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sinta: assalamu'alaikum good afternoon midwife

riska: wa'alaikumsalam good afternoon too mom

riska: First I want to ask about your data
(sebelumnya saya mau bertanya mengenai data anda)
sinta: ok midwife
(baik bu bidan)
riska: what is your name?
sinta: my name is sinta
riska: how old are you?
sinta: I'm nine teen years old
riska: what is your date of birth?
sinta: my birthday is april thirty two thousand three
riska: where do you live?
sinta: my addres is in the village of kedungsari,punen,gebog kudus
riska: are you Indonesia?
sinta: yes I'm indonesia
riska: what is your religion?
sinta: I am moslem
riska: what is your marital status?
sinta: I am single
riska: what is your occupation?
sinta: I am entrepreneur
riska:what are you complaining about?
sinta: since two days ago I felt weak,dizzy, and had diarrhea,so I
here to check what disease I had
(semenjak dua hari yg lalu saya merasa lemas, pusing dan diare,
jadi saya datang kesini ingin mengecek apa penyakit yang saya
alami ini)
riska: ok first of all,introduce me to riska midwife who is on duty at
the hospital this afternoon, I will check your condition in the
patient room
(ok sebelumnya perkenalkan saya bidan riska yang berjaga di
rumah sakit pada sore ini,saya akan memeriksa kondisi anda di
ruang pasien)
sinta: where is the patient room?
riska: on the second floor, you go up to the second floor and then
left to the right next to the nurses room
(dilantai dua, anda naik ke lantai dua terus belok kiri tepatnya
sebelah kanan di samping ruang perawat)
sinta: ok thanks you midwife I will go up to the second floor
riska : you are welcome sinta

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