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Name: Keisei Anthea Balinas

Program, Year, & Section: BSBIO 2A

Course Code: PED3

Competitive Swimming vs. Recreational Swimming

Competitive swimming is swimming at the highest level of stroke ability, speed, and to perform
at the top while racing with other competitors. There are four main competitive swimming
strokes: freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. There is also the combination of all
four strokes in an event called Individual Medley (I.M.). The sport requires the swimmers to have
dynamic strength and flexibility to be able to learn to swim competitively. It also needs them to
be able to be mentally motivated to learn and constantly improve their swimming.

Recreational Swimming are a fun and positive way to practice new skills, be physically active
and spend quality time with family and friends. Water is known to reduce the impact on joints,
soothe the mind, body and increase energy levels. It can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle,
and give you something fulfilling to do in your spare time.

As Competitive swimming is more focused on the different strokes in competition and lapses.
Recreational swimming is something that are for leisure where you can do lapses in a more
relaxed way without thinking of the pressure in competition.

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