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Unit 1 FACT SHEET Oliver Connolly

Contents Page Analysis

Contents Title

The contents is the name of the page and provides information about each topic in
the magazine. It is conventionally positioned at the top of the page and the largest
text on the page.

The contents title in this issue of Empire magazine follows the conventions as it is
positioned at the top of the page and is the largest font on the page. The font is sans
serif as it is the main title on the page and stands out to the audience due to the
page showing whereabouts different topics are in the magazine.It is also sans serif
as it is in clear bold font and connotes the purpose of the page The font is in orange
and therefore stands out from the background and connects the contents title with
the other article headings on the page which are also in orange font. The title is
“Contents” as it shows what the purpose of the page is and what the topics in the
magazine are. The contents title signifies to the audience that the purpose of the
contents page is to provide information to the audience about various topics in the
magazine, such as Chaos in the DCEU or Gangs of London.

Repetition of Masthead

The repetition of the masthead is sometimes located at the top of the page near the
contents title. When the masthead has been repeated on the Contents page it
signifies what magazine company owns the magazine and that it is an exclusive
brand and the contents is exclusive to the particular magazine.

Conventionally there is a repetition of the

masthead at the top of the page near the
contents title, however there isn’t one on this
contents page. This contents page is in a different
issue of Empire which does follow the convention
as there is repetition of the masthead “Empire”.
The repetition of the masthead is in the same font
as on the front cover, however, it is much smaller.
In this issue of the Empire magazine, the Empire
masthead is located in the top left hand corner of
the page, above the contents title. The black line
on either side of the masthead has possibly been
used to separate the masthead title and the
contents title. It stands out as it is on a black and
white background and has lines on each side which could be drawing the audience’s
attention towards the masthead.

Page Number & Additional Information

The page number and additional information are located at the bottom of the page
and at the small outer corners of the page. It might include repetition of the
masthead and issue information for example the month and year.

Empire magazine does follow the convention as it includes the page number of the
magazine and includes the repetition of the masthead in red, along with the release
date of the magazine. It is the smallest font on the page because it is included at the
bottom of each page in the magazine, which gives important information but not the
biggest information on the page. It also wants to keep the focus on the main body of
text by being the smallest font on the page.

Image of Front Cover

The image of the front cover is sometimes repeated on the contents page, but isn’t
too big.

There is no repetition of the front cover on my contents page and Empire does not
seem to follow this convention when looking at previous issues. However, this copy
of the Radio Times shows a repetition of the front cover in the top left hand corner.

The front cover of the magazine is next to the contents title as it has been repeated,
which follows the conventions. The front cover is right next to the contents title and
the repetition of the masthead connotes the importance of the issue. This issue is
important as the entire magazine has been dedicated towards the Queen's death
and acts as a memorial.The front cover is located in the top left hand corner of the
page, as the audience reads from left to right, top to bottom which draws their
attention to the repetition of the front cover.

Issue Information

The Issue Information is the smallest text on the page and is smaller than the
contents title. It is usually positioned near the contents title, as it includes the issue
number, month, year.

The Issue information is located at the bottom of the page and is the smallest font on
the page as it states the month and year of the magazine. This shows that it is a
monthly magazine that is in plain black sans serif font. The issue information is in
plain black sans serif font as it indicates to the audience what page number they are
on and what page numbers other topics in the magazine are on. It is in small black
font as it is right next to the repetition of the masthead which reinforces the brand of
the magazine.

Page Numbers & Captions on Images

The purpose of the page number and the captions on

the image are to link them to the article.The purpose of
the page number is to indicate to the audience where
certain topics in the magazine are and what page
number it is. The purpose of the caption is to draw
attention to a certain image or piece of information
located on the page, which could provide extra
information about a topic.

This issue doesn’t include any page numbers or

captions on the images. However on this copy of Total
Film magazine there are captions and page numbers
on the images of the magazine. This has been used
because it anchors the image to the article and
provides more information which makes readers more interested, as it makes the
contents page more eye-catching. The page numbers stand out as they are located
in the bottom left hand corner of each image on the page. The Page numbers are in
large white serif font on colourful images as it draws more attention towards the
image and provides it with a higher purpose. The captions stand out on the images
as they are in small white font, in the bottom left hand corner of the page . They
stand out because they provide additional information about the topic and anchor the


Multiple images are used to illustrate the articles on the page and are usually
positioned together. The images will be visually interesting, with relevant mise en
scene that signifies the genre.

This magazine doesn’t follow the conventions of magazine contents pages as there
are only two images and they are at opposite ends of the page.This is unusual as it
is expected that a film magazine will have more than two images as the magazine
isn’t just going to focus on one particular film, it will focus on multiple different films
throughout various parts of the magazine and explain how they compare to other
films. They also provide extra information about the articles, however they don’t have
captions or page numbers on them. There are page numbers on the image which
show the audience where to find the articles. Conventionally people would expect for
there to be more than two images on a film magazine contents page as the topic
“Film” has a vast array of genres that could be featured.

The largest image on the page shows Daniel Craig in a mid shot whilst wearing
sunglasses and standing in front of the sea with a fishing village in the distant
background of the image.This signifies the use of a holiday destination and connotes
relaxation and peace which intrigues the audience as they know it is a detective film.
The weather in the background is shown to be in a mediterranean setting in the
middle of summer. His head overlaps the contents title in the image and shows him
in the centre of the image. Daniel Craig is in the centre of the image and overlaps the
contents title, to signify the genre of the film being a thriller and mystery and him
acting as the detective and main character of the film. It also suggests that he is very
important and that he will appeal to audiences.

The smaller image on the page is located in the bottom right corner of the page and
is much smaller than the main image. The second image shows Pam Grier in a
brown coat holding a futuristic gun with no background as all the attention is drawn
to her. This connotes the use of the gun as it is being used as a way of drawing
people’s attention to Pam Grier’s article and her audience, as well as giving the
article more recognition.

Section Headings

Section headings are the text used to separate the articles into different sections, as
it helps to create order for the audience. It will often be linked to regular and feature
content. The text is smaller than the contents title but is bigger than the main body

Empire magazine follows conventions as it has large, bold sans serif section
headings which separates the articles into different sections. The sections are Take
20, Features, On Screen and Review. The headings are underlined by a bold line
that makes the sections even more clearly separated, which makes it clear that they
are headings. The headings Take 20 and On Screen are used as they have
terminology which is connected to the film industry and therefore reflects the genre
of the Empire magazine.Underneath the Take 20 heading there a series of articles
and interviews with actors and directors who talk about different film franchises such
as the DCEU. Underneath the heading On Screen, are a number of reviews of both
TV programmes and films. The purpose of the On Screen heading is it reviews big
screen and small screen productions such as films like Crimes Of The Future and
Three Thousand Years of Longing and the TV programme She Hulk.
These headings signify to the audience that these three On Screen topics are
popular films and TV shows that would be considered exclusive topics in the
magazine. Take 20 and On Screen are linked to the Film and TV genre and the films
and TV shows are all watched on screen.

Column Layout

Column layouts are used to create structure and order to allow the audience to use
and navigate around the page easily. There are three columns conventionally
positioned to a page.

Empire magazine follows the conventions as it has four columns in its layout,
however it has four columns instead of three which is slightly unconventional. The
columns include different topics to create structure and make the page easier for
people to navigate.This shows how each topic is separated into different columns
depending on what the TV show or film is about, which makes it organised and neat.

Layout of Articles

Lists of articles on the contents page conventionally follow the same format, which is
that the page number comes first and is then followed by the article name and title
which is usually in a bigger/ bolder and different colour font to the main body text.
Underneath there is the main body text which is in simple and plain font as it is a
small font, which gives more information about the article.
This issue of Empire magazine follows conventions with the layout of articles
because the page number comes first, then the title comes next which are both in
larger font. The main body of the article information is in a small text and gives more
information about the article. The page number is in black font and the title is in red
sans serif font which reflects the usual house style as the Empire masthead is
normally in red, although not in this issue.

House Style

House style is the brand style of the magazine which includes elements of style of
language , font, colour scheme and layout which is linked to the genre and target
audience which is appropriate for the audience.

The house style follows conventions as the colour scheme used for the contents
page is orange, red, black and white, which means that it is limited to just four
colours and helps it continue with the colours used from the front cover. The colours
used from the sublines are the same as the colour used for the contents title. As well
as this, the red titles for the films or programmes contrast with the Empire logo as
they are both being kept consistent.
All the article titles are bold and in sans serif font because it signifies the importance
of the titles to the audience by being in pristine condition. The largest font on the
page is the Contents title as it gives people a general idea as to what the page is
about and what it includes. The smallest font on the page is the caption for the image
as it clearly shows what the image is about and how it can come across to the

The style of language used is informal language as it has been used underneath the
topic “Blonde”, for example “Nope, not a Reservoir Dogs spin off:” which shows that
people don;t use “Nope” in a sentence as it is informal.

The layout used for the contents page is structured and organised as each topic is
separated by a gap line in between each of the topics, as well as the use of
consistent red headings above each topic. Another feature used for the layout of the
page is the bold headings the topics are underneath, for example Take 20 and On
Screen. One other feature used to show the organised layout is the caption below
the image which explains what explains what the image is about. The image and
contents title also acts as a way to break up the text and make it look more
organised and neat.

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