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Safe Bearing Capacity calculation as per IS 6403

Based on Borehole = Sample-1

Width of the Footing = 5 m
Length of the Footing = 6.5 m
Depth of the Foundation = 5 m
Bulk Density = 18.678 kN/m3

Shear Strength Parameters

Cohesion = 10.1 kPa

Angle of Internal Friction = 13.016 degrees

Voids ratio of the soil ( e) = 0.98

Type of Shear Failure as per IS 6403:

if e < 0.55 General Shear Failure
if 0.55 < e < 0.75 Intermediate shear failure
if e > 0.75 Local shear failure

Therefore based on the void ratio the mode of failure is : LOCAL SHEAR FAILURE

Local Shear Failure

Mobilised cohesion C' = 6.8 kPa
Angle of internal friction for Local shear failure, ɸ = 13.0 Deg
Mobilised angle of internal friction ɸ' = 8.8 Deg

Bearing Capacity factors Shape factors Depth factors Inclination factors Water table correction
N'c = 7.83 Sc = 1.141 dc = 1.041 ic = 1 dw = 0 m
N'q = 2.21 Sq = 1.141 dq = 1.020 iq = 1 df+B = 11.52 m
N'y = 0.99 Sy = 0.717 dy = 1.020 iy = 1 W' = 0.50

Unit weight of water = 9.81 kN/m
Effective overburden pressure = 93.39 kPa
Ultimate bearing capacity qu = 2/3CN'cScdcic + q(N'q -1)Sqdqiq + 0.5BYN'ySydyiyW'
qu = 228.7 kPa
Factor of safety FOS = 2.5
Safe Bearing capacity qslocal = 184.8 kPa

Recommended Safe Bearing Capacity = 150 kPa

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