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Once upon a time, there lived deux

lapins. The elder rabbit was very kind
and grateful while, le jeune lapin was
very rude and selfish. Since they both are
very different, they fight every day for
little things, such as, food share. The
deux rabbits live under a rabbit trou.
Their mother was someone who is very
brave and hard – working. Since they did
not have a père, leur mère had to daily
search for aliments. One day, while
searching, their mother was killed by a
prédateur. The younger rabbit said “I
want to search for food alone. I do not
need your help or advice. I am old
enough”. The elder rabbit replied “Well,
you might be killed by a predator just like
your mother, so, you better do not do that.
You also do not leave me as, one day,
you will realize that unity is force”. The
younger rabbit did not listen and just
laughed loudly. The elder sibling was
very angry and finally said “Please do not
leave me. Trust me. If we both leave each
other, it will be very dangerous for not
only you, but also me”. The younger
sibling still did not listen to the frère
The younger sibling left and started
searching for
aliments alone. One day, the younger
rabbit saw a very big and beautiful ferme
maraîchère. La ferme had Laitue,
épinards, haricots verts, concombres,
courge d'été jaune, légumes-racines,
poivrons, tomates, tomatilles, oignons,
pommes de terre, brocoli, bok choy,
pois, bette à carde, betteraves,
courgettes, chou frisé, roquette salade
and many more other vegetables. The
younger rabbit immediately started eating
some vegetables until, it saw a loup ready
to eat the rabbit. Since the rabbit is very
young, it was not able to escape.
Suddenly, another loup killed the loup
that tried to kill the younger rabbit. It was
a friend of the elder rabbit. The younger
rabbit started to regret that it did not listen
to its elder sibling. The younger rabbit
learned its lesson about the great power
of unité.

Aliments : food
bette à carde : Swiss chard
Betteraves : beets
bok choy : bok choy
Broccoli : broccoli
chou frisé : kale
Concombres : cucumbers
courge d'été jaune : yellow
summer squash
Courgettes : zucchini
deux lapins : two rabbits
Deux : two
Épinards : spinach
ferme maraîchère : vegetable farm
Force : strength
frère aîné : oldest brother
haricots verts : green beans
La ferme : the farm
Laitue : lettuce
le jeune lapin : the younger rabbit
légumes-racines : root vegetables
leur mère : their mother
Oignons : onions
Père : father
Pois : peas
Poivrons : peppers

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