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Maria Rosa: Hello friends after months we will see each other again.

Alexandra: Hello everyone, yes, after school we finally have some time.

Mathias: Hello if you know something, in my little vacations I have started to

think about where I would like to live if I lived in another country.

Maria Rosa: It would be great to live in another country but where would I
like ?

Alexandra: Would I like something more European like Italy, Mathias?

Mathias: I would like to stay in America like in the United States a little more

Maria Rosa: I would like a more Asian and calm touch like Japan but I would
have to go between the 3 of us to be able to divide the costs.
Mathias: To the voice of 3 random cities.

Alexandra: Venice.

Maria Rosa: Kyoto.

Mathias: Honolulu.

Mathias: why did you choose those cities?

Alexandra: because I like the fact of living in a calm city and especially its
canals, with gondolas and vaporettos as means of transport, and if we
compare it with other cities in Italy, Venice is much less dangerous than
Naples, Milan or even Rome .

Maria Rosa: Because I feel that Kyoto is an amazing city, it combines the
traditional with the modern, and its architecture is also beautiful.

Mathias: the city is very advanced, I like the summer weather it makes me
feel better, also the views and beaches are some of the best in the world and
the food is one of its strongest points and its culture as well.

Maria Rosa: Venice, how interesting, tell me curious things about the city.
Alexandra: I really like Venice because it is a safe and quiet city where there
is also good food, although I have heard that it smells bad because it has an
invasion of algae, it makes it worse when thousands of them gather, I also
heard that it is a bit prone to flooding. And you Mathias tell me curious
things about Honolulu.

Mathias: Well, I like Honolulu because of its climate, because there are very
good universities around, transportation is not usually very expensive, and
security is A1 because it is one of the safest cities in the USA. The only bad
thing is that the lifestyle it is usually expensive and natural disasters such as
volcano eruptions and cyclones And you, María Rosa, tell me curious things
about Kyoto that I've heard but don't know much about.

Maria Rosa: I like Kyoto because its lifestyle is very orderly, even though
there are a lot of cars, thanks to a convenient and developed system, there
are no traffic jams, it is VERY different from the traffic in Lima. For me, the
only bad thing is that in winter, a lot of snow usually falls and the
temperature drops below zero degrees.

Alexandra: Well each one has its negative and positive points, in my opinion
Kyoto would be the best option to live because I think it is a very beautiful
and quiet city, apart from being safer than our other options.
Maria Rosa: Well you have good points Alexandra I Well, you have good
points Alexandra, I am also in favor of Kyoto, it is a great city, it has
spectacular apartments, the people are very organized and its landscapes are
Mathias: I like your points but I like Honolulu more because of the beaches
and climate but Kyoto wouldn't be bad.
Alexandra: It would be that city, so it seems good to me, I would make a few
small modifications such as some paintings or small decorations and I would
really like to have plants. We must also take into account a house near a
language university so that communication is easier for us. .
Maria Rosa: I would also modify some things, especially the one that will be my
future bedroom, although I don't know about the plants, remember that in Asia
the departments are somewhat small, you have to look for furniture that adapts
to the size.
Mathias: I like your ideas and for the last detail I would like to give the
apartment a futuristic touch with technological inventions and find a
university where they speak English to make it easier.
Alexandra: Well, we have to look for more information to be able to move as
soon as possible.
Maria Rosa: yes, I know some apps that could help us
Mathias: Come on!

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