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Odysseus A.

Castrence February 27, 2023

12- Humss A

Planting the Eggplant

After acquiring eggplant in a nursery, I proceed on planting eggplant. I put and Work some compost or
aged manure into the soil before planting to help improve soil fertility and structure. After transplanting
the seeds I provide it some water to help its growth and mulch around its plant to retain moisture on
the soil. According to an agriculture and plantation page in browser, they describe the different stages of
eggplant plantation. Vegetative stage (2-6 weeks): During this stage, the eggplant plant grows larger and
develops more leaves. The plant is not yet producing fruit, but it is establishing a strong root system and
preparing for flowering.

Figure 3 Presented the photos of planting the eggplant.

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