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eulogy for myself

I’m here to pay attribute to my beloved Michelle. She was a remarkable woman who brought love and
happiness to so many.
I had a connection with Michelle that was like no other. She was the who could always provide the wisdom
and advice you needed at just the right time. When things were tough I knew I could turn to her and she would
do what she did best to make things better. Maybe she is probably the most covert narcissist who tends to be
shy, self-effacing, hypersensitive to how others perceive them, and chronically envious. They often think their
pain or suffering is worse than everyone else's—and may even believe they're the ugliest person in the room. I
think she’s the most keeper I’ve ever met because she’s good at keeping off her all problems and pains. I think
she’s a nihilistic person? I don’t think she is, because she always says she loves her life but not most of all the
time, maybe twice a month. Just kidding, you know this person had an amazing life. From surviving the most
difficult in her life. She did all of that and more without ever complaining and despised the challenges she
Everyone was fortunate enough for her of everything she achieved. And the warmth and happiness she
brought us cannot be overstated. She will be missed dearly and we are all worse off without having her in our
lives. Once again, self you did a great job in your life.

 It’s difficult to find the right words of what I want to people to be remembered me.
I want to be remembered for all the good I did. Being dependable, calm, focused and trustworthy

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