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Seven persons S to Y are sitting around a circular table facing inside the table. They are of different
ages i.e. 14, 19, 32, 35, 49, 52 and 59, not necessary in the same order. U who is eldest among all
sits second to the right of X, whose age is multiple of 5. V is not 49 years old. W sits immediate
right of T and is not an immediate neighbour of X.S sits second to the left of Y. The person whose
age is perfect square of a number sits third to the right of the one whose age is multiple of 5. The
person whose age is 14 sits immediate left of the one whose age is 52. Age of W is not a prime
number. Age of T is not an odd number. The person whose age is 19 sits second to the right of the
one whose age is 32.
सात व्यक्तत S से Y एक वत्त ृ ाकार मेज के चारों ओर अंदर की ओर मख ु करके बैठे हैं। वे अलग-अलग
आयु के हैं अर्ाात 14, 19, 32, 35, 49, 52 और 59, आवश्यक नह ं कक इसी क्रम में हों। U जो
सबसे बडा है , X के दायें से दस ू रे स्र्ान पर बैठा है , क्जसकी आयु 5 का गण ु क है । V की आयु 49
वर्ा नह ं है । W, T के ठीक दायें बैठा है और X का ननकटतम पडोसी नह ं है । S, Y के बायें से दस ू रे
स्र्ान पर बैठा है । क्जस व्यक्तत की आयु ककसी संख्या का पण ू ा वगा है , वह उस व्यक्तत के दायें से
तीसरे स्र्ान पर बैठा है , क्जसकी आयु 5 का गण ु ज है ।क्जस व्यक्तत की आयु 14 है , वह 52 वर्ा की
आयु वाले के ठीक बाएं बैठा है । W की आयु एक अभाज्य संख्या नह ं है । T की आयु एक ववर्म
संख्या नह ं है । वह व्यक्तत क्जसकी आयु 19 है , वह उस व्यक्तत के दायें से दस ू रे स्र्ान पर बैठा है
क्जसकी आयु 32 वर्ा है ।
Flat-Floor with Variable
Product purchase with Variable
Circle with variable
Month Based
Post Based
Category Based
Double Row
Variable with order
वतत ने एक बार किरसे उम्मीद जगाई है , इन ककताबों के सार् अब हमार आखखर लडाई है ...
हमने भी सींचा है इन पनपते हुए सपनों को, तो इनको हकीकत बनाने की अब हमार बार आई
है .....
Seven persons S to Y are sitting around a circular table facing inside the table. They are of different
ages i.e. 14, 19, 32, 35, 49, 52 and 59, not necessary in the same order. U who is eldest among all
sits second to the right of X, whose age is multiple of 5. V is not 49 years old. W sits immediate
right of T and is not an immediate neighbour of X.S sits second to the left of Y. The person whose
age is perfect square of a number sits third to the right of the one whose age is multiple of 5. The
person whose age is 14 sits immediate left of the one whose age is 52. Age of W is not a prime
number. Age of T is not an odd number. The person whose age is 19 sits second to the right of the
one whose age is 32.
सात व्यक्तत S से Y एक वत्त ृ ाकार मेज के चारों ओर अंदर की ओर मख ु करके बैठे हैं। वे अलग-अलग
आयु के हैं अर्ाात 14, 19, 32, 35, 49, 52 और 59, आवश्यक नह ं कक इसी क्रम में हों। U जो
सबसे बडा है , X के दायें से दस ू रे स्र्ान पर बैठा है , क्जसकी आयु 5 का गण ु क है । V की आयु 49
वर्ा नह ं है । W, T के ठीक दायें बैठा है और X का ननकटतम पडोसी नह ं है । S, Y के बायें से दस ू रे
स्र्ान पर बैठा है । क्जस व्यक्तत की आयु ककसी संख्या का पण ू ा वगा है , वह उस व्यक्तत के दायें से
तीसरे स्र्ान पर बैठा है , क्जसकी आयु 5 का गण ु ज है ।क्जस व्यक्तत की आयु 14 है , वह 52 वर्ा की
आयु वाले के ठीक बाएं बैठा है । W की आयु एक अभाज्य संख्या नह ं है । T की आयु एक ववर्म
संख्या नह ं है । वह व्यक्तत क्जसकी आयु 19 है , वह उस व्यक्तत के दायें से दस ू रे स्र्ान पर बैठा है
क्जसकी आयु 32 वर्ा है ।
Seven persons S to Y are sitting around a circular table
facing north. They are of different ages i.e. 14, 19, 32,
35, 49, 52 and 59, not necessary in the same order.U
who is eldest among all sits second to the right of X,
whose age is multiple of 5. V is not 49 years old. W sits
immediate right of T and is not an immediate
neighbour of X.S sits second to the left of Y. The person
whose age is perfect square of a number sits third to
the right of the one whose age is multiple of 5. The
person whose age is 14 sits immediate left of the one
whose age is 52. Age of W is not a prime number. Age
of T is not an odd number. The person whose age is 19
sits second to the right of the one whose age is 32.
Ten persons from M to V hold different designations viz. President, Manager, Zonal head,
Senior consultant, Account manager, Regional manager, HR, Officer, Project manager and
clerk but not necessarily in the same order. The designations are in decreasing order
where the President is the senior-most person, Manager is 2nd senior most person and so
on till the clerk, who is the junior-most person.
At most three persons are senior to P, who is just junior to N. There are three designations
between P and T. Number of persons junior to T is two more than the number of persons
senior to O. S is just junior to M and just senior to Q. Only U is junior to V.
M से V तक के दस व्यक्तत अलग-अलग पद धारण करते हैं जैसे- अध्यक्ष, प्रबंधक, अंचल
ु , वररष्ठ सलाहकार, खाता प्रबंधक, क्षेत्रीय प्रबंधक, मानव संसाधन, अधधकार ,
पररयोजना प्रबंधक और तलका लेककन जरूर नह ं कक इसी क्रम में हों। पदनाम घटते क्रम में
हैं जहां राष्रपनत सबसे वररष्ठ व्यक्तत होता है , प्रबंधक दस ू रा सबसे वररष्ठ व्यक्तत होता है
और इसी प्रकार तलका तक, जो सबसे कननष्ठ व्यक्तत होता है । अधधक से अधधक तीन
व्यक्तत P से वररष्ठ हैं जो N से ठीक कननष्ठ है । P और T के बीच तीन पदनाम हैं। T से
कननष्ठ व्यक्ततयों की संख्या O से वररष्ठ व्यक्ततयों की संख्या से दो अधधक है । S, M से ठीक
कननष्ठ है और ठीक Q से वररष्ठ। V से कननष्ठ केवल U है ।
Ten persons from M to V hold different
designations viz. President, Manager, Zonal
head, Senior consultant, Account manager,
Regional manager, HR, Officer, Project
manager and clerk but not necessarily in the
same order. The designations are in decreasing
order where the President is the senior-most
person, Manager is 2nd senior most person and
so on till the clerk, who is the junior-most
At most three persons are senior to P, who is
just junior to N. There are three designations
between P and T. Number of persons junior to
T is two more than the number of persons
senior to O. S is just junior to M and just senior
to Q. Only U is junior to V.

Designations Persons
President O
Manager R
Zonal head N
Senior P
Account M
Regional S
Officer T
Project V
Clerk U
Fourteen persons sit in two parallel rows such that seven persons sit in each row. The persons of
row 1 face north and the persons of row-2 face south. The persons of both the rows sit exactly
opposite to each other.
F sits third to the left of N but does not face P. T sits immediate right of P and no one sits to the
right of T. Three persons sit between J and the one who faces P. Two persons sit between W and C,
who sits diagonally opposite to R. L sits just right of U but not in row 1. S faces M, who sits in the
same row of B. Odd number of persons are sitting between J and K, who faces W.
चौदह व्यक्तत दो समानांतर पंक्ततयों में इस प्रकार बैठते हैं कक प्रत्येक पंक्तत में सात व्यक्तत बैठते
हैं। पंक्तत 1 के व्यक्ततयों का मुख उत्तर की ओर है और पंक्तत -2 के व्यक्ततयों का मुख दक्षक्षण की
ओर है । दोनों पंक्ततयों के व्यक्तत एक दस ू रे के ठीक ववपर त बैठे हैं।F, N के बायें से तीसरे स्र्ान पर
बैठा है , लेककन P की ओर उन्मख ु नह ं है । T, P के ठीक दायें बैठा है और कोई भी T के दायें नह ं बैठा
है । J और P की ओर उन्मुख व्यक्तत के बीच तीन व्यक्तत बैठे हैं। W और C के बीच दो व्यक्तत बैठे हैं,
जो R के नतरछे ववपर त बैठे हैं। L, U के ठीक दायें बैठा है लेककन पंक्तत 1 में नह ं। S, M की ओर
उन्मख ु है जो B की समान पंक्तत में बैठा है । J और K के बीच ववर्म संख्या में व्यक्तत बैठे हैं,
क्जसका मुख W की ओर है ।
Fourteen persons sit in two parallel rows such that seven persons sit in each row. The persons of
row 1 face north and the persons of row-2 face south. The persons of both the rows sit exactly
opposite to each other.
F sits third to the left of N but does not face P. T sits immediate right of P and no one sits to the
right of T. Three persons sit between J and the one who faces P. Two persons sit between W and C,
who sits diagonally opposite to R. L sits just right of U but not in row 1. S faces M, who sits in the
same row of B. Odd number of persons are sitting between J and K, who faces W.
Eleven persons J, V, L, D, T, P, M, K, R, C, X are working in three different department i.e.
Production, Teaching and HR, not necessary in the same order. Not less than three and not
more than four persons are working in an department. P is working with D in same
department but not in HR department. K is working with X but not in production
department. R is not working in production and teaching department. X is working with K
and with only one person more. C is not working in production department. J is working
with T in same department but not with C. M is working with L in teaching department.
ग्यारह व्यक्तत J, V, L, D, T, P, M, K, R, C, X तीन अलग-अलग ववभागों अर्ाात उत्पादन, शिक्षण
और मानव संसाधन में कायारत हैं, आवश्यक नह ं कक इसी क्रम में हों। एक ववभाग में तीन
से कम और चार से अधधक व्यक्तत काम नह ं कर रहे हैं। P समान ववभाग में D के सार्
काया करता है लेककन मानव संसाधन ववभाग में नह ं। K, X के सार् काया कर रहा है लेककन
उत्पादन ववभाग में नह ं है । R उत्पादन और शिक्षण ववभाग में कायारत नह ं है । X, K के सार्
काम कर रहा है और केवल एक और व्यक्तत के सार् काम कर रहा है । C उत्पादन ववभाग में
कायारत नह ं है । J, T के सार् समान ववभाग में काया करता है लेककन C के सार् नह ं। M, L के
सार् शिक्षण ववभाग में काया करता है ।
Eleven persons J, V, L, D, T, P, M, K, R, C, X
are working in three different department
i.e. Production, Teaching and HR, not
necessary in the same order. Not less than
three and not more than four persons are
working in an department. P is working
with D in same department but not in HR
department. K is working with X but not in
production department. R is not working in
production and teaching department. X is
working with K and with only one person
more. C is not working in production
department. J is working with T in same
department but not with C. M is working
with L in teaching department.


. Six persons likes different colour. All of them have different bikes. Each person has different weight. B’s
weight is more than only 2 persons and B likes Blue. The one who likes Black has weight which is more
than L’s weight but less than X’s weight. The one who have Pulsar, likes Black. G doesn’t have Pulsar. K’s
weight is more than G but less than M. M likes Red and L have Apache. The one, who is heaviest, has
85kg weight and have KTM. L is not the person who has lowest weight. X doesn’t have KTM. The one
who have Raider doesn’t like Blue and he is not the person who has second highest weight. K’s weight is
60kg. The one who has 75kg weight and have Royal Enfield and likes Green. G doesn’t like Yellow. The
one who has lowest weight is 48kg. The one who likes White does not have Splendor.
छह व्यक्ततयों को अलग-अलग रं ग पसंद है । उन सभी के पास अलग-अलग बाइक हैं। हर व्यक्तत का
वजन अलग होता है । B का वजन केवल 2 व्यक्ततयों से अधधक है और उसे नीला रं ग पसंद है । काला रं ग
पसंद करने वाले का वजन L के वजन से अधधक लेककन X के वजन से कम है । क्जसके पास पल्सर है , उसे
काला रं ग पसंद है । G के पास पल्सर नह ं है। K का वजन G से अधधक लेककन M से कम है । M को लाल
रं ग पसंद है और L के पास अपाचे है । जो सबसे भार है , उसका वजन 85 ककग्रा है और उसके पास
केट एम है । L वह व्यक्तत नह ं है क्जसका वजन सबसे कम है । X के पास केट एम नह ं है । क्जसके पास रे डर
है वह नीला रं ग पसंद नह ं करता है और वह वह व्यक्तत नह ं है , क्जसका वजन दस ू रा सबसे अधधक है । K
का भार 60 ककग्रा है । वह क्जसका वजन 75 ककग्रा है और उसके पास रॉयल एनिील्ड है और उसे हरा रं ग
पसंद है । G को पीला रं ग पसंद नह ं है । सबसे कम वजन वाला व्यक्तत 48 ककग्रा है । क्जसे सफेद पसंद है
उसके पास स््लेंडर नह ं है ।
Six persons likes different colour. All of
them have different bikes. Each person has
different weight. B’s weight is more than
only 2 persons and B likes Blue. The one
who likes Black has weight which is more
than L’s weight but less than X’s weight.
The one who have Pulsar, likes Black. G
doesn’t have Pulsar. K’s weight is more
than G but less than M. M likes Red and L
have Apache. The one, who is heaviest,
has 85kg weight and have KTM. L is not
the person who has lowest weight. X
doesn’t have KTM. The one who have
Raider doesn’t like Blue and he is not the
person who has second highest weight. K’s
weight is 60kg. The one who has 75kg
weight and have Royal Enfield and likes
Green. G doesn’t like Yellow. The one who
has lowest weight is 48kg. The one who
likes White does not have Splendor.

M(85kg) > X(75kg) > K(60kg) > B > L > G(48kg)

Red Green Black Blue Yellow White
KTM Royal Pulsar Splendor Apache Raider
Ten persons were born in five different months of the same year starting from March to
July, but on two different dates, i.e. 20th and 25th. A was born in the month which has
odd number of days. Six persons were born in between A and B who was born after A. B
was not born in the last. Two persons were born between B and C. The number of
persons born before C is same as the number of persons born after G. M was born on an
even number date and the month which has even number of days. Five persons were
born between M and K who was born in the same month as E. J was born before L but
after I.
दस व्यक्ततयों का जन्म माचा से जल ु ाई तक एक ह वर्ा के पांच अलग-अलग मह नों में
हुआ र्ा, लेककन दो अलग-अलग तार खों, यानी 20 और 25 को। A का जन्म ववर्म ददनों
वाले मह ने में हुआ र्ा। A और B के बीच छह व्यक्तत पैदा हुए र्े, क्जनका जन्म A के बाद
हुआ र्ा। B का जन्म आखखर में नह ं हुआ र्ा। B और C के बीच दो व्यक्ततयों का जन्म
हुआ है । C से पहले जन्म लेने वाले व्यक्ततयों की संख्या, G के बाद पैदा हुए व्यक्ततयों की
संख्या के समान है । M का जन्म एक सम संख्या वाल तार ख और उस मह ने में हुआ र्ा
क्जसमें ददनों की संख्या सम है । M और K के बीच पांच व्यक्तत पैदा हुए र्े, क्जनका जन्म
E के समान मह ने में हुआ र्ा। J का जन्म L से पहले लेककन I के बाद हुआ र्ा।
Ten persons were born in five
different months of the same year
starting from March to July, but on
two different dates, i.e. 20th and 25th.
A was born in the month which has
odd number of days. Six persons were
born in between A and B who was
born after A. B was not born in the
last. Two persons were born between
B and C. The number of persons born
before C is same as the number of
persons born after G. M was born on
an even number date and the month
which has even number of days. Five
persons were born between M and K
who was born in the same month as E.
J was born before L but after I.


MAY 20 C
MAY 25 G
Product Purchase-Based
6 Persons (A to F) are purchasing different cars i.e. KIA, BMW, AUDI, THAR, Mercedes and
Lamborghini but does not purchase in same order. Equal number of person are purchase
car before of the one who purchase Audi car and after of the one who purchase THAR car.
C purchase car 2 person after of the one who purchase BMW car. A purchase immediate
before of the one who purchase BMW car. E purchase before of the one who purchase
Mercedes car but after the one who purchase KIA car. F purchase before D, who purchase
Lamborghini car. The one who purchase AUDI, purchase after B but before F. F does not
purchase BMW car. B purchase after E.
6 व्यक्तत (A से F) अलग-अलग कार खर द रहे हैं जैसे KIA, BMW, AUDI, THAR, Mercedes
और Lamborghini लेककन समान क्रम में नह ं खर दते हैं। ऑडी कार खर दने वाले व्यक्तत से
पहले और र्ार कार खर दने वाले व्यक्तत के बाद समान संख्या में व्यक्तत कार खर दते हैं।
C, BMW कार खर दने वाले व्यक्तत के 2 व्यक्तत बाद कार खर दता है । A, बीएमडब्लल्यू कार
खर दने वाले व्यक्तत के ठीक पहले खर दता है । E मशसाडीज कार खर दने वाले व्यक्तत से
पहले खर दता है लेककन KIA कार खर दने वाले व्यक्तत के बाद। F, D से पहले खर दता है , जो
लेम्बोधगानी कार खर दता है । वह व्यक्तत जो AUDI खर दता है , B के बाद लेककन F से पहले
खर दता है । F बीएमडब्लल्यू कार नह ं खर दते हैं। B, E के बाद खर दता है ।
Product Purchase-Based
6 Persons (A to F) are purchasing different cars i.e. KIA, BMW, AUDI, THAR, Mercedes and
Lamborghini but does not purchase in same order. Equal number of person are purchase
car before of the one who purchase Audi car and after of the one who purchase THAR car.
C purchase car 2 person after of the one who purchase BMW car. A purchase immediate
before of the one who purchase BMW car. E purchase before of the one who purchase
Mercedes car but after the one who purchase KIA car. F purchase before D, who purchase
Lamborghini car. The one who purchase AUDI, purchase after B but before F. F does not
purchase BMW car. B purchase after E.
Product Purchase-Based

KIA BMW Thar Audi Mercedes Lamborgh
Flat Floor
6 person lives in 3 floor buildings and each floor consists 2 flat i.e. flat-A and flat-B. Flat-A is west
of Flat-B. The topmost floor is numbered as 3 and the bottommost floor is numbered as 1. They all
are from different ages from 15 to 40 in the multiple of 5.
P lives north west of the one who is 2nd youngest. The one whose age is 25 year, lives 2 floor
below of the one who lives immediate above of the one whose age is 20 year. T lives south west of
the one whose age 30 year but T is not 3rd youngest. Q lives above R but below of the one whose
age is 15 year. R’s age is more than T’s age and S’s age. S does not live on 1st floor. No one lives east
of U.
6 व्यक्तत 3 मंक्जला इमारतों में रहते हैं और प्रत्येक मंक्जल में 2 फ्लैट हैं, यानी फ्लैट-ए और फ्लैट-
बी। फ्लैट-ए फ्लैट-बी के पक्श्चम में है । सबसे ऊपर मंक्जल की संख्या 3 है और सबसे नीचे की
मंक्जल की संख्या 1 है । वे सभी 5 के गुणक में 15 से 40 तक की ववशभन्न आयु के हैं।
P, दस ू रे सबसे छोटे व्यक्तत के उत्तर पक्श्चम में रहता है । क्जसकी आयु 25 वर्ा है , वह 20 वर्ा की
आयु वाले व्यक्तत के ठीक ऊपर रहने वाले व्यक्तत के 2 मंक्जल नीचे रहता है । T उस व्यक्तत के
दक्षक्षण पक्श्चम में रहता है क्जसकी आयु 30 वर्ा है लेककन T तीसरा सबसे छोटा नह ं है । Q, R के
ऊपर रहता है लेककन उस व्यक्तत के नीचे रहता है क्जसकी आयु 15 वर्ा है । R की आयु T और S की
आयु से अधधक है । S पहल मंक्जल पर नह ं रहता है । U के पव ू ा में कोई नह ं रहता है ।
Flat Floor
6 person lives in 3 floor buildings and
each floor consists 2 flat i.e. flat-A and
flat-B. Flat-A is west of Flat-B. The
topmost floor is numbered as 3 and the
bottommost floor is numbered as 1.
They all are from different ages from 15
to 40 in the multiple of 5.
P lives north west of the one who is 2nd
youngest. The one whose age is 25 year,
lives 2 floor below of the one who lives
immediate above of the one whose age
is 20 year. T lives south west of the one
whose age 30 year but T is not 3rd
youngest. Q lives above R but below of
the one whose age is 15 year. R’s age is
more than T’s age and S’s age. S does not
live on 1st floor. No one lives east of U.
Flat Floor

Floor Flat-A Flat-B

3 P(15) S(30)
2 T(35) Q(20)
1 R(40) U(25)

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