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Reporting (from D to F)

So, there are phases in instructional planning…

D. Phases
 Before instructions:
1. Preplanning-gives purpose for learning; provides
overview (Pre-planning is the stage of lesson
planning that focuses on making decisions about
what direction the lesson will go in, and as a future
educator you think about what to include in the
lesson; like selecting resources while, TAKE NOTE
considering the lesson objectives, students' needs,
requirements, motivation, curriculum, and any other
influences that may be at work in the classroom

2. Active planning-provides sequencing and pacing;

and builds teaching repertoire (a teacher must be
prepared in order to be smooth, functional and
succeed the task, in here, the formulation, selection
and arrangement or the sequence are being
planned in order for the teacher to have a sense of
direction during the class. TAKE NOTE: during the
preparation of the contents the teacher must
consider the lessons objectives, learner’s needs
and motivation, the syllabus/curriculum in order to
have a successful class setting)

 During instructions:
 On-going planning (this is the phase which the
execution of plan also known as the actual classroom
setting happen, such examples were presentation of
the overall discussion, questioning, listening to
student’s response and providing guidance and there
are 3 keys to remember in this phase; setting up a
class, knowing the learners and starts teaching)
Setting up a class: in here the teacher should be aware of the number of
his/her students, like number of learners who are attentive, negligent or
disinterested and slow ones and troublemakers)
Knowing the learners: knowing the capacity of the students like their
previous knowledge
Start teaching:
- respond to learner’s needs (so when we say
respond to learner’s needs it means that this is the
part where the interaction between students and
teacher happen in other words this is the interactive
phase because the teacher will respond to the
questions and inquiries of his/her students
regarding the topic)
- Provides re-teaching (it means teaching again the
topic especially for those students who didn’t
understood well)
- Facilitates higher level questions (initiation and

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