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Everyone should study at university after finishing high school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

 I don’t agree with this opinion, because many scientists, inventors, successful people in the
world are still successful but they didn’t go to school. For example is Thomas Edison, he stayed
at home and studied with his mother, he read many books and looked up the knowledge that he
need. Edison had the determination and had the responsible with his study, finally he became
successful in his life. Nowaday, the parents always think that if their children can study in a good
university and they would have a good future. I want to say that parents- you are wrong, even
your children have enough condition to study in Havard but when they step out of the school,
they don’t know where they can work, where they can improve themselves, they can’t feeling
happy in the company that they work and they don’t know what to do, they can’t use the
knowledge that they were learn to apply in life, I want to ask their parents that they go to
Havard, go to university for what? Your children can learn at home with their determination,
they can try to join in the job that they want to be, if they want to be a doctor they can go to the
hospital and please them to try work like a nurse and help the doctor, if before that they had
look up for the information to be a doctor, when they try work they can have experiences to use
in the future. Parents let your children learn experience, knowledge from life, I make sure they
can be better even they didn’t study at university. Everyone can be a successful person even
they didn’t study at university, if they have enough determination, find out their dream and
implementing it.

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