started
6 Emily shopping five hours ago,
but she back yet.

ⓐ goes — didn’t come

2 Jeff the violin since he was six ⓑ went — doesn’t come
years old. ⓒ went — hasn’t come
ⓓ has gone — didn’t come
ⓐ have play ⓑ have played
ⓔ has gone — hasn’t come
ⓒ has play ⓓ has plays
ⓔ has played

7 Carrie overseas
alone before?

3 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은? ⓐ Did — was

ⓑ Did — has been

A: Have they finished the experiment? ⓒ Have — been
B: ⓓ Has — was
ⓔ Has — been
ⓐ Yes, they did.
ⓑ Yes, they have.
ⓒ Yes, they have done.
8 제시된 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?
ⓓ No, they didn’t.
ⓔ No, they not have. Josh는 사고가 일어났을 때 차를 운전하는 중이었다.

ⓐ Josh drives the car when the accident

ⓑ Josh is driving the car when the accident
[4-5] ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 대화를 완성하시오.
ⓒ Josh was driving the car when the accident
4 A: How do you know Greg Miller?
ⓓ Josh was driven the car when the accident
B: He is my coworker. I
with him for many years.
ⓔ Josh is going to drive the car when the
accident happened.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 64 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Answer Keys p. 08

서술형 서술형

9 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것을 골라 바르게 고치시오. [13-14] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을


A: ⓐ Have you ever eaten macaroons?
13 너는 전에 디즈니랜드에 가본 적이 있니?
B: No. Have you?
A: Yes. I ⓑ have eaten some yesterday, and (be)

they were really delicious. ever

B: Really? Where ⓒ did you buy them?
Disneyland before?
A: At the bakery near our school.
B: I think I ⓓ will go there and buy some

Ted는 내일 오전에 로스앤젤레스로 가는 항공편을 예약
할 예정이다.

a flight to L.A.
10 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오.
tomorrow morning.

Jerry는 9살 때부터 첼로를 연주해 왔다.
(played, since, was, has, the cello, he, nine
years old)
[15-16] 밑줄 친 부분과 쓰임이 같은 것을 고르시오.
Jerry .
15 I have tried bungee jumping before.

ⓐ I have just finished the paper.

ⓑ Have you been to a magic show before?
[11-12] 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.
ⓒ It has been freezing cold for the last few days.
11 ⓐ My sister is going to graduate next year.
ⓓ Ellen has already done the dishes and the
ⓑ The event took place in Busan last weekend.
ⓒ The fire has broken out about an hour ago.
ⓔ They have thrown out some of their old
ⓓ The kids were playing catch in the yard.
ⓔ The price of beef has gone up recently.

16 It has rained very hard since last Monday.

12 ⓐ The garbage truck comes on Wednesdays.
ⓑ The children are liking the new toys a lot. ⓐ She has not left her city before.
ⓒ We took a plane from Toronto to New York. ⓑ They have had their dog for many years.
ⓓ I have just started having breakfast. ⓒ Has he returned from his trip yet?
ⓔ The students were actively discussing the ⓓ Greg has never helped me before.
matter. ⓔ Everyone has passed the final exam.

Chapter 05 시제 65

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 65 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35


통합형 [19-24] 어법상 틀린 부분이 있는지 체크한 후, 틀린 부분을 바르게

[17-18] 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 고쳐 쓰시오.

A: Sarah is planning a big birthday party for her

예시 Mr. Wayne was not at the office right now.
daughter, Amy. (O/X)
B: How old is she?
was is
A: Amy (A) one year old next week. In
Korea, people (B) a big party when a
19 The sun always rose in the east.
baby turns one year old.
B: Oh, really? (C) 너는 그 파티에 갈 예정이니?

A: Yes, I am.

17 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

(A) (B) 20 I have called Laura at home yesterday, but she

ⓐ turned — have wasn’t there.

ⓑ turned — had (O/X)

ⓒ turned — has had

ⓓ will turn — have
ⓔ will turn — has had

21 Ted is going to getting some advice from his

teacher tomorrow.

18 우리말 (C)와 일치하도록 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을 쓰시오.

( go to, party)

22 I stayed at my grandparents’ house last spring


23 My parents have already cancel the reservation.


24 Jane didn’t eaten anything since last night.



Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 66 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Unit 1 can, may, will

Unit 2 must, have to, should

Unit 3 would like to, had better, used to


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 67 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

can, may, will

Chapter 조동사: 본동사 앞에 쓰여 능력, 허가, 추측, 미래, 요청, 의무 등의 의미를 더해 준다.
Opener 조동사의 특징: 1) 주어에 상관없이 형태가 일정하다. 2) 뒤에 동사원형을 쓴다. 3) 조동사 두 개를 함께 쓰지 않는다.

A can
1 능력: ~할 수 있다(= be able to)

Grace can(= is able to) play the violin very well.

I can’t(= am not able to) speak Japanese.

cf. 능력을 의미하는 can의 과거는 could 또는 was/were able to로, 미래는 will be able to로 표현한다.

2 허가: ~해도 좋다

I’ll be free tomorrow. You can call me anytime.

3 요청: ~해 주시겠어요?

It’s hot in here. Can you open the window?

Could you carry this bag for me? <could는 can보다 좀 더 정중한 표현>

B may
1 불확실한 추측: ~일지도 모른다

She may be late for the meeting.

I’m afraid that he may not like my present.
Jessica might be interested in this book. <might는 may보다 좀 더 약한 추측>

2 허가: ~해도 좋다

I don’t need this book anymore. You may have it.

May I ask you a question?

C will
1 예정, 의지: ~할 것이다

We will play soccer after school.

I won’t(= will not) lie to you again.

2 요청: ~해 주시겠어요?

Will you give me your phone number?

Would you bring me some water, please? < would는 will보다 좀 더 정중한 표현>


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 68 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 08

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 ( Will / May ) I see your passport, please?

2 My uncle can ( drive / drives) a truck.

3 Sarah will ( can / be able to) help you move.

4 You don’t need an umbrella. It (won’t / can) rain today.

B 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

1 They may are in the conference room.

2 I can’t to go to the movies tonight.

3 You not may go out until you finish your homework.

4 Will she comes back in the afternoon?

C 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 조동사를 넣어 문장을 완성하시오.

1 Beth and I were able to see the parade very well.

Beth and I see the parade very well.

2 Is it okay if I borrow your camera?

I borrow your camera?

3 Mark is able to speak Japanese fluently.

Mark speak Japanese fluently.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 제가 테이블 위에 있는 사탕을 먹어도 되나요? (may, eat)

the candy on the table?

2 우리는 2시간 후에 거기에 도착할 수 있을 것이다. (able, get)

there in two hours.

3 그는 테니스 클럽에 가입하지 않을 것이다. (will, join)

the tennis club.

4 당신의 이름과 주소 좀 써 주시겠어요? (could, write down)

your name and address?

5 그녀는 John과 함께 매점에 있을지도 모른다. (might, in the cafeteria)

with John.

Chapter 06 조동사 69

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 69 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

must, have to, should

A must
1 의무: ~해야 한다

You must(= have to) follow the school rules.

We must not cross the road when the traffic light is red. <must not = 금지>

2 강한 추측: ~임이 틀림없다

He must be rich. He has five luxury cars.

cf. 강한 추측을 나타낼 때 must의 반대말은 can’t (~일 리가 없다)이다.

That answer can’t be wrong. I checked it several times.

B have/has to: ~해야 한다

I have to finish my homework before going out.
She has to attend the ceremony.
Brian had to cancel his trip because he got the flu.
We will have to go to the airport to pick up Mr. Kim.

cf. have to의 부정형과 must의 부정형은 전혀 다른 의미를 나타낸다.

You don’t have to(= don’t need to) wear a suit to the event. <~할 필요 없다>
Students must not chew gum in class. <~하면 안 된다>

C should: ~해야 한다
You should see that movie. It’s entertaining.
We shouldn’t(= should not) wake him up. He’s not well.

cf. should는 must나 have to만큼 어감이 강하지 않아 충고나 권유를 할 때 주로 쓰인다.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 70 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 09

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 He should ( leave / leaves) early in the morning.

2 Kelly ( have to / has to) go to the dentist.

3 You ( must sleep not / must not sleep) in class.

4 Their son got a scholarship. They (must be / can’t be) very proud of him.

B 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 골라 문장을 완성하시오.

should must not don’t have to

1 We make noise. People are studying quietly.

2 You apologize to me. It was my fault.

3 You compete in the math contest. You’re really good at math.

C 밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 우리말로 해석하시오.

1 We shouldn’t be late for the game.

2 You don’t have to bring anything to the party.

3 Ben broke Jane’s glasses. She must be angry at him.

4 He can’t be a teacher. He looks like a student.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 아이들은 TV를 너무 많이 보면 안 된다. (should, watch)

Kids too much TV.

2 그녀는 며칠 동안 약을 조금 먹어야 한다. (have to, take)

some medicine for a few days.

3 우리는 이 비극을 잊어서는 안 된다. (must, forget)

this tragedy.

4 그가 서울에 있을 리가 없다. 그는 어젯밤에 파리로 떠났다. (can, be)

in Seoul. He left for Paris last night.

Chapter 06 조동사 71

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 71 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

would like to, had better, used to

A would like to: ~하고 싶다
I would like to take a short break.
We’d like to introduce you to our nephew, Ethan.

cf. Would you like to …?는 ‘… 하시겠어요?’의 뜻으로 정중한 제안을 할 때 쓴다.
Would you like to have a cup of coffee?

B had better : ~하는 게 낫다(충고)

충고를 따르지 않으면 불이익을 당할 수 있다는 의미가 내포되어 있다.

You had better hurry. It’s already eight o’clock.

I’d better talk to my parents about the problem.

cf. had better not: ~하지 않는 게 낫다

We had better not go out in this cold weather.

C used to: ~하곤 했다(과거의 습관), 한때 ~이었다(과거의 상태)

과거의 습관이나 상태를 나타내며, 지금은 그렇지 않다는 의미가 내포되어 있다.

I used to play soccer with my classmates every day. Now I don’t do it anymore.
She used to be a very quiet girl.
There used to be a bookstore in my neighborhood.

cf. be used to는 ‘~에 익숙하다’의 뜻으로 to가 전치사로 쓰여 뒤에 명사나 동명사가 온다.
Now I’m used to getting up very early.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 72 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 09

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 I would like ( go / to go) to the rock festival on Sunday.

2 You had better ( wear / to wear) a jacket. It’s cold outside.

3 They ( used to / are used to) go to school together every morning.

4 We ( had not better / had better not) take a taxi. There’s a traffic jam.

B 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 골라 문장을 완성하시오. (단, 한 번씩만 쓸 것)

used to had better had better not would like to

1 We buy it. It’s too expensive.

2 There be a bus stop here about a year ago.

3 You clean your room. It’s a mess.

4 I show you our new product. I think you’ll like it.

C 밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 우리말로 해석하시오.

1 I used to listen to her album almost every day.

2 Would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow?

3 He used to be a very hard-working student.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 나는 초콜릿을 그만 먹는 게 좋겠다. 그렇지 않으면 배탈이 날 것이다. (stop)

I eating chocolate. Otherwise, I’ll get a stomachache.

2 우리 클럽에 들어오시겠어요? (join)

our club?

3 그녀는 한때 아주 유명한 가수였다. (be)

a very famous singer.

4 저는 1인실 방을 예약하고 싶습니다. (make a reservation)

for a single room.

Chapter 06 조동사 73

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 73 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Grammar Writing 서술형 대비

Task 1 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오.

단 어
배 열 1 Angela는 시험을 봐야 한다. (has, the test, Angela, take, to)

2 TV 소리 좀 줄여 주시겠어요? (the TV, you, turn down, can)

3 나는 하이킹을 가지 않는 게 좋겠다. (not, I, hiking, had, go, better)

4 오랜 시간이 걸릴지도 모른다. (take, it, a, time, may, long)

5 그녀는 오늘 그 경기에 가지 않을 것이다. (won’t, go, game today, the, she, to)

6 모든 학생들은 제 시간에 거기에 있어야 한다. (the students, be there, on time, must, all)

Task 2 주어진 말과 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

문 장
완 성
should won’t used to don’t have to would like to

1 A: Can I take your order?

B: Yes. I a chicken salad and lemonade. (have)

2 A: How can we get tickets for tomorrow’s concert?

B: You tickets. It’s a free concert. (buy)

3 A: Does Cathy live in L.A.?

B: She in L.A., but she doesn’t any more. (live)

4 A: When does the musical start?

B: You by seven p.m. You can’t get in after then. (arrive)

5 A: How was the food at the new restaurant?

B: It was terrible. I there again. (go)


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 74 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Answer Keys p. 09

Task 3 게시판을 보고 ( ) 안의 조동사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

자 료
해 석
Soccer Stadium Etiquette
1. Talk loudly Yes!
2. Walk onto the field No!
3. Wave big flags Yes!
4. Use megaphones No!
5. Throw things onto the field No!
6. Eat or drink your own food Yes!

1 You can talk loudly. (can)

2 (must)

3 (may)

4 (can)

5 (should)

6 (can)

고 난 도

Task 4 아래 대화에서 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 O, 어색하면 X를 체크한 후, 어색한 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
오 류
수 정
Chris: 1 I would like become a vet.

Liz: Are you interested in taking care of animals?

I thought you wanted to be a doctor.
Chris: 2 I used to dreamed about being a doctor, but

I fell in love with animals after I got my own

Liz: 3 Will you study medicine for animals in college?
Chris: Yes. That’s why 4 I have to study hard. It’s hard to get into vet school these days.

Liz: I agree. 5 You shouldn’t have good grades as well as experience working with

1 ( O / X )

2 ( O / X )

3 ( O / X )

4 ( O / X )

5 ( O / X )

Chapter 06 조동사 75

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 75 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Actual Test 내신 대비

[1-2] 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 5 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

1 I buy a new computer. I had my

ⓐ We must be quiet in the library.
ⓑ David must go to the doctor.
old computer fixed.
ⓒ You must be very tired after the long trip.

ⓐ can ⓑ must ⓓ You must be careful not to break it.

ⓒ should ⓓ will ⓔ She must make a decision by tomorrow.

ⓔ don’t have to


[6-7] 그림을 보고 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

2 You apologize to Sophia. You 6

really hurt her feelings.

ⓐ will ⓑ should
ⓒ may ⓓ used to You your cell phone
ⓔ would like to in the library. (can, use)

3 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것은?

A: Are you using this dictionary now?
B: No. You use it. You this
area. (must, enter)
ⓐ can ⓑ can’t
ⓒ shouldn’t ⓓ may not
ⓔ had better

8 다음 중 두 문장의 의미가 같지 않은 것은?

ⓐ She can drive a minibus.

→ She is able to drive a minibus.
ⓑ I must hand in my paper today.
4 제시된 문장의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?
→ I have to hand in my paper today.

I bake a cake for Emma’s ⓒ You must not press this button.

birthday tomorrow. → You don’t have to press this button.

ⓓ Steve has to go to the hospital.
ⓐ will ⓑ should → Steve must go to the hospital.
ⓒ may ⓓ used to ⓔ They would like to meet the president.
ⓔ would like to → They want to meet the president.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 76 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Answer Keys p. 09

서술형 13 A: Hello, I sign up for the summer

[9-10] 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 쓰시오.
9 • you lend me your umbrella? B: Okay. you fill out this form?

• I get in the room because the ⓐ can — May

door was not locked. ⓑ can — Should
ⓒ may — Must
ⓓ will — May
ⓔ would like to — Could

10 • you close the window, please?

• I like to go fishing at the lake.
[14-16] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을

14 나는 지도를 사용해서 그 호텔을 찾을 수 있었다.

(able, find)

11 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것은? using a map.

ⓐ My family might move to another city.

ⓑ We will rent a car in Hawaii.
ⓒ Could you lend me some money?
ⓓ I am used to work out every day.
ⓔ You had better not buy that computer. 15 그는 Noah와 전혀 닮지 않았다. 그가 Noah의 남동생
일 리가 없다.
(can, younger brother)

He doesn’t look like Noah at all.

[12-13] 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것을


12 A: Mia to study late tonight. She

has a big test tomorrow. 16 Sarah는 심한 감기에 걸렸다. 그녀는 내일 학교에 안 갈
B: Then, we better keep quiet. We 지도 모른다.
shouldn’t disturb her. (may, go to)

ⓐ has — have ⓑ has — had Sarah has a bad cold.

ⓒ has — would ⓓ had — have

ⓔ had — had

Chapter 06 조동사 77

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 77 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35


통합형 [19-24] 어법상 틀린 부분이 있는지 체크한 후, 틀린 부분을 바르게

[17-18] 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 고쳐 쓰시오.

A: What time is your flight tomorrow?

예시 It won’t is cold tomorrow.
B: It’s at 10 a.m. So, I (A) leave home at (O/X)
seven to catch the airport shuttle.
is be
A: I (B) give you a ride to the airport.
B: Oh, no. (C) 네가 나를 위해 일찍 일어날 필요는 없어.
19 She’s a translator. She can speak Korean and
A: That’s no problem. I would like to see you off
English fluently.
at the airport.
B: Great! Thank you. You can come to my house

at 7:30.

17 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

20 It’s a surprise party. You should don’t tell her
(A) (B) about it.
ⓐ can — may (O/X)
ⓑ can — will

ⓒ may — have to
ⓓ should — will
ⓔ should — have to 21 She has better take the job. Otherwise, she’ll
regret it.


18 우리말 (C)와 일치하도록 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을

완성하시오. 22 I’m free tomorrow. I will am able to look after
(have to, get up) your baby.


23 My brother and I used to play basketball

together when we were young.

24 The due date is in two weeks. You must not

finish it today.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 78 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Unit 1 부정대명사

Unit 2 재귀대명사


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 79 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

Chapter 대명사: 명사를 대신하는 말로, 주로 명사의 반복을 피하기 위해 쓴다.
Opener 부정대명사: 불특정한 사람이나 사물을 나타내는 대명사이다.

A one
앞에서 언급된 명사와 같은 종류의 불특정한 어떤 것을 나타낼 때 쓴다. 복수형은 ones이다.
I don’t have an umbrella. I need to borrow one. (one = an umbrella)
I bought blue gloves, and Chris bought green ones. (ones = gloves)

cf. 앞에서 언급된 바로 그 명사를 나타낼 때는 one이 아닌 it을 쓴다.

That necklace is pretty. How much is it? (it = that necklace)

B some, any
‘조금’, ‘약간’의 의미로, some은 주로 긍정문과 권유문에 쓰고, any는 주로 부정문과 의문문에 쓴다.
There are lots of birds in the yard. Some are in the trees. <긍정문>
This bread is delicious. Do you want some? <권유문>
I have to buy some cereal. I don’t have any. <부정문>
I’m out of paper. Do you have any? <의문문>

cf. some과 any는 명사 앞에서 형용사로 쓰이기도 한다.

I have some questions for you.

C one, another, the other

사람이나 사물이 둘 이상일 때

둘일 때 one: 하나 the other: 나머지 하나

one: 하나 the others: 나머지 모두
셋 이상일 때 one: 하나 another: 또 하나 the other: 나머지 하나(셋일 때)
one: 하나 another: 또 하나 the others: 나머지 모두

There are two chairs. One is small, and the other is big.
I bought three shirts. One is white, another is blue, and the other is red.

D some, (the) others

1 some …, others ~ : 어떤 사람들/것들은 …, 또 어떤 사람들/것들은 ~

The women went to a cafe. Some ordered coffee, and others ordered tea.
<커피나 차 외의 것을 주문한 사람도 있을 경우>

2 some …, the others ~ : 어떤 사람들/것들은 …, 나머지 모든 사람들/것들은 ~

Some ordered coffee, and the others ordered tea. <커피를 주문한 사람 외에 모두 차를 주문한 경우>


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 80 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 10

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 A: This book looks interesting. B: I want to read (one / it).

2 A: Do you have a pet? B: No, but I want to get (one / it).

3 A: Do we have any potatoes? B: Yes, there are (some / any) in the fridge.

4 Gary took a lot of photos, but he didn’t show me (some / any).

B 그림을 보고 주어진 말과 be동사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 2 3 4

one some (x2) another the other the others(x2)

1 Look at the circles. One is green, and yellow.

2 green, yellow, and


3 green, and others are yellow.

4 green, and yellow.

C 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 골라 문장을 완성하시오.

another the other(x2) the others

1 I have three cats. One is white, is brown, and is black.

2 Only one student was late. were on time.

3 There are two malls in my town. One is very crowded, but isn’t.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말과 알맞은 부정대명사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 너는 재미있는 책을 많이 가지고 있구나. 나한테 하나만 빌려줄 수 있니? (lend)

You have lots of interesting books. Could you , please?

2 식탁 위에 컵케이크가 있었는데 Jenny는 조금도 먹지 않았다. (eat)

There were cupcakes on the table, but Jenny .

3 Katie는 고양이가 세 마리 있다. 하나는 하얀색이고 나머지는 모두 검은색이다. (be)

Katie has three cats. white and black.

Chapter 07 대명사 81

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 81 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

A 재귀대명사
재귀대명사는 인칭대명사의 소유격이나 목적격에 -self나 -selves를 붙인 형태로 ‘~ 자신’이라는 의미를 나타낸다.

주격대명사(단수) 재귀대명사 주격대명사(복수) 재귀대명사

I myself we ourselves
you yourself you yourselves
he himself they themselves
she herself
it itself

1 재귀용법
목적어가 주어 자신일 때 쓴다.

Alice introduced herself to everybody.

He thinks of himself as a good student.

2 강조용법
주어나 목적어를 강조할 때 쓰며 생략할 수 있다. 문장의 끝이나 강조하는 말 바로 뒤에 쓴다.

I found the answer myself. = I myself found the answer. <주어 강조>
They didn’t like the actors, but they liked the movie itself. <목적어 강조>

B 재귀대명사의 관용 표현

hurt oneself: 다치다 cut oneself: 칼에 베이다

enjoy oneself: 즐거운 시간을 보내다 get oneself ready: 준비하다, 대비하다
talk to oneself: 혼잣말하다 kill oneself: 자살하다
make oneself at home: 편안히 하다 help oneself (to …): (…을) 마음껏 먹다
by oneself: 혼자서(= alone) between ourselves: 우리끼리 얘기인데
by itself: 저절로 in itself: 그 자체로

Please make yourself at home.

Jake does his homework by himself.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 82 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 10

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 Emma took a picture of (myself / herself ).

2 Sometimes I cook dinner (myself / himself ).

3 They hurt ( ourselves / themselves) while fighting.

4 He is selfish. He only thinks about (him / himself ).

B 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 골라 문장을 완성하시오.

myself herself himself ourselves

1 My little brother was at home by yesterday.

2 I cut while chopping carrots.

3 My mom baked the cookies .

4 Laura and I got ready for the bad news.

C 밑줄 친 부분을 생략할 수 있으면 O, 생략할 수 없으면 X를 쓰시오.

1 Ms. Jones herself called us last night.

2 He is very proud of himself.

3 The tool itself is very useful.

4 Please help yourself to some cake.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말과 알맞은 재귀대명사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 네 자신을 사랑하는 것이 중요하다. (love)

It is important to .

2 그녀는 거울에 비친 자기 자신을 보았다. (look at, in the mirror)

She .

3 문이 저절로 열렸다. (open)

The door .

4 그들은 그 콘서트에서 즐거운 시간을 보냈다. (concert)

They really .

Chapter 07 대명사 83

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 83 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Grammar Writing 서술형 대비

Task 1 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오.

단 어
배 열 1 양초를 빌릴 수 있을까요? 저희 집에는 하나도 없어요. (home, have, we, don’t, any at)

Can I borrow a candle?

2 하나는 깨끗하지만 나머지는 모두 더럽다. (clean, the others, one, are, but, is, dirty)

3 그 자신이 그 이야기를 내게 해 주었다. (told, himself, that story, he, me)

4 그녀는 운전할 때 자주 혼잣말을 한다. (drives, herself when, she, often talks to, she)

5 그녀는 자신을 위해 생일 케이크를 샀다. (she, a birthday, cake for, bought, herself)

6 어떤 사람들은 결과에 만족하지만, 또 어떤 사람들은 그렇지 않다.

(are, the result, others, happy with, some, but, aren’t)

Task 2 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말과 알맞은 대명사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

문 장
완 성 1 Mia은 빨간 펜을 가지고 있고 나는 파란 것을 가지고 있다. (have)

Mia .

2 A: 백지가 있나요? B: 네, 제 책상 위에 조금 있어요. (there, desk)

A: Is there any blank paper? B: Yes, .

3 너는 파티에서 즐거운 시간을 보냈니? (enjoy)

at the party?

4 그는 혼자서 그 문제를 처리할 수 있을 것이다. (handle, matter)

He will be able to .

5 그녀는 면접 준비를 하고 있는 중이다. (get oneself ready)

for the interview.

6 소파 위에 다섯 벌의 셔츠가 있다. 하나는 내 것, 다른 하나는 Jason의 것, 나머지 모두는 네 것이다.

There are five shirts on the sofa. all yours.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 84 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Answer Keys p. 10

Task 3 그림을 보고 알맞은 부정대명사와 be동사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

그 림
묘 사 1 2 3

1 I have two backpacks. new, and very old.

2 Anthony has four pets. a dog, and cats.

3 She bought three flavors of ice cream. chocolate,

vanilla, and strawberry.

고 난 도

Task 4 아래 글에서 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 O, 어색하면 X를 체크한 후, 어색한 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
오 류
수 정
It was my first time at summer camp. Before going,
I was worried that I wouldn’t get along with the
others. Fortunately, I made some new friends and
1 enjoyed himself. It was a great experience for me.
Do you have any plans for this summer? If you don’t
have 2 some, how about going to summer camp
3 yourself? You will learn many valuable things there.
I’m sure you will like 4 it.

1 ( O / X )

2 ( O / X )

3 ( O / X )

4 ( O / X )

Chapter 07 대명사 85

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 85 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Actual Test 내신 대비

[1-3] 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 5 Please help to the snacks and
1 Two people won prizes. One was a boy, and drinks.

was a girl.

ⓐ some ⓑ another
ⓒ other ⓓ the other
ⓔ the others

6 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?

A: Do you have any pencils?

B: No, I don’t have .

ⓐ some ⓑ any
2 I have a few things to buy at the store. One is ⓒ another ⓓ other
toothpaste, is a hairbrush, and ⓔ the other
the others are groceries.

ⓐ ones ⓑ another
ⓒ other ⓓ the other
ⓔ the others

7 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분을 생략할 수 없는 것은?

ⓐ You’ll realize it yourself soon.

ⓑ My uncle drove the truck himself.
ⓒ She was talking to herself quietly.
ⓓ I fixed the computer myself.
3 I hope Susan enjoys at the ⓔ The actress herself signed the autograph.

ⓐ me ⓑ her
ⓒ myself ⓓ herself
ⓔ ourselves
8 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

Clerk: We have many kinds of hair dryers.
These are our best . How
about the red one?
Lynn: I like the design and the size. How
much is ?
[4-5] 빈칸에 알맞은 재귀대명사를 쓰시오.

4 The machine isn’t very

ⓐ it — it ⓑ it — one
ⓒ one — it ⓓ ones — it
ⓔ ones — one


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 86 15. 2. 16. 오전 10:38

Answer Keys p. 11

[9-10] 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오. 13 저희 집에 오신 걸 환영합니다. 편안히 계세요.

9 ⓐ These nails are too long. I need smaller ones.
Welcome to my house. Please make
ⓑ She has many dolls. Some are new, but others
are very old. at home.
ⓒ I thought there would be many people, but
there weren’t some.
ⓓ I met my new classmates yesterday. Some are
from other countries.
ⓔ I have two dogs. One is two years old, and the
other is four years old. 14 빈칸에 들어갈 재귀대명사가 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

• The kids put the toys away .
• Between , I skipped my last
class yesterday.

10 ⓐ You can do it yourself. ⓐ himself — yourself

ⓑ She takes good care of myself. ⓑ herself — yourselves
ⓒ William wrote the whole speech himself. ⓒ itself — themselves
ⓓ The coffee maker itself wasn’t very expensive. ⓓ themselves — itself
ⓔ She thinks of herself as a good singer. ⓔ themselves — ourselves

[11-13] 우리말과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 대명사를 쓰시오. [15-16] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말과 알맞은 재귀대명사
11 너는 노트북 컴퓨터를 샀구나. 나도 하나 사고 싶어.
를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

15 그는 놀이터에서 다쳤다.
You bought a laptop. I want to buy
(hurt, on the playground)
, too.

12 어떤 사람들은 캐나다인이지만 나머지 사람들은 모두

16 그녀는 혼자서 세계 일주를 했다.
(travel all over the world)
are Canadians, but
are all Americans.

Chapter 07 대명사 87

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 87 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35


통합형 [19-24] 어법상 틀린 부분이 있는지 체크한 후, 틀린 부분을 바르게

[17-18] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 고쳐 쓰시오.

Each Olympic event has three winners. They each

예시 They didn’t go there by themself.
get a medal. (A) 하나는 금, 또 하나는 은, 나머지 하나는 동 (O/X)
이다. Out of all the Olympic athletes, (B)
themself themselves
win medals and become famous. However
(C) go back home without any medals
19 Peter cut himself while shaving.
and are often forgotten by people. In my opinion,
we should be proud of all athletes whether they

get a medal or not.


17 우리말 (A)와 일치하도록 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을 쓰시오. 20 I like long skirts, but my sister prefers short one.
(gold, silver, bronze) (O/X)

21 Nature is beautiful in themselves.

18 빈칸 (B)와 (C)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은? (O/X)

(B) (C)
ⓐ one — some
ⓑ one — another
ⓒ some — one
22 You should be confident and believe in myself.
ⓓ some — another
ⓔ some — the others

23 There were two long questions. One was easy,

but another was difficult.

24 The restaurant offers nice desserts. I’ve tasted

some, and they were all good.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 88 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Unit 1 원급, 비교급, 최상급

Unit 2 비교 구문을 이용한 표현


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 89 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

원급, 비교급, 최상급

Chapter 비교: 형용사나 부사를 활용해 둘 이상의 사람이나 사물의 성질을 비교하는 것을 말한다.

A 원급 (as + 형용사/부사의 원급 + as): …만큼 ~한/하게

Linda is as funny as her brother.
Her father speaks as slowly as her mother.
This jacket is not as expensive as that one.

B 비교급 (형용사/부사의 비교급 + than): …보다 더 ~한/하게

My sandwich is bigger than yours.
Sandra can run faster than her father.
White shirts are more popular than black shirts.

cf. 비교급 앞에 much, even, still, far, a lot 등을 써서 ‘훨씬 더 ~한/하게’의 의미로 비교급을 강조할 수 있다.
Your luggage is much heavier than mine.

C 최상급 (the + 형용사/부사의 최상급): 가장 ~한/하게

1 the + 최상급 + in + 장소/범위: …에서 가장 ~한/하게

This is the largest shirt in our store.

Robin is the youngest in our family.

2 the + 최상급 + of + 비교 대상: … 중에서 가장 ~한/하게

Helen is the most patient of the three sisters.

D 비교급과 최상급 만드는 방법

small – smaller – smallest

대부분의 단어 + -(e)r/-(e)st
wise – wiser – wisest
「단모음 + 단자음」으로 끝나는 단어 자음을 한 번 더 쓰고 + -er/-est big – bigger – biggest
-y로 끝나는 단어 y를 i로 바꾸고 + -er/-est easy – easier – easiest
important – more important
대부분의 2음절 이상 단어 more/most + 원급
– most important
good / well – better – best
불규칙변화 bad / badly – worse – worst
many / much – more – most


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 90 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 11

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 Betty is ( younger / youngest) than Sarah.

2 Your skin is as ( soft / softer) as a baby’s.

3 Math is ( difficulter / more difficult) than science for me.

4 It’s ( more / the most) expensive hotel in the city.

B ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 비교급 문장을 완성하시오.

1 My cat is your dog. (old)

2 Josh is his brother. (funny)

3 In Seoul, July is usually June. (hot)

4 The black car is the red car. (popular)

C 주어진 말을 활용해서 최상급 문장을 완성하시오.

high heavy delicious exciting

1 This is box in the room.

2 Mt. Halla is mountain in South Korea.

3 My grandmother makes beef stew in the world.

4 I had so much fun on my trip. It was trip of my life.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 만화 영화는 액션 영화만큼 재미있다. (interesting)

Animated movies are action movies.

2 검은색 코트가 갈색 코트보다 더 두껍다. (thick, the brown one)

The black coat is .

3 Brenda의 생각이 우리 것보다 훨씬 더 나아 보인다. (much, good)

Brenda’s idea sounds .

4 Gabby는 사무실에서 가장 근면한 사람이다. (diligent, person)

Gabby is in the office.

Chapter 08 비교 91

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 91 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

비교 구문을 이용한 표현
A 배수사 + as + 원급 + as …: …의 몇 배로 ~한/하게
Tim’s sister is twice as old as Tim.
The silk scarf is three times as expensive as the cotton scarf.

cf. 배수사는 twice(두 배), three times(세 배), four times(네 배) 등과 같이 ‘~ 배’를 나타내는 말이다.

B the + 비교급 …, the + 비교급 ~: …하면 할수록 더 ~하다

The more you practice, the better you will be.
The later you go to sleep, the more tired you will be.

C 비교급 + and + 비교급: 점점 더 ~한/하게

These days, it is getting warmer and warmer.
Her song became more and more popular around the world.

D Which/Who … 비교급, A or B? : A와 B 중에서 어느 것이/누가 더 ~한가?

Which bag is cheaper, the blue one or the white one?
Who plays the guitar better, you or Julie?

E one of the + 최상급 + 복수명사: 가장 ~한 것들 중 하나

Tokyo is one of the busiest cities in the world.
Beethoven is one of the most famous composers in history.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 92 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 11

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 The harder you study, (better / the better) your grades will be.

2 Which is ( prettier / prettiest), the red vase or the yellow one?

3 Heather’s room is twice (as large / larger) as my room.

4 The Chrysler Building is one of the tallest (building / buildings) in Manhattan.

B 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

1 The wind became strong and strong.

2 This rope is three times as longer as that one.

3 Who can run fastest, you or Chris?

4 I made one of the bigger mistakes of my life.

C 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 더 천천히 먹을수록 더 소화가 잘 된다. (slow, well)

you eat, you digest.

2 그녀가 풍선을 불수록 풍선은 점점 더 커졌다. (big)

As she blew up the balloon, it got .

3 파란색 셔츠와 흰색 셔츠 중에서 어느 것이 나한테 더 잘 어울리니? (good)

looks on me, the blue shirt the white shirt?

4 K2는 세계에서 가장 높은 산 중에 하나이다. (high, mountain)

K2 is in the world.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

dark rich hard

1 그는 할리우드에서 가장 부유한 배우 중 한 명이다.

He is actors in Hollywood.

2 Mary는 전보다 두 배 더 열심히 공부한다.

Mary studies she used to.

3 내가 집으로 돌아오는 사이에 점점 더 어두워졌다.

While I was coming back home, it was getting .

Chapter 08 비교 93

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 93 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Grammar Writing 서술형 대비

Task 1 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오.

단 어
배 열 1 네 가방이 내 것보다 더 무거워 보인다. (than, your, mine, looks, bag, heavier)

2 한국에서 9월은 8월만큼 덥지 않다. (not, hot, September, as, is, August in Korea, as)

3 Patrick이 세 남자 아이 중 가장 어리다. (the three boys, is, Patrick, the youngest of)

4 내 자전거는 우리 형의 것보다 훨씬 더 작다. (much, my bike, than, is, my brother’s, smaller)

5 Cindy의 신발은 내 신발보다 두 배 더 비싸다. (as, twice, Cindy’s, mine, expensive, as, shoes, are)

6 더 많이 웃을수록 더 행복하다. (smile, you, the happier, are, the more, you)

Task 2 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

문 장
완 성 1 지하철과 택시 중에서 어느 것이 더 저렴한가요? (cheap)

, the subway a taxi?

2 그때는 그에게 일년 중 가장 바쁜 때이다. (busy, time)

It of the year for him.

3 상황은 점점 더 악화되었다. (become, bad)

The situation .

4 나이가 더 들수록 시간이 더 빨리 간다. (old, fast)

you get, time goes.

5 새 건물은 이전 것보다 두 배 더 크다. (big)

The new building the old one.

6 미켈란젤로는 역사상 가장 유명한 화가 중 한 명이다. (famous, painter)

Michelangelo is in history.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 94 15. 2. 17. 오후 12:02

Answer Keys p. 12

Task 3 표를 보고 small이나 large를 활용해서 비교급 또는 최상급 문장을 완성하시오.

자 료
해 석
The Populations of the Largest Cities in the U.S. (2013)

Rank Cities Population

1 New York 8,405,837
2 Los Angeles 3,884,307
3 Chicago 2,718,782
4 Houston 2,195,914
5 Philadelphia 1,553,165

1 Los Angeles Chicago in population.

2 Houston New York in population.

3 New York has population the United States.

4 Philadelphia has population the five cities in the chart.

고 난 도

Task 4 아래 글에서 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 O, 어색하면 X를 체크한 후, 어색한 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
오 류
수 정
Switzerland is 1 one of most visited countries in the
world. It has lots of beautiful high mountains. Most
of them 2 are high than 4,000 m. Monte Rosa is
3 the highest mountain in Switzerland, and its height
is 4,634 m. The Matterhorn is as 4 most famous as
Monte Rosa. The Matterhorn is not as high as Monte
Rosa, but many people think it is 5 one of the most
beautiful peaks in the world.

1 ( O / X )

2 ( O / X )

3 ( O / X )

4 ( O / X )

5 ( O / X )

Chapter 08 비교 95

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 95 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Actual Test 내신 대비

[1-3] 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 5 Taking an airplane is faster

1 Joshua came home than me than taking a train.

ⓐ far ⓑ even

ⓐ early ⓑ earlier ⓒ more ⓓ much

ⓒ earliest ⓓ more early ⓔ a lot

ⓔ the most earliest


[6-8] ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

2 In Korea, autumn is season of
the year. • It is 30°C in Orlando.
• It is 30°C in Miami.
ⓐ drier ⓑ the driest
Orlando is Miami.
ⓒ more dry ⓓ the most dry
ⓔ the most driest

3 7
My brother can cook than my • The red backpack is $40.

mom. • The black backpack is $160.

The black backpack is

ⓐ good ⓑ well
the red backpack.
ⓒ better ⓓ best
(four, expensive)
ⓔ the best

[4-5] 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 말을 고르시오. 8 • The history book has 200 pages.
4 He thinks baseball is the most • The science book has 150 pages.
sport. • The English book has 100 pages.

The history book is

ⓐ important ⓑ great
the three books.
ⓒ exciting ⓓ interesting
ⓔ meaningful


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 96 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Answer Keys p. 12

[9-10] 제시된 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것을 고르시오. 서술형

9 [13-15] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을

그것은 내 인생에서 가장 멋진 경험 중 하나였다.

ⓐ It was one of wonderful experience of my life. 13 흰색 시계와 분홍색 시계 중에서 어느 것이 더 저렴하니?

ⓑ It was one of wonderful experiences of my (cheap)
is , the white
ⓒ It was one of most wonderful experience of
my life. watch the pink one?
ⓓ It was one of the most wonderful experience
of my life.
ⓔ It was one of the most wonderful experiences
of my life. 14 날씨가 점점 더 시원해지고 있다.

10 그들은 시간을 더 많이 함께 보낼수록 더 가까워졌다.

The weather is getting

ⓐ Much they spent time together, closer they
ⓑ More they spent time together, closer they
became. 15 운동을 더 많이 할수록 더 튼튼해질 것이다.
ⓒ More they spent time together, the closer
they became.
ⓓ The more they spent time together, the closer you exercise,

they became. you will become.

ⓔ The most they spent time together, the
closest they became.

[11-12] 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.

16 제시된 표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Fast Food Menu Price

11 ⓐ Her bed is softer than mine.
Burger $3.00
ⓑ He wanted a simpler design than that.
Hot dog $2.00
ⓒ Today’s weather is worse than yesterday’s. v-ing?
French fries $1.00
ⓓ Backpacks are more useful than suitcases. Soft drink $1.50
ⓔ Julie thinks the red dress is more pretty than Ice cream $1.00
the purple one.
ⓐ Burgers are the most expensive item.
ⓑ Hot dogs are more expensive than soft drinks.
12 ⓐ This is the best choice of all. ⓒ French fries are as expensive as ice cream.
ⓑ It is the longest river in the country. ⓓ Burgers are twice as expensive as French
ⓒ He is one of the powerfulest politicians. fries.
ⓓ It was one of the coldest days of winter. ⓔ French fries and ice cream are the cheapest
ⓔ Jessica is the smartest student in her class. items.

Chapter 08 비교 97

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 97 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35


통합형 [19-24] 어법상 틀린 부분이 있는지 체크한 후, 틀린 부분을 바르게

[17-18] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 고쳐 쓰시오.

People are starting to drink more water than in

예시 Lisa studies much hard than her sister.
the past. (A) 실제로 물은 미국에서 가장 인기 있는 음료 중 (O/X)
하나이다. It is the (B) choice among
hard harder
beverages. It is also cheaper than other drinks.
When you don’t drink enough water, your body
19 Mary is smartest student in my class.
does not function as (C) as it should. So
drink up!


17 우리말 (A)와 일치하도록 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을

20 This model is as not popular as other models.
(popular, drinks)
In fact,
in the U.S.

21 The countryside is more quiet than the city.

18 빈칸 (B)와 (C)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은? (O/X)

(B) (C)
ⓐ healthy — better
ⓑ healthier — well
ⓒ healthier — best
ⓓ healthiest — well 22 It is one of the funniest movie of all time.
ⓔ healthiest — better (O/X)

23 The baby is crying louder and louder.


24 Which one is prettier, this one and that one?



Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 98 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

접속사와 절
Unit 1 부사절, 시간을 나타내는 접속사

Unit 2 이유, 결과를 나타내는 접속사

Unit 3 조건, 양보를 나타내는 접속사,

짝으로 이루어진 접속사


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 99 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

부사절, 시간을 나타내는 접속사

Chapter 절: 「주어 + 동사」를 포함한 여러 단어가 모여 문장 내에서 명사, 형용사, 부사처럼 쓰이는 것이다.
Opener 부사절: 문장의 중심이 되는 주절에 시간, 이유, 조건, 양보 등의 부가적인 뜻을 더해 주는 부사 역할을 하는 절이다.

A 부사절을 이끄는 접속사

부사절을 이끄는 종속접속사는 부사절 맨 앞에 쓰여 주절과 부사절을 이어준다. 대표적으로, when(시간),
because(이유), if(조건), although(양보) 등이 있다.
We stayed home because it was raining hard.
주절 부사절

cf. 부사절이 주절의 앞에 올 때는 보통 부사절 끝에 콤마(,)를 쓴다.

When I have a problem, I usually talk to my parents.

B 시간을 나타내는 접속사

1 when : ~할 때

She cried when I said goodbye to her.

2 as : ~할 때, ~하자

As he walked across the stage, the audience applauded.

3 while : ~하는 동안

Roy listened to music while he was cleaning the kitchen.

4 after/before : ~한 후에/~하기 전에

After we had lunch, we went out to eat dessert.

Let’s have dinner before the TV show starts.

5 until : ~할 때까지

She kept playing games until her mom came back.

cf. 시간 부사절에서는 미래를 나타낼 때 현재시제를 쓴다.

I will get a job when I graduate. (O)
I will get a job when I will graduate. (X)


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 100 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 13

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 You can call me ( when / while) you need help.

2 We decided to wait for him (until / after) he arrived.

3 They got along well (as / before) they had a fight.

4 I will call you when I (get / will get) there.

B 우리말과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 접속사를 골라 문장을 완성하시오.

while until before after

1 비가 그칠 때까지 기다리자.

Let’s wait the rain stops.

2 외출하기 전에 불을 끄는 것을 잊지 마라.

Don’t forget to turn off the lights you go out.

3 그는 열차 안에 있는 동안 단편 소설을 다 끝냈다.

he was on the train, he finished a short novel.

4 나는 샤워를 한 후에 욕실을 청소했다.

I cleaned the bathroom I took a shower.

C 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말과 알맞은 접속사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 그녀는 집안일을 끝낼 때까지 아무것도 먹지 않았다. (finish, her chores)

She didn’t eat anything .

2 그 사고가 일어난 후에 그들은 조심하지 않았던 것을 후회했다. (accident, happen)

, they regretted not being careful.

3 내가 세차를 하는 동안 Emma는 저녁 식사를 준비했다. (prepare, dinner, wash the car)

Emma .

4 그녀가 울 때 그는 어찌해야 할지를 몰랐다. (cry, know)

, what to do.

5 런던을 방문하고 있는 동안 그는 그의 삼촌을 만났다. (visit, London, meet)

, his uncle.

Chapter 09 접속사와 절 101

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 101 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

이유, 결과를 나타내는 접속사

A 이유를 나타내는 접속사
because, since, as는 ‘~하기 때문에’라는 뜻으로 이유를 나타낸다.
1 because

He got angry because nobody listened to him.

cf. 「because + 주어 + 동사」 vs. 「because of + 명사(구)」

My flight was delayed because it snowed heavily.
My flight was delayed because of the heavy snow.

2 since

Since he has three dogs, he buys a lot of dog food.

I read a magazine in the waiting room since I was bored.

3 as

He needed some help as he was a new student.

My grandmother got a discount as she is a senior citizen.

B 결과를 나타내는 접속사

1 so : 그래서

She studied very hard, so she got a scholarship.

My alarm clock didn’t work, so I was late for school.

2 so … that ~ : 너무 …해서 ~하다

I was so tired that I fell asleep on the couch.

The room was so dark that I couldn’t see anything.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 102 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 13

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 He stayed up all night, (as / so) he was very tired.

2 ( Since / So ) she was busy, I had to handle the matter myself.

3 The candy is so sweet (that / since) I can’t eat more than two pieces.

4 I couldn’t buy anything (because / because of) I didn’t have my wallet with me.

B 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

1 I was late because the traffic jam.

2 Olivia was very sick that she couldn’t go to school.

3 So he wasn’t in town, he couldn’t come to my birthday party.

4 It was pretty warm, that I only wore a shirt and shorts.

C 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 골라 문장을 완성하시오. (단, 한 번씩만 쓸 것)

so as that because of

1 I was so shocked I couldn’t say a word.

2 he doesn’t know my number, I have to call him.

3 She had a stomachache, she skipped lunch.

4 The streets were very crowded the festival.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 나는 매우 기뻐서 울었다. (cry, because)

I so happy.

2 날씨가 무척 추워서 나는 모자를 쓰고 장갑을 꼈다. (very cold, wear)

It was , a hat and gloves.

3 그는 너무 긴장을 해서 노래를 잘 하지 못했다. (so nervous, sing)

He was well.

4 그녀가 출장 중이었기 때문에 나는 그녀를 만날 수 없었다. (since, out of town)

on business,
I couldn’t meet her.

Chapter 09 접속사와 절 103

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 103 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

U n i t

조건, 양보를 나타내는 접속사, 짝으로 이루어진 접속사

A 조건을 나타내는 접속사

1 if : 만약 ~한다면/~라면

You can eat this sandwich if you are hungry.

If you want to take the shuttle bus, you should wait here.

2 unless : 만약 ~하지 않는다면 (= if … not)

You can’t get a discount unless you have a student card.

→ You can’t get a discount if you don’t have a student card.
Unless Ethan agrees, we won’t go to Japan for our vacation.
→ If Ethan doesn’t agree, we won’t go to Japan for our vacation.

cf. 조건 부사절에서는 미래를 나타낼 때 현재시제를 쓴다.

If it is sunny tomorrow, we will go swimming. (O)
If it will be sunny tomorrow, we will go swimming. (X)

B 양보를 나타내는 접속사

1 although / though / even though : 비록 ~이지만/~임에도 불구하고

Although Mr. Kim is very rich, he doesn’t buy many expensive things.
Though she is over 80 years old, she is very healthy.
Even though I tried my best, I couldn’t persuade him.

C 짝으로 이루어진 접속사

1 both A and B : A와 B 둘 다

Both Cindy and Laura are very good students. <복수 취급>

2 not only A but also B : A뿐만 아니라 B도

Not only my parents but also my brother is a teacher. <B에 동사의 수 일치>

3 either A or B : A 또는 B 둘 중 하나

Either my mom or my dad gives me a ride to school every day. <B에 동사의 수 일치>


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 104 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Practice Answer Keys p. 13

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 You can’t go to the concert (if / unless) you buy a ticket.

2 If you ( listen / will listen) to the song, you’ll like it.

3 Both Lisa and Ben ( go / goes) to high school.

4 ( If / Although ) it was raining, they continued training in the field.

B 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

1 Unless he doesn’t apologize to me, I won’t talk to him.

2 If he added lots of sugar, the coffee was still bitter.

3 I’m going to buy either a camera and a bike with the money.

4 Not only protein but also vitamin C are essential for children.

C 주어진 문장과 뜻이 같도록 알맞은 접속사를 골라 문장을 완성하시오.

if although both ... and ~

1 She likes cooking, but she’s not a very good cook.

cooking, she’s not a very good cook.

2 Brian won’t be able to finish it unless you help him.

Brian won’t be able to finish it .

3 Matthew can speak English fluently. He can speak Japanese fluently, too.

Matthew can speak fluently.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말과 알맞은 접속사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 해가 빛나고 있었지만 따뜻하지 않았다. (the sun, shine)

, it wasn’t very warm.

2 날씨가 무더울 뿐만 아니라 습했다. (hot, humid)

It was .

3 질문이 있으면 손을 들어 주세요. (have, any questions)

, please raise your hand.

4 나는 너무 춥지 않으면 보통 걸어서 학교에 간다. (too cold)

I usually walk to school .

Chapter 09 접속사와 절 105

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 105 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Grammar Writing 서술형 대비

Task 1 주어진 문장과 뜻이 같도록 ( ) 안의 접속사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

문 장
전 환 1 If it’s not really cold, I sleep with the window open. (unless)

, I sleep with the window open.

2 She was really scared. So, she started crying. (so ... that ~)

She was .

3 Ray has lived in Rome for two years, but he can’t speak Italian. (although)

, he can’t speak Italian.

4 Sophia was doing the dishes. At the same time, she was listening to the radio. (while)

Sophia was listening to the radio .

5 John can play the violin. He can play the cello, too. (not only ... but also ~)

John can play .

6 They were talking to each other. They stopped talking when the teacher came in. (until)

They were talking to each other .

Task 2 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오.

단 어
배 열 1 Justin은 잠자리에 들기 전에 샤워를 한다. (goes to, Justin, a shower, before, takes, he)


2 Emily는 머리가 아팠기 때문에 약을 먹었다. (a headache, she, because, Emily, took, had)

some medicine.

3 그는 키가 작지만 훌륭한 축구 선수이다. (he, a great, is, he, short, although, is)

soccer player.

4 그들은 이전 TV가 고장났기 때문에 새 TV를 샀다. (a new TV, as, they, their old TV, bought, was)


5 시장이 너무 붐벼서 우리는 서로를 잃어버릴 뻔 했다. (so crowded, we, the market, was, that, almost lost)

each other.

6 James나 Anna 둘 중 하나가 공항으로 너를 마중 나갈 것이다. (will, James, pick you up, either, Anna, or)

at the airport.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 106 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:35

Answer Keys p. 13

Task 3 표를 보고 ( ) 안의 접속사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

자 료
해 석 이번 주말에 하고 싶은 것 조건

Emily go surfing It is sunny.

Jessica buy Mr. Barry’s new book It is cheaper than $30.
Brian go shopping with Tina She is not too busy.
Julie wash her dad’s car The weather is nice.
Peter visit Paris The flight isn’t canceled.

Example: Emily will go surfing if it is sunny . (if)

1 Jessica . (if)

2 Brian . (unless)

3 Julie . (if)

4 Peter . (unless)

고 난 도

Task 4 아래 글에서 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 O, 어색하면 X를 체크한 후, 어색한 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
오 류
수 정
Even though most people have good skin, they still
sometimes get pimples. 1 When they are stressed,
pimples may break out. 2 If you will have pimples,
the best thing to do is let them go away on their own.
Don’t pop them 3 because of they leave scars. 4 If you
pop them, you will have clean skin in a few weeks.

1 ( O / X )

2 ( O / X )

3 ( O / X )

4 ( O / X )

Chapter 09 접속사와 절 107

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 107 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Actual Test 내신 대비

[1-3] 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 서술형

1 [5-6] 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 접속사를 쓰시오.

Ann didn’t eat much she was
on a diet.
Jack is not tall, but he is very good at
ⓐ so ⓑ until
Jack is not tall, he is very
ⓒ because ⓓ unless
good at basketball.
ⓔ although

It is okay to drink the milk if it doesn’t smell
2 He can’t use the car it is
It is okay to drink the milk
it smells bad.

ⓐ if ⓑ but
ⓒ after ⓓ until
ⓔ because 7 제시된 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 어색한 것은?

the store owner is very friendly,
the store is always full of people.

ⓐ As ⓑ When
3 My dad’s chicken pasta is so delicious ⓒ Since ⓓ Although
I’d like to eat it every day. ⓔ Because

ⓐ or ⓑ that
ⓒ but ⓓ though 8 다음 중 문장을 잘못 해석한 것은?
ⓔ unless ⓐ I can’t help you unless you tell me what’s
나에게 뭐가 문제인지 알려주지 않으면 너를 도와줄 수가 없다.
ⓑ He was so tired that he went to bed without
taking a shower.
4 제시된 문장과 뜻이 같도록 할 때, 빈칸에 들어갈 접속사로
그는 샤워를 하지 않고 잠자리에 들어서 너무 피곤했다.
알맞은 것은?
ⓒ Since it was a long flight, we had three meals
on the plane.
I was waiting for Sam at the playground. At
긴 비행이었기 때문에 우리는 비행기에서 세 끼를 먹었다.
the same time, he was taking a test.
ⓓ He lent me not only his backpack but also his
Sam was taking a test, I was jacket.
waiting for him at the playground. 그는 나에게 배낭뿐만 아니라 재킷도 빌려주었다.
ⓔ Even though she was poor herself, she tried
ⓐ If ⓑ While
to help people in need.
ⓒ Unless ⓓ After 그녀는 자신이 가난했음에도 불구하고 어려운 사람들을
ⓔ Because 돕고자 했다.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 108 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Answer Keys p. 13

9 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어색한 것은? 서술형

ⓐ As Emma sang, Brian smiled. 13 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 알맞은 접속사를 쓰시오.

ⓑ She broke her leg when she fell to the ground.

• I skipped lunch, I felt hungry.
ⓒ If it was very windy, the boat went out to sea.
ⓓ He was sad because he had to say goodbye to • The child was energetic that

his family. he ran around the house all day.

ⓔ Though the room wasn’t big, it was clean and


14 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 접속사가 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

ⓐ the movie looked boring, I didn’t watch

서술형 it.
[10-11] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 ⓑ She didn’t eat anything she had an
완성하시오. upset stomach.
ⓒ my uncle is a math teacher, he often
10 그녀는 친절할 뿐만 아니라 아주 똑똑하다.
teaches me math.
ⓓ the questions were difficult, I got an A
She is on the test.
ⓔ I picked her up at the airport she asked
very smart.
me to.

11 그는 록과 클래식 음악을 모두 좋아한다. 15 두 문장을 「so ... that ~」을 활용해서 한 문장으로 바꿔
(rock, classical music) 쓰시오.

He likes
The book was really popular. So, it sold out
. in every bookstore.

12 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

ⓐ As Mary brushed her hair, she sang a song. 16 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것은?

ⓑ The violinist smiled as she played on the ⓐ Both the milk and the yogurt are on sale.
stage. ⓑ I will be really happy if she likes my present.
ⓒ As Jerry didn’t speak French, he ⓒ Though it will take a long time, it will be worth
communicated with body language. it.
ⓓ A green car passed Becca as she walked to ⓓ Either orange juice or coffee is served with
the store. this dish.
ⓔ Mr. Davis read a book as he waited for his ⓔ Not only my mom but also my dad support
friend. my idea.

Chapter 09 접속사와 절 109

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 109 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36


통합형 [19-24] 어법상 틀린 부분이 있는지 체크한 후, 틀린 부분을 바르게

[17-18] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 고쳐 쓰시오.

(A) When I was traveling in Switzerland, I met a

예시 I think she’s either Korean and Japanese.
very nice lady. She was sitting next to me on the (O/X)
train to Lausanne. (B) While we were on the train,
and or
she talked to me about Lausanne, her hometown.
(C) After we got off the train, she kindly invited
19 We missed the beginning of the movie even
me to her house for tea. (D) Although I didn’t
though we arrived ten minutes late.
have any special plans that day, I accepted her
offer. (E) 그녀는 차뿐만 아니라 집에서 만든 맛있는 과자를
내게 주었다. It was one of the most wonderful

experiences I had in Switzerland.

서술형 20 The test was so hard but I failed.

17 (A) ~ (D) 중 어색한 것을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

21 I listened to a song while I was waiting for the

서술형 (O/X)
18 우리말 (E)와 일치하도록 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을


(tea, delicious homemade cookies)

She gave me 22 Both Jacob and Nathan likes Mexican food a lot.

23 The machine kept running until the manager

turned it off.

24 When you will get a driver’s license, will you buy

your own car?


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 110 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Unit 1 주격, 목적격, 소유격 관계대명사

Unit 2 관계대명사 that, what, 관계대명사의 생략

Unit 3 관계부사


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 111 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

U n i t

주격, 목적격, 소유격 관계대명사

Chapter 관계사: 두 문장의 공통된 부분을 하나로 연결시키는 말로, 관계사가 이끄는 절은 앞의 명사(선행사)를 수식한다.
Opener 관계대명사는 「접속사 + 대명사」 역할을, 관계부사는 「접속사 + 부사」 역할을 한다.

A 관계대명사
관계대명사는 「접속사 + 대명사」 역할을 하며, 관계대명사가 이끄는 절은 앞의 명사(선행사)를 수식하는 형용사절이다.

I know the girl. She broke the window.

→ I know the girl who broke the window.

격 주격 목적격 소유격
사람 who who(m) whose
사물, 동물 which which whose

1 주격 관계대명사 who, which

관계사절에서 선행사가 주어 역할을 할 때 주격 관계대명사를 쓴다.

He is the player. He scored the final goal.

→ He is the player who scored the final goal. <선행사가 사람>
We rented a car. It had a navigation system.
→ We rented a car which had a navigation system. <선행사가 사물>

cf. 주격 관계대명사 뒤에 오는 동사는 선행사에 수를 일치시킨다.

He is teaching some students who are from Italy.

2 목적격 관계대명사 who(m), which

관계사절에서 선행사가 목적어 역할을 할 때 목적격 관계대명사를 쓴다.

She is dating a man. She met him on her vacation.

→ She is dating a man who(m) she met on her vacation. <선행사가 사람>
I liked the movie. We saw it last night.
→ I liked the movie which we saw last night. <선행사가 사물>

3 소유격 관계대명사 whose

관계사절에서 선행사가 소유격 역할을 할 때 소유격 관계대명사를 쓴다.

I have a brother. His job is to fix computers.

→ I have a brother whose job is to fix computers. <선행사가 사람>
Jessica works in a building. Its rooftop has a great view.
→ Jessica works in a building whose rooftop has a great view. <선행사가 사물>


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 112 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Practice Answer Keys p. 14

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 She is a girl ( who / which) never lies.

2 These are the clothes (who / which) don’t fit me anymore.

3 She is a singer ( who / whose) fans are mostly in their 20s.

4 Jason will bring the woman (whom / whose) he is going to marry.

B 빈칸에 알맞은 관계대명사를 골라 문장을 완성하시오. (단, 한 번씩만 쓸 것)

who whom which whose

1 He is teaching the kids have just started learning English.

2 Is there a pharmacy is open 24 hours a day?

3 I met an old student I taught 10 years ago.

4 Next to the temple, there is an old tree branches are very long.

C 주어진 두 문장을 관계대명사를 활용해서 한 문장으로 완성하시오.

1 I lost my dad’s watch. It was expensive.

I lost my dad’s watch .

2 Lauren has a cat. Its eyes are very pretty.

Lauren has a cat .

3 I called the doctor. I visited him last week.

I called the doctor .

4 Students attend this music school. They are talented at music.

Students attend this music school.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말과 알맞은 관계대명사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 나는 배터리를 사용하는 라디오를 가지고 있다. (use, batteries)

I have a radio .

2 나는 작년에 멀리 이사 간 내 친구가 정말 그립다. (move away)

I really miss my friend .

3 그는 최근에 화면이 내 것보다 더 큰 컴퓨터를 샀다. (screen, bigger)

He recently bought a computer than mine.

4 그녀는 한 달 전에 샀던 선물을 드디어 Kevin에게 주었다. (buy, a month ago)

She finally gave Kevin the present .

Chapter 10 관계사 113

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 113 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

U n i t

관계대명사 that, what, 관계대명사의 생략

A 관계대명사 that
1 관계대명사 that은 선행사의 종류에 상관없이 주격 또는 목적격 관계대명사 who, whom, which를 대신해서
쓸 수 있다.

She is the teacher that(= who) helped me with my essay.

I ordered a dish that(= which) I have eaten before.

2 선행사가 1) 「사람 + 사물/동물」일 때, 2) 최상급, 서수, the only, the same, the last 등을 포함할 때,
3) -thing으로 끝날 때는 관계대명사 that을 쓴다.
It is a movie about a family and a dog that survived a tornado.
She was the only person that supported me.
This is something that we need to know for the project.

B 관계대명사 what
관계대명사 what은 선행사를 포함하는 관계대명사로 ‘~하는 것(the thing that)’의 의미이다. what이 이끄는
관계사절은 명사절로 주절의 주어, 목적어, 보어로 쓰인다.

What(= The thing that) she did yesterday was amazing.

I couldn’t believe what you said.
That is exactly what I wanted.

C 관계대명사의 생략
1 목적격 관계대명사는 생략이 가능하다.

He bought the TV (which/that) the salesman strongly recommended.

I had lunch with people (who(m)/that) I met at the conference.

2 「주격 관계대명사 + be동사」는 생략이 가능하다.

The boy (who/that is) playing the violin is my nephew, Tyler.
I have some books (which /that are) written in English.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 114 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Practice Answer Keys p. 14

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 Jack is wearing the same tie (who / that) he wore yesterday.

2 ( Which / What ) he is saying is complete nonsense.

3 Morgan was the only person (that / what) showed up on time.

4 Emily enjoyed ( what / which) Jason cooked for dinner.

B 다음 문장에서 생략 가능한 부분을 찾아 쓰시오. (생략 가능한 부분이 없을 경우 X)

1 She lent me a dress which she hasn’t worn yet.

2 He is someone who you can trust.

3 He is my cousin who will transfer to our school.

4 Victoria showed me her pictures which were taken in L.A. last year.

C 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

1 I learned which I really needed to know from her lecture.

2 She told me something who made me happy.

3 This is a book that author is a well-known journalist in Canada.

4 The woman and the dogs who were in the car weren’t hurt in the accident.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오.

1 나는 그가 그 카드에 그린 것을 좋아했다. (liked, what, I, he, painted)

on the card.

2 너는 John이 얘기하고 있는 저 여자아이를 아니? (talking to, is, John, the girl)

Do you know ?

3 내가 뭐 도와줄 수 있는 일이 있니? (that, I, can, you with, help, anything)

Is there ?

4 Tina는 그녀가 세일 중에 샀던 가방을 환불하기로 결심했다. (the bag, decided to, she, Tina, return, bought)

on sale.

Chapter 10 관계사 115

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 115 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

U n i t

A 관계부사
관계부사는 「접속사 + 부사」의 역할을 하며, 관계부사가 이끄는 절은 앞의 명사(선행사)를 수식하는 형용사절이다.
관계부사는 「전치사 + 관계대명사」로 바꿔 쓸 수 있다.

I remember the day. I first saw her on that day.

→ I remember the day when(= on which) I first saw her.

1 when
선행사가 the time, the day, the year 등으로 시간을 나타낼 때 쓴다.

August 4 was the day when(= on which) my brother was born.

Do you know the year when(= in which) Sam moved to Boston?

2 where
선행사가 the place, the city, the restaurant 등으로 장소를 나타낼 때 쓴다.
It is the town where(= in which) Brian was born and raised.
I know a nice hotel where(= at which) you can stay at a good price.

3 why
선행사가 the reason 등으로 이유를 나타낼 때 쓴다.
I still don’t know the reason why(= for which) she left without saying anything.

4 how
선행사가 the way 등으로 방법을 나타낼 때 쓴다. the way와 how는 함께 쓰지 않고 둘 중 하나만 쓴다.
This is how my mother taught me to cook rice. (O)
This is the way my mother taught me to cook rice. (O)
This is the way how my mother taught me to cook rice. (X)


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 116 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Practice Answer Keys p. 14

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 Seven o’clock is the time (why / when) we usually have dinner.

2 He didn’t tell us the reason (how / why) he was late for the meeting.

3 Tell me ( how / the way how) you persuaded your parents.

4 What is the name of the restaurant (where / when) we had lobster last week?

B 빈칸에 알맞은 관계부사를 넣어 문장을 완성하시오.

1 Toronto is the city I lived for 10 years.

2 I carefully watched he repaired my bike.

3 Last Tuesday was the day I graduated from middle school.

4 Nobody knows the reason he rejected such a good offer.

C 주어진 두 문장을 관계부사를 활용해서 한 문장으로 완성하시오.

1 John showed me the way. He solved the problem in that way.

John showed me .

2 I don’t have the address of the hotel. We will stay at the hotel tomorrow.

I don’t have the address of the hotel .

3 Please tell me the reason. You don’t agree with me for that reason.

Please tell me the reason .

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말과 알맞은 관계부사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 나는 내 자전거를 샀던 그 상점에 전화를 했다. (buy, bike)

I called the store .

2 그 비디오는 공장에서 로봇들이 작업하는 방법을 보여준다. (the robots, work)

The video shows in the factory.

3 그들은 새로운 규칙이 필요한 이유를 설명했다. (the new rule)

They explained was


4 크리스마스는 아이들이 산타클로스에게 선물을 받는 날이다. (children, receive)

Christmas is presents from

Santa Claus.

Chapter 10 관계사 117

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 117 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Grammar Writing 서술형 대비

Task 1 주어진 두 문장을 관계사를 활용해서 한 문장으로 완성하시오. (관계사는 생략하지 말 것)

문 장
전 환 1 He is the boy. + He was elected class president this year.

He is the boy .

2 I have a friend. + Her father works in the Philippines.

I have a friend .

3 Jennifer gave him a cake. + She made the cake for his birthday.

Jennifer gave him a cake .

4 They went camping at the lake. + We went swimming there last month.

They went camping at the lake .

5 Laura was the only person. + She finished the work in time.

Laura was the only person .

6 She didn’t know the reason. + She failed the interview for that reason.

She didn’t know the reason .

Task 2 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오.

단 어
배 열 1 그는 그가 모르는 사람들과 한 그룹에 있었다.
(a group, whom, know, with people, he was in, he didn’t)

2 그곳은 아름다운 산과 해변이 있는 특별한 도시이다.

(which, it, is, has, beautiful, a unique city, hills and beaches)

3 나는 그가 영화를 만드는 방식이 마음에 든다.

(the way, his, I, makes, he, like, movies)

4 나는 어제 Rachel이 우리에게 한 말을 믿을 수가 없다.

(told, I, what, believe, yesterday, can’t, Rachel, us)

5 그것은 내가 그에 대해 기억할 수 있는 유일한 것이다.

(the only thing, about, I, that, it’s, can, him, remember)


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 118 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Answer Keys p. 15

Task 3 그림을 보고 주어진 말과 알맞은 관계사를 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

그 림
묘 사 1 2 3 4

an architect a choreographer a barista a conductor

arrange dances design buildings

direct an orchestra make and serve coffee drinks

1 An architect is a person .

2 A choreographer is a person .

3 A barista is a person .

4 A conductor is a person .

고 난 도

Task 4 아래 글에서 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 O, 어색하면 X를 체크한 후, 어색한 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
오 류
수 정
The Starry Night is my favorite painting 1 who was
painted by Vincent van Gogh. Van Gogh was a
painter 2 which works had a great influence on
20th-century art. He was an extraordinary artist
3 that painted a number of valuable works. However,
he was mentally and physically unhealthy. That’s the
reason 4 where he shot himself. Even though his life
ended sadly, his artworks are still loved by people all
over the world.

1 ( O / X )

2 ( O / X )

3 ( O / X )

4 ( O / X )

Chapter 10 관계사 119

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 119 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Actual Test 내신 대비

[1-3] 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 서술형

1 [5-6] 생략 가능한 부분을 찾아 쓰시오.

We visited a city has one of the
largest museums in the world.
5 There was a long line of people who were
waiting for the bus.
ⓐ who ⓑ whom
ⓒ which ⓓ where
ⓔ when

2 6
She was the only one knew the Did you know the song that Nicholas sang
correct answer. tonight?

ⓐ whom ⓑ whose

ⓒ which ⓓ that
ⓔ where

I went back to the cafeteria [7-8] 주어진 두 문장을 관계사를 활용해서 한 문장으로
I lost my wallet. 완성하시오.

ⓐ whom ⓑ which
7 He is a great photographer. His pictures are
ⓒ how ⓓ where very powerful.
ⓔ why
He is .

4 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?

• He has a son he is very proud
8 I will never forget the day. I first met Nancy
• She is a songwriter wrote on that day.

many famous songs. I will never forget .

ⓐ who ⓑ whom
ⓒ whose ⓓ which
ⓔ what


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 120 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Answer Keys p. 15

9 다음 중 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 나머지와 다른 것은? 13 그녀가 사고 싶어했던 여행 가방은 매우 비싸다.

ⓐ There are many people lost their jobs. (want to, buy)
ⓑ The girl is sitting next to Amy is Sarah.
The suitcase
ⓒ She is the teacher I admire the most.
is very expensive.
ⓓ That’s the man house has burned
ⓔ She isn’t the kind of mother thinks her
son is perfect. 14 정비사는 우리 차가 고장 난 이유를 설명해 주었다.
(break down, the reason)

[10-11] 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오. The repairman explained

10 ⓐ They want to buy a house which has a garden. .

ⓑ Tell me how you got the coupon.

ⓒ This is the church where my parents got
ⓓ That she wore at the meeting was 15 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 생략 가능한 것은?

inappropriate. ⓐ Throw away the worries that are in your mind.

ⓔ Today is the day when Tom has a very ⓑ It is an article that will draw her attention.

important test. ⓒ The song that he sang for Emma was very
ⓓ The only person that liked my new hairstyle

11 ⓐ The first story that she wrote was shocking. was my mom.

ⓑ This is something that I always wanted to ⓔ The town that was mentioned in the

have. guidebook was very beautiful.

ⓒ The man whom I met yesterday was

ⓓ This is the place where my family often goes 16 제시된 두 문장을 한 문장으로 바르게 연결한 것은?
for a picnic.
ⓔ I think the way how he solved the problem The man is the scientist. He won the Nobel

was wrong. Prize in physics last year.

ⓐ The man is that won the Nobel Prize in

physics last year.
ⓑ The man is the scientist won the Nobel Prize
[12-14] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말과 알맞은 관계사를
in physics last year.
활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.
ⓒ The man whom won the Nobel Prize in
12 그들이 원하는 것은 돈이 많이 들 것이다. physics last year is the scientist.
(what, want) ⓓ The man is the scientist who won the Nobel
Prize in physics last year.
will cost a
ⓔ The man is the scientist which won the Nobel
lot of money.
Prize in physics last year.

Chapter 10 관계사 121

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 121 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36


통합형 [19-24] 어법상 틀린 부분이 있는지 체크한 후, 틀린 부분을 바르게

[17-18] 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 고쳐 쓰시오.

A: I can’t wait until the day (A) summer

예시 The person which the child drew is his
vacation starts. I’m traveling to Rome that day. father.
B: Didn’t you go there last year? What’s the (O/X)
reason (B) you’re going again?
which who(m) / that
A: Last year I couldn’t see all the sites that I
wanted to.
19 It is an old church who was built 100 years ago.
B: Oh, I see. (C) 사실 내게 여행사 직원인 친구가 있어. He
knows how to get the best deals. Do you want

his number?

17 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

20 Is there a store that sell stamps around here?
(A) (B)
ⓐ who — which

ⓑ when — which
ⓒ when — why
ⓓ where — why
ⓔ where — how
21 The way how he speaks is just like his father


18 우리말 (C)와 일치하도록 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을

22 I completely forgot which I learned in math class
10 years ago.
(a travel agent) (O/X)

Actually, I have .

23 The first thing that came to my mind was my


24 Can you tell me the reason for why you were so

upset yesterday?


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 122 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Unit 1 수동태의 형태와 시제

Unit 2 수동태의 여러 가지 형태

Unit 3 주의해야 할 수동태


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 123 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

U n i t

수동태의 형태와 시제
Chapter 수동태: 주어가 수동적으로 동작의 영향을 받거나 당하는 것을 나타낼 때 쓴다.
Opener 수동태의 형태: be + p.p. (+ by + 행위자)

A 수동태
능동태: 주어가 능동적으로 동작을 하는 것을 나타낼 때 쓴다.
수동태(be + p.p. + by 행위자): 주어가 수동적으로 동작의 영향을 받거나 당하는 것을 나타낼 때 쓴다.
Young children love this song. <능동태>

This song is loved by young children. <수동태>

be + p.p. by + 행위자

cf. 행위자가 일반인이거나 불분명할 때, 또는 중요하지 않을 때는 「by + 행위자」를 생략한다.

Spanish is spoken in Mexico.
My old bike was stolen yesterday.

B 수동태의 시제
1 현재시제: am/are/is + p.p.

Lots of people watch that TV show.

→ That TV show is watched by lots of people.

2 과거시제: was/were + p.p.

My neighbor made a lot of noise last night.

→ A lot of noise was made by my neighbor last night.

3 미래시제: will be + p.p.

The law will protect your rights.

→ Your rights will be protected by the law.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 124 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Practice Answer Keys p. 16

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 More than 100 houses (damaged / were damaged) by the flood.

2 Jack ( cooked / was cooked) this chicken soup for me.

3 The book ( was written / was wrote) by a teenager.

4 His new album ( is released / was released) just a week ago.

5 A new park ( will be built / will is built) next year.

B 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

1 Portuguese is spoke in Brazil.

2 His disease was curing by the new medicine.

3 Rice is eating in many countries in the world.

4 A speech will make by the mayor soon.

C 주어진 문장을 수동태로 바꿔 쓰시오.

1 The police arrested the robber.

2 Laura and Kate planned the party.

3 Water covers most of the earth’s surface.

4 The new manager will improve the working conditions.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 월드컵은 4년마다 열린다. (hold, every four years)

The World Cup .

2 이 스웨터는 우리 할머니가 만드셨다. (make)

This sweater .

3 새 차들은 트럭에 의해 운반되었다. (transport, a truck)

The new cars .

4 테이블은 웨이터가 정리할 것이다. (clean, a waiter)

The table .

Chapter 11 수동태 125

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 125 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

U n i t

수동태의 여러 가지 형태
A 수동태의 부정문과 의문문, 조동사의 수동태
1 수동태의 부정문: be + not + p.p.

He is not respected by many people.

The telephone was not invented by Edison.

2 수동태의 의문문: (의문사 +) be + 주어 + p.p. …?

Was it discussed by the teachers?

Where are the files stored?

3 조동사의 수동태: 조동사 + be + p.p.

The movie can be watched by children over 12.

Your blood pressure should be checked by your doctor.

B 4형식 문장의 수동태

4형식 문장은 목적어가 두 개(직접목적어, 간접목적어)이므로 보통 두 개의 수동태 문장으로 전환할 수 있다.
직접목적어가 주어로 올 경우 간접목적어 앞에 전치사 to(대부분의 동사)나 for(동사 buy, make 등)를 쓴다.
My cousin gave me a Christmas card.
간접목적어 직접목적어

→ I was given a Christmas card by my cousin. <간접목적어가 주어>

→ A Christmas card was given to me by my cousin. <직접목적어가 주어>

cf. write, sell, buy, make 등의 동사가 쓰인 4형식 문장은 직접목적어를 주어로 한 수동태 문장으로만 전환이
My mother made us cookies.
→ Cookies were made for us by my mother. (O)
→ We were made cookies by my mother. (X)


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 126 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Practice Answer Keys p. 16

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 Was she ( invited / be invited) to the ceremony?

2 They ( were not / did not) raised by their parents.

3 It can ( stored / be stored) at room temperature.

4 The secret was told (her / to her) by her cousin.

B 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

1 The wound not was treated properly.

2 Are you confuse by the question?

3 This tool must used carefully.

4 The statue was made the city by a famous sculptor.

C 주어진 문장을 수동태로 바꿔 쓰시오.

1 Andrew didn’t buy the ticket.

2 Did the company pay the bill?

3 Everyone should remember this day.

4 The committee gave him the award.

He .

The award .

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 그 책들은 일주일 동안 대여해도 된다. (may, borrow)

for a week.

2 새 디자인이 고객들에게 선보여졌다. (show, customers)

The new design .

3 네 지갑은 어디서 도난을 당했니? (wallet, steal)

4 그들은 그 뉴스에 충격을 받지 않았다. (shock, news)

Chapter 11 수동태 127

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 127 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

U n i t

주의해야 할 수동태
A 동사구의 수동태
동사구는 수동태로 바꿀 때 하나의 동사로 취급한다.

Her grandparents took care of her.

→ She was taken care of by her grandparents.

take care of: ~을 돌보다 look after : ~을 돌보다

turn on/off: ~을 켜다/끄다 laugh at: ~을 비웃다
deal with: ~을 다루다 look up to: ~을 존경하다
put off: ~을 미루다, 연기하다 make fun of: ~을 놀리다

B by 이외의 전치사를 사용하는 수동태

수동태의 행위자 앞에는 보통 전치사 by를 쓰지만 다른 전치사를 사용하는 경우도 있다.
The glasses were filled with red wine.
Butter is made from milk.

be filled with: ~로 가득 차다 be interested in: ~에 관심이 있다

be satisfied with: ~에 만족하다 be pleased with: ~에 기뻐하다
be disappointed with/at: ~에 실망하다 be covered with: ~로 덮여있다
be known to: ~에게 알려지다 be known for : ~로 유명하다
be made of: ~로 만들어지다(물리적 변화) be made from: ~로 만들어지다(화학적 변화)
be worried about: ~에 대해 걱정하다

C 수동태로 쓰이지 않는 동사
1 자동사: appear, disappear, happen 등 목적어를 취하지 않는 자동사는 수동태로 쓰이지 않는다.

Sometimes my computer files disappear. (O)

Sometimes my computer files are disappeared. (X)

2 소유, 상태를 나타내는 타동사: have(가지다), resemble(닮다), fit(어울리다) 등의 타동사는 수동태로 쓰이지 않는다.

Her sister resembles her a lot. (O)

She is resembled by her sister a lot. (X)


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 128 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Practice Answer Keys p. 16

A 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치시오.

1 His kids are taken care by a nanny.

2 My dad is worried by my little brother.

3 The dress is fitted well on me.

4 An accident was happened at the event.

B 빈칸에 알맞은 전치사를 골라 문장을 완성하시오.

at in for

1 Are you interested joining our club?

2 This area is known its white wine.

3 Tim was angry because he was laughed by his classmates.

C 주어진 문장을 수동태로 바꿔 쓰시오.

1 All the students look up to the teacher.

2 The customer service department deals with complaints.

3 The team’s performance satisfied the coach.

4 His decision disappointed his parents.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 큰 비 때문에 축구 경기가 연기되었다. (the soccer game, put off)

because of the heavy rain.

2 모든 전등은 Jack이 껐다. (the lights, turn off)

All .

3 그의 새 집은 나무로 만들어져 있다. (make, wood)

4 그녀는 자신의 새로운 헤어스타일에 기뻐했다. (please, new hairstyle)

Chapter 11 수동태 129

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 129 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Grammar Writing 서술형 대비

Task 1 주어진 문장을 수동태로 바꿔 쓰시오.

문 장
전 환 1 People of all generations love his songs.

2 A journalist saw the accident.

3 The organization donated a lot of money.

4 The school may change the rules.

5 John sent me a long email yesterday.

A long email .

6 Their employer doesn’t pay them much money.

They .

Task 2 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

문 장
완 성 1 그의 목소리가 분명하게 들리지 않았다. (hear)

His voice clearly.

2 그 문제는 그들에 의해 곧 처리될 것이다. (handle)

The problem soon.

3 그 방은 정기적으로 청소가 되나요? (room, clean)


4 그 테이블은 흰색 천으로 덮이게 될 것이다. (cover)

The table a white cloth.

5 그 차는 6시까지 반납이 되어야 한다. (have to, return)

The car by six o’clock.

6 그 회의는 의장에 의해 연기되었다. (put off, the chairman)

The meeting .


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 130 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Answer Keys p. 16

Task 3 그림을 보고 주어진 말을 활용해서 수동태 문장을 완성하시오. (과거형으로 쓸 것)

그 림
묘 사 1 2 3 4

Dustin the machine the singer he

sing draw wash repair

1 My bike .

2 The red car .

3 A very sad song .

4 Many famous cartoons .

고 난 도

Task 4 아래 글에서 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 O, 어색하면 X를 체크한 후, 어색한 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
오 류
수 정
Venice is one of the loveliest cities in the world.
1 It is located in northeast Italy. It 2 is visiting by more
than 60,000 people from all over the world every day.
It 3 is known by its canals and bridges. Water buses
4 are used to get around the city, and gondolas are
popular with tourists. Also, many festivals are 5 held
by every year, such as the Venice Film Festival and
the Carnival of Venice.

1 ( O / X )

2 ( O / X )

3 ( O / X )

4 ( O / X )

5 ( O / X )

Chapter 11 수동태 131

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 131 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Actual Test 내신 대비

[1-3] 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 5 제시된 문장을 수동태로 바꿔 쓸 때 옳은 것을 2개 고르시오.

1 His house by the hurricane.

The college offered him a scholarship.

ⓐ destroy ⓑ destroys ⓐ The college was offered him a scholarship.

ⓒ destroying ⓓ be destroyed ⓑ He was offered a scholarship by the college.
ⓔ was destroyed ⓒ He was offered to a scholarship by the
ⓓ A scholarship was offer to the college by him.
ⓔ A scholarship was offered to him by the

2 I’m sure that this letter by Jane.

ⓐ didn’t write ⓑ was not writing

ⓒ be not written ⓓ was not written
6 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?
ⓔ not was written

• The pie was filled strawberries.
• I was satisfied my exam result.

ⓐ from ⓑ of
ⓒ for ⓓ in
3 The essay should soon.
ⓔ with

ⓐ complete ⓑ completed
ⓒ be completing ⓓ be completed
ⓔ is completed

[7-8] ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

7 Her car by a police

officer last night.
4 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

• The smoothie was made me
by my mom.
• The cookies were given us by
8 The field trip may by the
ⓐ to — of ⓑ to — for
ⓒ of — to ⓓ for — to
ⓔ for — for


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 132 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Answer Keys p. 17

9 제시된 문장을 수동태로 바꿔 쓸 때 빈칸에 알맞은 것은? 13 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것은?

ⓐ This table is made of wood.

He was sad because some members laughed
ⓑ Justin was made fun by Claire.
at his plan.
ⓒ The story is not known to many people.
He was sad because his plan ⓓ The meeting was put off by the committee.
by some members. ⓔ We were very pleased with her performance.

ⓐ was laughed ⓑ was laughing at

ⓒ be laughed at ⓓ was laughed at
ⓔ was laughed for 14 다음 문장을 수동태로 바꿔 쓸 때 틀린 것은?

ⓐ My mom will cook fish for dinner.

→ Fish will be cooked for dinner by my mom.
ⓑ My uncle has a luxury car.
→ A luxury car is had by my uncle.
ⓒ My grandmother made the tablecloth.
10 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분을 생략할 수 있는 것은? → The tablecloth was made by my

ⓐ The store is run by a family. grandmother.

ⓑ The book is read by many teenagers. ⓓ They dealt with the problem perfectly.
→ The problem was dealt with by them
ⓒ The letter was sent to me by my uncle.
ⓓ This movie was recommended by my friend. perfectly.

ⓔ The bridge was built hundreds of years ago ⓔ Our staff will arrange the tables and chairs.
→ The tables and chairs will be arranged by
by people.
our staff.


[15-16] 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 말을 알맞게 배열하시오.

15 그의 차는 지난주에 한 젊은 여자에게 팔렸다.
[11-12] 밑줄 친 부분을 주어로 하여 수동태로 바꿔 쓰시오.
(a young woman, sold, his car, was, to)
11 An engineer will repair the machine.
last week.

16 많은 팬들이 콘서트의 취소에 실망했다.

(were, with, many fans, disappointed,
the cancellation)
12 Julie didn’t send Samantha the invitation.

of the concert.

Chapter 11 수동태 133

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 133 15. 2. 17. 오후 12:03


통합형 [19-24] 어법상 틀린 부분이 있는지 체크한 후, 틀린 부분을 바르게

[17-18] 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 고쳐 쓰시오.

A: That’s a really beautiful scarf.

예시 We are worried of the accident.
B: Thanks. My older sister gave it to me. (A) 그것은 (O/X)
모직으로 만들어져 있어. It’s really warm.
of about
A: Did she make it herself? I’m interested
(B) learning how to make clothing.
19 The essay was written of an Asian writer.
B: No, it (C) at a store. But she knows
how to sew. Maybe she could teach you.


17 우리말 (A)와 일치하도록 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을 쓰시오.

(make, wool) 20 The building designed by a famous architect

a few years ago.


18 빈칸 (B)와 (C)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

(B) (C) 21 The pizza will delivered in 30 minutes.

ⓐ in — purchases (O/X)
ⓑ in — was purchased

ⓒ of — purchases
ⓓ of — purchased
ⓔ to — was purchased
22 Math is taught to us by Mr. Davis.

23 Was canceled the game yesterday?


24 The birds were disappeared into the trees.



Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 134 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Unit 1 가정법 과거, 가정법 과거완료

Unit 2 I wish, as if


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 135 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

U n i t

가정법 과거, 가정법 과거완료

Chapter 가정법: 실제와 반대되거나 실현 가능성이 없는 일을 가정하여 말할 때 쓴다.

A 단순 조건문
현재나 미래에 충분히 일어날 수 있는 일을 가정하여 말할 때 쓴다.

If I have enough time, I will bake cookies tonight. <시간이 있을 가능성이 있음>

B 가정법 과거: 만일 …라면 ~할 텐데

현재의 사실과 반대이거나 일어날 가능성이 희박한 일을 가정하여 말할 때 쓴다.

If + 주어 + 동사의 과거형, 주어 + would / could / might + 동사원형

If I had enough time, I could bake cookies tonight. <실제로 시간이 없음>
→ As I don’t have enough time, I can’t bake cookies tonight.

If I knew her phone number, I would call her right away.

→ As I don’t know her phone number, I won’t call her right away.

cf. 가정법 과거에서 if절의 be동사는 주어와 상관없이 were를 쓴다.

If Andy were here, I would play computer games with him.

C 가정법 과거완료: 만일 …였다면 ~했을 텐데

과거의 사실과 반대되는 일을 가정하여 말할 때 쓴다.

If + 주어 + had p.p., 주어 + would / could / might + have p.p.

If you had asked for his help, he would have helped you.
→ As you didn’t ask for his help, he didn’t help you.

If we had left 10 minutes earlier, we wouldn’t have missed the train.

→ As we didn’t leave 10 minutes earlier, we missed the train.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 136 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Practice Answer Keys p. 17

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 If he ( win / won ) the lottery, he would pay off his debts.

2 If I ( see / saw ) Amber tonight, I will ask her for her phone number.

3 If David ( has / had ) played for our team, we might have won.

4 If we rented a van, we (will / would) be more comfortable.

5 If she had arrived a little late, she couldn’t (met / have met) him.

B ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 If they bulgogi, they would have loved it. (eat)

2 If she rich, she would spend a lot of money on clothes. (be)

3 If we had taken a taxi, we could time. (save)

4 If there weren’t traffic jams, I would the bus to the office every day. (take)

C 주어진 문장을 가정법으로 바꿔 쓰시오.

1 As it is noisy in the room, I can’t concentrate on my reading.

If it in the room, I on my reading.

2 As I didn’t go there alone, I didn’t feel lonely.

If I alone, I lonely.

3 As we didn’t know the movie was so awful, we watched it.

If we the movie was so awful, we it.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 내가 여자 형제가 있다면 나는 그녀에게 친절하게 할 텐데. (have, a sister, nice)

If I , to her.

2 Amy가 아프지 않다면 그녀는 너와 함께 놀이공원에 갈 텐데. (sick, go)

If Amy , to the amusement park with you.

3 내가 공항에 제 시간에 도착했다면 그 비행기를 탈 수 있었을 텐데. (get, catch)

If I to the airport on time, the flight.

4 네가 그것을 샀다면 너는 그것을 후회했을 것이다. (buy, regret)

If you , it.

Chapter 12 가정법 137

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 137 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

U n i t

I wish, as if
A I wish + 가정법
1 I wish + 가정법 과거: ~라면 좋을 텐데
현재의 사실과 반대되는 것에 대한 소망, 아쉬움을 나타낼 때 쓴다.

I wish + 주어 + 동사의 과거형

I wish I were more active in class.

→ I’m sorry that I’m not more active in class.
I wish I had a bike to ride to school.

2 I wish + 가정법 과거완료: ~했더라면 좋을 텐데

과거의 사실과 반대되는 것에 대한 소망, 아쉬움을 나타낼 때 쓴다.

I wish + 주어 + had p.p.

I wish I had been able to help you.

→ I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to help you.
I wish I hadn’t failed the math exam.

B as if + 가정법
1 as if + 가정법 과거: 마치 ~하는 것처럼
주절과 일치하는 시점의 일을 반대로 가정할 때 쓴다.

as if + 주어 + 동사의 과거형

Jason acts as if he were a prince.

→ In fact, Jason isn’t a prince.

2 as if + 가정법 과거완료: 마치 ~했던 것처럼

주절보다 이전 시점의 일을 반대로 가정할 때 쓴다.

as if + 주어 + had p.p.

She talks as if she had lived in London.

→ In fact, she didn’t live in London.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 138 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Practice Answer Keys p. 18

A ( ) 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1 I wish I ( could / can ) cook as well as my mother.

2 I wish my parents ( have / had) been there with me.

3 He talks as if he ( played / plays) in the game himself.

4 She acts as if she ( has / had) been a fashion model.

B ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 I wish I a sister to go shopping with. (have)

2 I wish my country’s team better at the last World Cup. (do)

3 They look as if they not brothers. (be)

4 Mathew talks as if he first prize at the last speech contest. (win)

C 두 문장의 의미가 통하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

1 I’m sorry that my grandfather isn’t healthy.

I wish .

2 I’m sorry that I didn’t speak loudly during the presentation.

I wish .

3 In fact, she doesn’t know the correct answer.

She looks as if .

4 In fact, you slept well last night.

You seem as if well last night.

D 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

1 내가 할리우드에서 유명한 배우라면 좋을 텐데. (a famous actor)

in Hollywood.

2 내가 우리 선생님을 좀 더 일찍 만났더라면 좋을 텐데. (meet, teacher)

a little earlier.

3 그녀는 마치 세상 모든 것을 소유한 것처럼 말한다. (talk, own)

everything in the world.

4 Sarah는 마치 아프지 않았던 것처럼 보인다. (look, be)


Chapter 12 가정법 139

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 139 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Grammar Writing 서술형 대비

Task 1 두 문장의 의미가 통하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

문 장
전 환 1 As I don’t know her email address, I can’t send her the file.

If .

2 As she isn’t rich, she doesn’t travel all around the world.

If .

3 As Luke didn’t study hard, he didn’t pass his exam.

If .

4 I’m sorry that I’m so lazy.

I wish .

5 I’m sorry that I didn’t visit you during summer vacation.

I wish .

6 In fact, he is not a millionaire.

He spends money as if .

Task 2 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

문 장
완 성 1 그녀가 18세 이상이면 운전면허를 딸 텐데. (be, get)

If over 18 years old, a driver’s license.

2 네가 나에게 물어봤다면, 나는 그것에 대해 너에게 말했을 텐데. (ask, tell)

If me, you about it.

3 그가 우리 팀에 합류했다면, 우리는 그 경기를 이길 수 있었을 텐데 (join, win)

If our team, the game.

4 내가 다른 언어를 말할 수 있다면 좋을 텐데. (can, speak)

another language.

5 작년에 네가 곤경에 처했을 때 내가 너를 도와줬다면 좋을 텐데. (help)

when you were in trouble last year.

6 그는 마치 유명한 스타들을 직접 보았던 것처럼 말한다. (talk, see)

the famous stars in person.


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 140 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Answer Keys p. 18

Task 3 표를 보고 각자의 바람을 나타내는 가정법 문장을 완성하시오.

자 료
해 석 facts wishes
Olivia doesn’t have a car pick up her cousins at the airport
Ashley didn’t take the subway wasn’t in a traffic jam
Robert his mother is at home play computer games
Isaac didn’t live in the U.S. visited famous cities such as L.A. and New York

1 Olivia : If I , I would at the airport.

2 Ashley : If I , I wouldn’t a traffic jam.

3 Robert : If my mother , I would .

4 Isaac : If I , I would such as L.A. and

New York.

고 난 도

Task 4 아래 대화에서 밑줄 친 부분이 올바르면 O, 어색하면 X를 체크한 후, 어색한 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
오 류
수 정
Amy: What would you do 1 if someone grants you
one wish?
Kevin: If I had one wish, 2 I ask for a big beach house.

Amy: If I were you, I would ask for money instead.

3 If you were rich, you could buy anything you
desired. We could be millionaires together.
Kevin: You have a point. But you act 4 as if you had

the money already.

1 ( O / X )

2 ( O / X )

3 ( O / X )

4 ( O / X )

Chapter 12 가정법 141

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 141 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Actual Test 내신 대비

[1-4] 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오. [5-6] 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것을 고르시오.

1 If I an adult, I wouldn’t study all

5 내가 형이 있다면 함께 여행을 떠날 텐데.
day long.
ⓐ If I have an older brother, I would go on a trip
ⓐ am ⓑ are with him.
ⓒ were ⓓ have been ⓑ If I had an older brother, I will go on a trip
ⓔ had been with him.
ⓒ If I had an older brother, I would go on a trip
with him.
ⓓ If I had had an older brother, I would go on a
trip with him.
ⓔ If I had had an older brother, I would have
2 gone on a trip with him.
If we to the Philippines last
month, it would have been too hot to walk
6 삼촌이 작년에 멀리 이사가지 않았더라면 좋을 텐데.
ⓐ go ⓑ went
ⓒ would go ⓓ have gone ⓐ I wish my uncle don’t move away last year.
ⓔ had gone ⓑ I wish my uncle doesn’t move away last year.
ⓒ I wish my uncle didn’t move away last year.
ⓓ I wish my uncle haven’t moved away last year.
ⓔ I wish my uncle hadn’t moved away last year.

3 I wish they the truth, but they 7 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?
know everything now.
• I wish I able to play the piano.
ⓐ don’t know ⓑ doesn’t know • Sometimes he behaves as if he
ⓒ didn’t know ⓓ haven’t known my older brother.
ⓔ hadn’t known
ⓐ are ⓑ is
ⓒ were ⓓ have been
ⓔ had been

4 He speaks as if he the

[8-9] ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을 완성하시오.

information, but I know that he has it.
If we our car yesterday,
ⓐ doesn’t get ⓑ didn’t get
it would have been easier to get around.
ⓒ haven’t gotten ⓓ hasn’t gotten
ⓔ hadn’t gotten


Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 142 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

Answer Keys p. 18

9 I wish I nicer to Daniel

13 그 시험을 봤다면 너는 떨어졌을 것이다.
when he was here. (take the test, fail)
(be) If ,


[10-11] 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.

10 ⓐ She talks as if she were Australian.

ⓑ I wish I had applied for that job.
ⓒ If he had been in town, he would have helped
ⓓ If I had enough money, I would bought the 서술형

shoes. [14-16] 주어진 문장을 가정법으로 바꿔 쓰시오.

ⓔ If you hadn’t fought with Jack, I would have 14 I’m sorry that I can’t attend your wedding.
invited him to my birthday party.
I wish .

11 ⓐ If he were 12 years old, he would get a

discount on the ticket.
ⓑ If I had my camera with me, I would take a
picture of it.
ⓒ I wish tomorrow had been Saturday or
Sunday. 15 In fact, she is interested in John.
ⓓ If she hadn’t become a singer, she would have
continued her studies. She acts as if .
ⓔ He talks as if he had been to both Mexico and


[12-13] 우리말과 일치하도록 ( ) 안의 말을 활용해서 문장을

16 As there was a car accident, it took a long
12 내가 건축가라면 내 집을 설계할 텐데. time to get home.
(architect, design)
If a car accident,
If ,

my own house. to get home.

Chapter 12 가정법 143

Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 143 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36


통합형 [19-24] 어법상 틀린 부분이 있는지 체크한 후, 틀린 부분을 바르게

[17-18] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 고쳐 쓰시오.

The International Food Festival at Grant Park

예시 Sorry, I’m busy now. If I am not busy now,
had few visitors because of the weather. (A) 축제 I would help you.
일에 비가 오지 않았다면 더 많은 관광객들이 왔을 것이다. (O/X)
“ (B) an indoor event, we would have
am were
avoided this problem,” said the event’s planner,
Anne Blair. “I wish more people (C) the
19 If I met my favorite movie star, I would gotten his
festival because we prepared a variety of events.
autograph and take a picture with him.
If I plan the event next year, I will check the
weather first,” she said.


17 우리말 (A)와 일치하도록 주어진 말을 활용해서 문장을

20 If I weren’t so busy today, I made a cake for my
(it, rain, more tourists, come) (O/X)

If on the festival day,

21 If Rachel hadn’t been on a business trip, we

could meet her when we were in town.
18 빈칸 (B)와 (C)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?
(B) (C)
ⓐ If we held — attended
ⓑ If we held — had attended 22 I wish I had made a reservation at the restaurant.
ⓒ If we had held — attended (O/X)

ⓓ If we had held — have attended

ⓔ If we had held — had attended

23 She talks as if she had a pet, but she doesn’t

have one.

24 If you had been here yesterday, you could see



Grammar Effect 2 SB.indd 144 14. 10. 16. 오후 4:36

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