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9/19/22, 10:58 PM EE580 - Mid Semester Examination (Preview) Microsoft Forms

EE580 - Mid Semester Examination

Total Questions: 34

Total Marks: 40

Maximum Time: 120 min

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+1 or +2 (as mentioned) for correct response

-0.5 for incorrect response*

*Negative marking is applicable for singly correct MCQ types only.


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9/19/22, 10:58 PM EE580 - Mid Semester Examination (Preview) Microsoft Forms

For Q3-Q5

A ferromagnetic core is shown in Figure 1 with a relative permeability of

1500. The dimensions are as shown in the diagram, and the depth of the
core is 7 cm. The air gaps on the left and right sides of the core are 0.070
and 0.020 cm, respectively. Because of fringing effects, the effective area of
the air gaps is 5 percent larger than their physical size. If there are 400 turns
in the coil wrapped around the centre leg of the core and if the current in
the coil is 1.0 A, Calculate the total reluctance of the core. (in kA.T/Wb)  *

(2 Points)

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What is the flux in each of the left, centre, and right legs of the core (in
mWb)? (Answer should be separated by comma) *
(2 Points)

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What is the flux density in left and right air gap (in T)? (Answer should be
separated by comma) *
(1 Point)

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For Q6-Q9

A two-legged magnetic core with an air gap is shown in Figure 2. The depth
of the core is 5 cm, the length of the air gap in the core is 0.06 cm, and the
number of turns on the coil is 1000. Assume a 5 percent increase in effective
air-gap area to account for fringing. The air-gap flux density produced is 0.5

What is the total flux present in the air gap (in mWb)?

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The flux density in the right hand leg of the core at that current (in T): *
(1 Point)

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Calculate the Air-gap MMF to produce a flux density of 0.5T in the air gap (in
A.t). *
(1 Point)

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Calculate the total MMF required to produce the flux (in A.t). *

(2 Points)

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For Q10 - Q12

Figure-3: Electromagnet shows a cylindrical iron-clad electromagnet. Its

magnetic path comprises both the mediums i.e. the magnetic core as well as
the air-gap. The MMF required to magnetise the magnetic core to the flux
value 0.00175 Wb is 120 AT. If the number of turns = 1200, Calculate the
value of the force (in N) for g = 1 and 0.2 cm for a constant coil current of
2.25 A. The total reluctance of the core is given as 153 (1 + 26.5 x 100g) x
10^3 (Answer should be separated by comma)

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What is the electrical energy input to the system (in J) when "g" changes
from 1 cm to 0.2 cm, while the coil current is maintained constant at 2.25 A.
(Assume that the magnetic path reluctance remains constant at a value
corresponding to the linear part) *
(1 Point)

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Calculate the work done (in J) on the plunger during the movement specified
in Q9. *
(1 Point)

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The partial derivative of field energy with respect to displacement at

constant flux linkage is equal to: *
(1 Point)

Negative values of torque or displacement

Positive values of torque or displacement


Current… 6/17
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The partial derivative of co-energy with respect to displacement at constant

current is equal to: *
(1 Point)

Negative values of torque or displacement

 Positive values of torque or displacement




For Q15 - Q18

For given Singly excited system in Figure 4, if i1 = 2.0 A, i2 = 1.5 A, x1 = 1 cm

and x2 = 0.5 cm. (Ignore non-linearity of the magnetising characteristics).
Find the coil inductances at two positions x1 and x2 if the electromagnetic
relay of Fig.4 has the exciting coil of 1000 turns and the cross-sectional area
of the core is A = 5 cm x 5 cm and he reluctance of the magnetic core part
may be assumed to be negligible. Also neglect fringing effects. (Answer
should be separated by comma)

(2 Points)

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Find the Electrical energy input to the system (in J). Refer Figure.4: Singly
excited system *
(1 Point)

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For Q13, calculate the increase in the field energy (in J). *
(1 Point)

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For Q13, calculate the Mechanical output of the system (in J). *
(1 Point)

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For Q19-Q23

 In the electromagnetic relay of Fig.5, the exciting coil has 1000 turns. The

area of the core is A = 5 cm x 5 cm. The reluctance of the magnetic core

part may be assumed to be negligible. Also neglect fringing effects.
Calculate the coil inductance (in H) for an air-gap of x = 1 cm.

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In Fig.5, What is the field energy (in J) when the coil carries a current of 2 A?
(1 Point)

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In Fig.5, What is the force (in N) on the armature under these conditions? *

(1 Point)

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In Fig.5, Find the mechanical energy output (in J) when the armature moves
from xa= 1cm to xb= 0.5cm if the flux linkages are maintained constant
corresponding to a coil current of 2.0 A. *
(1 Point)

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In Fig.5, Find the mechanical energy output (in J) when the armature moves
from xa= 1cm to xb= 0.5cm if the coil current is maintained constant at 2.0
A. *
(1 Point)

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For Q24 - Q29

 Figure 6 shows a simple single-phase ac power system with three loads. The
voltage source is V = 120∠0° V, and the three loads are Z1 = 5∠30°
Ohm     Z2 = 5∠45° Ohm   Z3 = 5∠-90° ohm

Assume that the switch shown in the figure is open,

The total current from the source I = A∠ B°  Amps

A and B are ___ and ___ respectively. (Answer should be separated by


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The power factor supplied by the source is *

(1 Point)

0.8 lagging

0.8 leading

0.9 lagging

0.9 leading


Real Power (W) supplied by the source is P= *

(1 Point)

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Reactive Power (Var) supplied by the source is *

(1 Point)

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 Apparent power S (VA) supplied by the source is S= *

(1 Point)

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If the switch shown in Fig.6 is closed, the total current from the source, I =
C∠D° Amps.

C and D are ___ & ___ respectively (Answer should be separated by comma) *

(1 Point)

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For Q30 - Q31

 A transformer core with an effective mean path length of 10 in has a 300-

turn coil wrapped around one leg. Its cross-sectional area is 0.25 in^2.  If
current of 0.25 A is flowing in the coil, Calculate the magnetizing intensity
applied to this core.

(1 Point)

300 A.t/m… 12/17
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240 A.t/m

410 A.t/m

295 A.t/m


The total flux in the core if the flux density in the core is 1.27T: *
(1 Point)

0.205 mWb

0.3175 Wb

8.064 mWb

0.205 Wb


A cast steel ring has a circular cross-section of 3 cm in diameter and a mean

circumference of 80 cm. A 1 mm air-gap is cut out in the ring which is
wound with a coil of 600 turns. Estimate the current (in A) required to
establish a flux of 0.75 mWb in the air-gap. Neglect fringing and leakage. *

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A correct expression for magnetic stored energy is? (Multiple options may be
correct; full marks will be given only if all the correct answers are ticked) *

(1 Point)

Wfld=1/2 φi

Wfld=1/2 L(i^2)

Wfld=1/2 λ i

Wfld=1/2 (φ^2)(reluctance)… 14/17
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Choose the correct statements from the following related to a Doubly

excited system with cylindrical stator and cylindrical rotor. (Multiple options
can be selected) *
(1 Point)

The interaction torque does not depend on the variation of inductance with the rotor movement

The interaction torque depends on the variation of inductance with the rotor movement

The direction of interaction is independent of the direction of stator and rotor currents.

The direction of interaction depends on the direction of stator and rotor currents

The reluctance torque is absent in the system

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 For Q35 - Q36

In the rotary device as shown in Figure.8, when the rotor is in the range of θ
= 45° , the coil inductances (in H) can be approximated as mentioned in the

Calculate the torque of field origin (in Nm) if the rotor is held in position θ =
45° with i1=5A and i2=0

(1 Point)

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For Q34, Calculate the torque of field origin (in Nm) if the rotor is held in
position θ = 45° with i1=5A and i2=5A *
(1 Point)

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For the motoring mode of operation of a machine, the relation between

incremental input electrical energy, stored field energy, and mechanical
energy is: *
(1 Point)

dW_elect. = dW_field + dW_mech

dW_elect. = dW_mech - dW_field

dW_mech = dW_field +dW_elect.

dW_field = dW_elect. + dW_mech… 16/17
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