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What is a sentence?

The sentence is the set of words that expresses a judgment with meaning and syntactic
autonomy it is performed in a given context and situation and often with the support of other
concurrent non-linguistic sign codes, such as gestures

According to phonology, sentences are delimited prosodically by pauses and a certain

intonation. The initial pause is usually indicated in writing with a capital letter and the final one,
with a point or, more rarely, with a comma or semicolon.

parts of a sentence

The sentence is made up of a subject and a predicate:

-The subject: is the word or group of words of which something is said.

-The predicate: is the word or group of words that express what is said about the subject.

The most important word of the subject and the predicate is the nucleus.

In the subject the nucleus is a noun or a pronoun:

*The player is injured.

* She baked the cake.

In the predicate the head is the verb:

* Carolina wrote the story.

what is a simple sentence

It is the simplest structure among all the sentences, since they do not belong to any
grammatical unit, thanks to their simplicity, they are the most used sentences in childhood and
in those who are in the process of learning a language
Simple sentences can be classified according to their meaning.

there are simple sentences * declarative



* doubtful and wishful

what is a compoud setence?

A sentence that has more than one verb phrase or, in other words, has more than one
conjugated verb, is called a compound or complex sentence.

Compound sentences can be classified into three types:

*Those formed by coordinates: It is the union of two or more sentences that have the same
functional value and are syntactically independent or alone.

*Those formed by juxtaposed:It is the union of several sentences with the same syntactic value
and without links between them. Thus, juxtaposed sentences have a meaning relationship that
is represented in writing by punctuation marks (comma, semicolon, colon)

*Those formed by subordinates: is the union in a sentence composed of two or more sentences
between which there is a dependency relationship. This means that there is a sentence that is
considered main and another sentence depends on it.

Your father and I want (you to come on a trip with us)

what is a depend clase ?

it is a compound sentence that functions within it as an adjective, an adverb or a noun of

another clause, to which it is therefore grammatically subordinated, lacking complete meaning
if separated from it.

*Hyperonym: prayer

*Synonyms: *subordinate clause

*subordinate clause

what clause?
In linguistics, it is a set of words that form a complete meaning, generally thanks to the
presence of a conjugated verb, which acts as the nucleus.

Synonym: prayer

give 2 examples of each one of them

*In a sentence:

The children will visit the exhibition this afternoon

Maria and Juan play

*Simple sentence:

Pedro drinks the milk

She will run the marathon.

*Compoud sentence :

Carlos buys the bread and I wait for it

She will run the marathon and I will wait for her at the finish line

*Depend clase:

In the sentence "I want you to come out"

the verb "to want" is the head of the main, and "that you go out" is a substantive dependent

In the sentence "I'll meet you where you are"

the verb "find" is the head of the main, and "wherever you are" is an adverbial dependent

*I will go home, you will go to mine.

* I came, I saw, I looked, I won.

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