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cromegaly is a hormonal disorder that develops

when your pituitary gland produces too much

A viral infection that affects the salivary glands,
growth hormone during adulthood.
Mumps affects the parotid glands, the salivary
glands below and in front of the ears. This disease is
excessive gh spread through infected saliva.
excessive ghrh Mumps is caused by the mumps virus (MuV),
scientific name Mumps orthorubulavirus, which
Enlarged hands and feet etiology belongs to the Orthorubulavirus genus in the
Enlarged facial features, including the facial bones, Paramyxoviridae family of viruses.[20] Humans are
lips, nose and tongue the only natural host of the mumps virus.
Coarse, oily, thickened skin
Small outgrowths of skin tissue (skin tags) Living or traveling to places where mumps are
Fatigue and joint or muscle weakness common.
A deepened, husky voice due to enlarged vocal
cords and sinuses
acromegaly Being exposed to someone with mumps.
Being in crowded settings, such as a college
risk factor
IGF-1 measurement No history of mumps immunization.
Growth hormone suppression test. further diagnosis Having a weakened immune system, even if a
Syahril Ananda Siregar
person has been vaccinated.
SGD_09 mumps
Family history of pituitary adenoma Pain in the swollen salivary glands on one or both
MacCun Albright syndrome sides of your face.
risk factor
Lung cancers Pain while chewing or swallowing.
Adrenal tumors Fever.
lower your GH and IGF-1 levels, treatment options Muscle aches.
typically include surgery or radiation to remove or Weakness and fatigue.
reduce the size of the tumor that is causing your treatment Loss of appetite.
symptoms, and medication to help normalize your
hormone levels. RT-PCR and viral culture are used to confirm mumps
infection. Buccal swabs are most commonly used for
further diagnosis RT-PCR testing, but urine and CSF may also be used
in specific situations. IgM serology can also be used
The adrenal glands are located inside the body, on to aid in diagnosing mumps infection.
the anterosuperior (front-top) side of the kidney. In
humans, the adrenal glands lie parallel to the 12th getting plenty of bed rest and fluids
thoracic spine and receive their blood supply from using painkillers, such as ibuprofen and paracetamol
the adrenal arteries. Each gland weighs about 4 treatment – aspirin should not be given to children under 16

Swollen Face And

grams. applying a warm or cool compress to the swollen
glands to help relieve pain
Mineralocorticoids, especially aldosterone b.
adrenal gland
Glucocorticoids, especially cortisolc.
Adrenal androgens, namely dehydropiandrosterone (
hormon cortex hormone Increased Weight
DHEA) a collection of symptoms that arise due to too high
physiology levels of the hormone cortisol in the body.
medulla hormone
norepinephrine use of corticosteroid drugs in high doses or for a
long time
high levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is a condition usually by tumor
in which your thyroid gland doesn't produce enough
of certain crucial hormones.
adults aged 30–50 years.
three times more at risk of attacking women than
Thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid). risk factor men.
Treatment of hyperthyroidism (radiation and surgical people who need to receive long-term corticosteroid
removal of the thyroid). drugs.
Iodine deficiency (not having enough iodine — a
mineral your thyroid uses to make hormones – in
Weight gain
your body).
Fat accumulation, especially on the shoulders (
Hereditary conditions (a medical condition passed cushing's syndrom buffalo hump) and face (moon face)
down through your family).
Reddish purple streaks (striae) on the skin of the
abdomen, thighs, breasts, or arms
can affect people of all ages, genders and Thinning of the skin, so the skin bruises easily
ethnicities. It’s a common condition, particularly Wounds or insect bites on the skin are difficult to
among women over age 60. Women are generally risk factor heal
more likely to develop hypothyroidism after hypothyroid
menopause than earlier in life.
supporting investigation
Examination of 24-hour urine samples and saliva at
Weight gain night
Puffy face further diagnosis Examination of the level of the hormone cortisol in
Hoarseness the blood
Muscle weakness Scanning with a CT scan or MRI
Elevated blood cholesterol level syntomps Test the blood sample taken from the petrous sinus,
Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
Reducing the dose of corticosteroids
Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods
tumor removal surgery
Thinning hair treatment
Perform radiation therapy procedures (radiotherapy)
Give drugs to control cortisol hormone levels
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test. further diagnosis

levothyroxine treatment

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