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Reaction Paper about Apocalypto 2

Name: John Robert Olaño Course,Year and Section: BSCS-1C

Date: 12/10/2022

Physical Education has been a part of history since the primitive time until to this

time. Physical Education is imperative in an individual's life for it to study the overall

development of one’s being to achieve a fit body. Physical education also participates in

activities such as weight lifting, cardio, calisthenics and other movement in the body.

Physical Education also fulfills needs in the area of Social, Emotional, and Mental by

engaging in selected Physical Education activities. In addition, Physical Education

adopts through what the situation needs, for example in Primitive time for you to survive

you need to be physically strong however, in the present time you need to have a strong

mind to overcome all hard tests.

The “APOCALYPTO 2” is a clear representation of what Physical Education in

the primitive time was a form of survival. Comparing the main character to myself we

both are physically,mentally, emotionally and socially different. The main character

shows us what it is to be a fully developed human in their era. Just think about being in

that character place, probably if I was there just the start of the video I am already killed.

The activities are treacherous and one mistake in those activities is equal to death. That

is how important Physical education was in primitive times.

The movie clip also didn’t show us physical attributes but we saw social traits,

emotional traits and mental traits. To be honest the enemies of the main character have

great advantages however, he shows us emotional traits and mental traits. The enemies
could kill the main character because they show cooperation between each other and

their leader has taken the risk to do whatever to fulfill their mission but they are missing

the important trait which is mental. Despite the main character being one, he still won

because he is confident and self-control plus he also analyzes the situation to win over


The “APOCALYPTO 2” also shows us why we should study physical education in

modern times. The woman and the child show a great representation of what a person

is without all the attributes. It shows that the woman and child won’t even be able to go

out and look for some food because they are physically, mentally, emotionally and

socially weak and the reason why is because of a lack of involvement in vigorous

activities. Women and children in today's society are built differently for we see videos

of children reaching the ceiling and we see women climbing mountains.

May this movie clip be a reminder how important Physical education has an

important role in our life. Even in different situations we should always study how we

can become fit through movements of our body. Hence life is full of development so we

must develop to achieve our fullest potential.

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