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Comment (text-based communication)

Texting on mobile phones has become more popular than making phone calls or talking in
person. This is because technology has changed the way we communicate with each other.

Firstly, almost everyone has a smartphone and access to the internet. This makes it easier to
text people instead of calling or talking face-to-face. You can text people from anywhere and
at any time, without worrying about finding a quiet place to talk or matching your schedule
with others. Texting also gives you more time to think about what you want to say, and you
can look back at previous messages to remember what was said before.

Another reason why texting is so popular is that you can reply to messages when you have
time, instead of feeling pressure to reply right away. This is especially helpful when you're
busy or not available. Texting can also be less awkward than talking on the phone or in
person, because you can take your time to think about what you want to say.

Finally, texting leaves a written record of the conversation, which can be helpful in the
future. For example, if you need to remember important information from a conversation,
you can go back and look at your text messages.

In conclusion, texting on mobile phones has become very popular because it's easy, flexible,
and convenient. It's changed the way we stay connected with each other.

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