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The problem in most countries nowadays for example in the US where the health care system is in shambles.

Is that
many elderly and health concious people find it very struggling and time consuming to go to the doctor and pay a lot of
money just to check their health metrics and in the worst-case scenario happens where the doctor is not available due
to full clients and so on, and that is pretty irritating. While there are devices nowadays that tracks and scans the body for
biodata and so on. Many people, including myself, find these devices bulky and uncomfortable to wear.

That’s why me and my team have brainstormed and found a solution to these problems. And it is to create a device that
tracks Health-Metric Data in real time that is also comfortable and non-irritant to use.

Good afternoon everyone, I am edrick l paras, a computer engineering student here in the university of mindanao,
presenting to you, our product, which is one of a kind, state of the art, a product that will usher the world in smart
devices, the BioSoft.

BioSoft is not your ordinary shirt, it is a technologically advanced piece of clothing that combines style and functionality.

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Equipped with various sensors and electronics, it can collect and track data on various aspects of your body and health.
What happens is that the sensors tracks the health metrics in your body such as your heart rate, body temperature, and
breathing rate and it will send the information to the main sensor or antenna and will deliver the data to our health
tracker app via bluetooth and that is where you can view your health metrics data in real time without going to your
local doctor.

Now, there are smart shirts already made and placed on the market. So how does our product differs from the existing
smart shirts or what makes our product special?

Well, aside from collecting almost all health metric data in our body, the BioSoft uses soft and breathable materials,
discreet and smaller sensors, and coated with hydrophobic nanotechnology.

The BioSoft is made with soft and breathable materials, it composes of 60% polyester, 33% cotton, and 7% spandex.
Which are inexpensive but high quality materials in making a shirt. With those materials it makes the BioSoft, Moisture-
wicking or water repellant, durable, and the best part of all it is unwrinkable.

The sensors used to collect the health metric data are made smaller and much more discreet, which makes the sensors
in the BioSoft not look bulky and noticeable when wearing it. Compared to the existing smart shirts, you can see that the
electronics and sensors are noticeable and look bulky and may bring discomfort to the user. While the BioSoft, just looks
like your ordinary shirt but the functionality is not.

The BioSoft is coated with hydrophobic nanotechnology, nanotechnology is integrated into the clothing in such a way
that it allows almost no chance of liquid soaking into the clothing, which is perfect for our shirt as it has electronics in it.
Along with its water-resistant ability, it also repells dirt and oil allowing the BioSoft to be easily cleaned without the need
for dry cleaning and machine washing. Furthermore, the BioSoft protects the user from bacteria and UV-rays. The
BioSoft is also non-toxic and eco-friendly, making them safe for everybody inluding the children.

And those are the features that makes the BioSoft stand out from the existing smart shirts.

For our value proposition, us the proposers of BioSoft, promises to our clients and users that the, Biosoft offers a
convenient and non-invasive way to track important biometrics, and to provide real-time data that can help individuals
monitor their health, and make informed decisions about their wellness.

Are you tired of going to the doctor just to know if you’re still breathing or not? Or even if you have the smart devices,
do you still find the bulky or uncomfortable to wear? Well allow me to introduce the product that may solve those
problems for you. And that product is, the BioSoft. The Biosoft is a smart shirt that is made with soft and breathable
materials, with small and discreet sensors that can collect health metric data on your various aspects of your body in real
time without sacrificing the comfort of your homes. Living in a tropical country such as the Philippines, where it is
constantly raining and sunny? Well not to worry, as the BioSoft is coated with hydrophobic nanotechnology making it
water, oil, and stain resistant, antibacterial, and also protection from uv-rays. And the best part of it is that it can clean
itself, so you don’t have to worry about dry cleaning and machine washing.

So what are you waiting for? Invest in your health and take control of your wellness with biosoft today!

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