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2021 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICPSC) | 13 – 14 May 2021 | Coimbatore

LRD-Net: A Lightweight Deep Network for

Low-light Image Enhancement
2021 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICPSC) | 978-1-6654-2864-4/20/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICSPC51351.2021.9451681

Shivam Singhal Srishti Nanduri

Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Delhi Technological University Delhi Technological University
New Delhi, India New Delhi, India

Yash Raghav Anil Singh Parihar

Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Delhi Technological University Delhi Technological University
New Delhi, India New Delhi, India

Abstract—The computer vision algorithms demonstrate su- details in non-uniform illumination images while dealing with
perior performance in the real world when provided with various color, contrast, and noise issues.
high-quality image or video inputs. However, low-light or non- Some early researches include histogram equaliza-
uniformly illuminated conditions result in low visibility in the
captured images, thus demanding low-light image enhancement. tion [1], [2] and gamma correction [3], [4], [5] based methods
Therefore, the paper presents a lightweight deep learning-based for enhancing low-light images. However, such techniques
method, referred to as LRD-Net, for enhancing low-light images. generally increase the overall contrast of image without taking
The proposed approach initially estimates the illumination map the illumination factors in consideration. CLAHE [6] proposes
using maximum of RGB color channels and then utilizes the a modification to HE by focusing on local contrast rather
retinex theory to derive the corresponding reflectance. Further,
we propose a lightweight deep network for refining the estimated than global contrast, thus dealing with over-enhancement of
reflectance, which is capable of restoring the lost structural and bright regions. Some other approaches derived from retinex
textural details. Our proposed approach employs a lightweight theory [7] include single-scale [8] and multi-scale retinex [9].
structure yet demonstrates competitive performance to various The growing interest in deep learning and its notable
state-of-the-art methods. The fast computation speed escalates the performance on various tasks in image processing, including
practical usage of our method without compromising on quality,
as demonstrated by extensive experiments.
dehazing [10], image-segmentation [11], etc. has led to the
Index Terms—Low-light image enhancement, reflectance, illu- introduction of various deep networks [12], [13], [14] for
mination, deep convolutional neural network. enhancing low-light images. Msr-net [15] views the previously
introduced MSR in terms of a convolutional neural network
and maps the low-light images to normal-light images based
on an end-to-end mapping. However, various deep learning
There are significant advancements in the camera technol- methods based on encoder-decoder [16] or other similar
ogy over the past decades leading to high-quality images. networks consist of a large number of layers making such
While modern cameras provide various options for capturing techniques computationally expensive. Thus, the paper focuses
moving, distant or ultra-wide scenes, they often fail in cap- on building a lightweight deep learning based method for low-
turing insufficiently illuminated scenes. Images clicked under light image enhancement.
poor or non-uniform illumination conditions generally have The main contributions of this study are described below:
low visibility accompanied by noise and poor contrast. It • We propose a novel retinex theory based model, referred
affects the visual quality of images and also impacts the ever- to as LRD-Net, for low-light image enhancement that
growing applications of computer vision such as automated works with little pre or post-processing.
driving, face recognition, and so on. Thus, enhancing the • We leverage a lightweight deep network that directly
low-light images becomes a critical task. A straightforward learns to adjust the estimated reflectance based on the
approach involves simply increasing the overall brightness of proposed multi-objective loss function.
low-light images, but we rarely have uniformly illuminated • We conduct extensive experiments and compare the per-
images. In most low-light images, the darkness is non-uniform, formance of proposed method with other best alternatives.
thus losing the details present in already bright regions on The remaining paper is arranged in the following manner.
direct brightness adjustment. Therefore, there is a need to Section II presents some previous works that closely relate
focus on more sophisticated techniques that can restore the to our method. Section III has the details of the proposed ap-

978-1-6654-2864-4/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 647

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2021 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICPSC) | 13 – 14 May 2021 | Coimbatore

Fig. 1: The proposed framework of LRD-Net.

proach. Section IV comprises of experimental details followed In contrast to retinex based deep networks, Zero-DCE [27]
by results. Eventually, section V concludes the proposed work. performs the enhancement by estimating image-specific curve
parameters and iteratively applying them on the three channels
II. R ELATED W ORK of the input low-light image. EnlightenGAN [28] is a modern
A wide variety of low-light image enhancement techniques generative adversarial network based approach that works in
have been introduced so far. Our proposed LRD-Net takes an unsupervised fashion by training a global-local discrim-
inspiration from the previously introduced works, and we inator network. Nevertheless, a majority of proposed deep
briefly discuss some closely related approaches in this section. networks are computationally expensive, thus paving the way
The initial attempts for enhancing low-light images relate for faster and more practical deep learning based approaches.
to histogram equalization [1], [2], [6] and gamma correc-
tion [3], [4], [5]. Some other early approaches [7], [8], [9] III. M ETHODOLOGY
are based on retinex theory, and are discussed by various The paper proposes a lightweight retinex theory based deep
researchers [17], [18]. Such techniques consider the estimated network, called LRD-Net, for enhancing low-light images.
reflectance component as the final enhanced image leaving The proposed framework is shown in Fig. 1. The proposed
behind the information carried by the illumination component. approach mainly includes intrinsic image decomposition into
SRIE [19] introduced a weighted variational model that esti- reflectance and illumination followed by adjustments in the
mates both reflectance and illumination simultaneously. SRIE estimated components.
provides noise suppression and maintains color constancy The proposed method takes motivation from the Retinex
to give visually pleasant output. NPEA [20] uses a bright- theory [7] which considers an image (I) as made up of two
pass filter for image decomposition and preserves the details components, namely reflectance and illumination.
by using bi-log transformation while adjusting the estimated
illumination. Guo et al. [21] introduced a structure prior I=R·S (1)
for estimating the illumination map, which is subsequently where R and S are used to represent reflectance and illumina-
adjusted maintaining the illumination consistency. Some other tion respectively. The illumination component depends on the
techniques [22], [23], [24] use fusion of multiple instances of lighting conditions while the image is captured. On the other
estimated illumination, thus effectively combining the proper- hand, reflectance comprises of the details of the scene and
ties of various approaches. is assumed to be constant for a scene given varying lighting
Besides the traditional methods, modern techniques leverage conditions. As illustrated by [21], [22], maximum value of
various deep networks [16] for enhancing low-light images the three color channels contains most of the lighting infor-
and other similar tasks [10], [11]. Parihar et al. [25] stud- mation and therefore, characterizes the illumination. Thus, the
ied various deep networks for low-light image enhancement. proposed approach employs the max-channel of the input low-
LLNet [12] presented an autoencoder network that simulta- light image to estimate the illumination component as follows.
neously performs both contrast enhancement and denoising.
GLADNet [13] uses illumination estimation followed by re- S= max Ik (2)
construction of details lost due to illumination adjustment. Wei
et al. [14] presented a deep network for image decomposition, Based on the estimated illumination, we compute the re-
followed by multi-scale illumination adjustment. It employs flectance component as:
dedicated BM3D [26] denoiser to deal with the inherent noise I
but the denoising operation over-smooths the enhanced image. R= (3)


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2021 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICPSC) | 13 – 14 May 2021 | Coimbatore

(a) I (b) R (c) S (d) Snew

(e) Rnew (f) R · Snew (g) Rnew · Snew

Fig. 2: Example to demonstrate the working of proposed method. (a) Input low-light image; (b) Estimated reflectance; (c)
Estimated illumination; (d) Gamma corrected illumination; (e) Adjusted reflectance; (f) Initial enhanced image; (g) Final
enhanced image.

The reflectance and illumination components for a sample low- operations in each of them. Further, we leverage different
light image as estimated by (2) and (3) are shown in Fig. 2. kernel sizes for the three layers as indicated in Fig. 1.
One may observe in Fig. 2(b) that the estimated reflectance In order to train the proposed network, we present a multi-
comprises of a lot of details that seem lost in the input low-lit objective loss function comprising of three losses, namely
image. MSE loss, content loss, and PSNR loss. The MSE loss
The proposed approach subsequently adjusts the illumina- calculates the pixel-wise dissimilarity between input and target
tion using gamma correction [3], which leverages a point-wise reflectance estimated as:
operation as shown below.
Lmse = kRnew − R̂k22 , (6)
Snew (x) = Smax , (4) where Rnew is the output of reflectance adjustment network.
Smax The content loss [30] is used to preserve the image semantics,
where γ is a fixed parameter and Smax denotes the maximum and to make sure that the target and adjusted reflectance have
intensity value of all the pixels S(x) in the illumination similar feature representation.
component. The adjusted illumination component for a given Lcontent = kφ(Rnew ) − φ(R̂)k22 , (7)
image is shown in Fig. 2(d). The recombination of estimated
reflectance and gamma adjusted illumination improves the where φ() accounts for the feature map produced after the
visibility to some extent as displayed in Fig. 2(f). However, 4-th Conv layer of VGG-19 network. In order to deal with
the reflectance component loses some structural and textural the inherent noise in the reflectance component, we propose
details in the image decomposition process. Further, gamma the use of PSNR as a contributing loss. PSNR is widely used
correction uses a fixed parameter to adjust the illumination for image quality estimation and, therefore, we leverage it to
and therefore, results in loss of natural color information. represent the noise level in the output reflectance compared to
In order to handle such distortions, we present a lightweight ground-truth image.
convolutional neural network to adjust the reflectance. 
M AXR2new

The proposed reflectance adjustment network is inspired LP SN R = −10 · log10 , (8)
by [29], and learns a mapping between estimated reflectance
(R) and target reflectance (R̂) as obtained by: where negative sign is used to reverse the behavior of PSNR,
as a greater PSNR value reflects better image quality. The final
Î loss function can be specified as:
R̂ = , (5)
Ltotal = wmse Lmse + wcontent Lcontent + wP SN R LP SN R ,
where Î is the normal-light ground truth image for input I. (9)
The proposed architecture utilizes majorly three operations, where wmse , wcontent , and WP SN R indicate the balancing
including patch extraction, non-linear mapping, and image weights and are taken as 0.55, 0.3, and 0.15 respectively. Fig.
reconstruction, as shown in Fig. 1. The extracted patches con- 2 shows the estimated reflectance (R) for a low-light image
sist of feature maps obtained from the input reflectance. The and the corresponding new reflectance (Rnew ) adjusted by the
patches are subsequently mapped to another set of high-quality proposed LRD-Net. Finally, the proposed method recombines
feature maps, thus removing the distortions introduced in the the adjusted reflectance (Rnew ) and enhanced illumination
input reflectance. The reconstruction operation recombines (Snew ) to get the final enhanced image as displayed in Fig.
the improved patches to give the final adjusted reflectance 2(g). It may be noticed that the final enhanced output looks
component. The proposed LRD-Net employs a three layer more natural and preserves color information as compared to
architecture performing convolutional and rectified linear unit initial gamma correction based enhanced image.


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2021 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICPSC) | 13 – 14 May 2021 | Coimbatore

(a) Input (b) LIME (c) GLADNet (d) Retinex-Net (e) Zero-DCE (f) LRD-Net

Fig. 3: Visual comparison among various methods.

(a) Input (b) LIME (c) GLADNet (d) Retinex-Net (e) Zero-DCE (f) LRD-Net

Fig. 4: Visual comparison among various methods.

(a) Input (b) LIME (c) GLADNet (d) Retinex-Net (e) Zero-DCE (f) LRD-Net

Fig. 5: Visual comparison among various methods.

IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS AND A NALYSIS from LOL dataset. On the other hand, NIQE is a blind
image quality metric calculated by taking images from all the
We use the publicly available LOL dataset [14] that has
mentioned datasets. A higher value is desirable for PSNR and
500 low/normal light image pairs. We utilize 485 image pairs
SSIM scores, while a good quality image has a low NIQE
for training the proposed LRD-Net, and use the remaining
value. Table 2 gives the values of the three metrics for LIME,
15 pairs along with other datasets, including ExDark [31] and
GLADNet, Retinex-Net, Zero-DCE, and proposed LRD-Net.
NPE [20] for evaluation. While training, the patch size is taken
From the values, we can observe that the proposed LRD-Net
as 128x128 and batch size is kept as 15. We present the per-
performs better than other approaches considering the PSNR
formance comparison of the proposed LRD-Net against vari-
and NIQE metrics. LIME works worst in terms of PSNR
ous state-of-the-art techniques, including LIME [21], GLAD-
value, while Zero-DCE fails in consideration of NIQE score.
Net [13], Retinex-Net [14], and Zero-DCE [27].
The SSIM value is highest for Retinex-Net, and our method
TABLE I: Quantitative comparison using PSNR, SSIM, and falls behind by a margin of 0.015. Thus, our approach shows
NIQE metrics effective performance in terms of quantitative metrics.
B. Visual Assessment
Metrics Quantitative metrics are insufficient in characterizing the
PSNR SSIM NIQE visual quality of images as perceived by humans. Thus, we
present the visual comparison on some low-light images as
LIME [21] 13.170 0.720 6.113
enhanced by various methods. Fig. 3 gives the visual com-
GLADNet [13] 15.995 0.757 7.256 parison on a landscape scene captured in daylight. While all
Retinex-Net [14] 15.533 0.795 6.452
the methods give competitive performance in terms of detail
restoration, our method proves its superiority by producing
Zero-DCE [27] 14.395 0.694 8.254 a bright image with better details and contrast. GLADNet
LRD-Net 16.022 0.780 5.970 and Zero-DCE give fade outputs with poor colors. LIME and
Retinex-Net fall behind in terms of brightness improvement
as compared to our method.
A. Quantitative Assessment Fig. 4 shows another example of an indoor image enhanced
To assess the performance of the proposed LRD-Net quan- by various methods. We can see that LIME and Zero-DCE
titatively, we use three image quality assessment metrics, produce darker outputs with lesser details. Retinex-Net gives
including PSNR, SSIM, and NIQE [32]. PSNR and SSIM better performance in terms of restoring the details as com-
require ground-truth images and thus calculated using images pared to LIME and Zero-DCE but loses the naturalness and


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2021 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICPSC) | 13 – 14 May 2021 | Coimbatore

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