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Activity 1

1. How can Genetic Engineering help our community?

Genetic engineering already is prevalent in modern times. Genetically Modified Organisms(GMOs) can
help crops by enhancing its nutritional value or making crops be resistant towards crops and pests.
Recombinant DNA technology has been effectively used to produce various human proteins in
microorganisms, such as insulin and growth hormone, used in the treatment of diseases.

2. What do you think are the disadvantages of Recombinant DNA?

Recombinant DNA has some limitations even though it is the forefront of Biology. One is the destruction
of native species in the environment the genetically modified species are introduced in. Another
disadvantage is resilient plants can theoretically give rise to resilient weeds which can be difficult to
control. And most of all Cross contamination and migration of DNA between organisms can be
detrimental to the biosphere.

Activity 2

1. Recombinant DNA

Are DNA molecules that are formed through laboratory means of genetic recombination that bring
together genetic material from multiple sources, creating sequences that would not otherwise be
found in the genome.

2. DNA Ligase

It is a specific type of enzyme that facilitates the joining of DNA strands by catalyzing the formation of

3. Restriction Enzymes

Enzymes that cut through DNA through its sequences. Each enzyme recognizes one or a few target
sequences and cuts DNA at or near those sequences
4. PCR
Polymerase chain reaction is a  method widely used to rapidly make copies of a specific DNA
sample, allowing scientists to take a very small sample of DNA and amplify it to a large enough
amount to study in detail.

5. Sticky ends

A 'sticky' end is produced when the restriction enzyme cuts at one end of the sequence, between two
bases on the same strand, then cuts on the opposite end of the complementary strand. This will produce
two ends of DNA that will have some nucleotides without any complementary bases.
Do you have any ethical concerns about the use and consumption of genetically modified organisms? Do
you think genetic engineers play God when they manipulate the genes of organisms? Why or why not?

I have some gripes with genetic modification but overall, I have no concerns towards GMOs.
One of the biggest gripes I have towards genetic modifications issue of such technology for wicked
means, such as superbugs and bio weapons. I don’t think genetic engineers play God when they edit
genes more so they mimic what God would do. Several ethicists have argued that cloning does not
constitute "playing God" since divine creation entails creating "something out of nothing" and cloning is
the creation of "something out of something." but Catholicism warns against any tampering with

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