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Lesson 4: The Language of Relations and Functions

Learning Objectives

Upon the completion of this topic, you are expected to:

a. determine if a given relation/mapping is a function or relation;
b. determine the domain and range of a function defined; and
c. perform operations on functions.

Presentation of Content

Definition of Relation

A relation R from a non-empty set A to a non-empty set B is a subset of the Cartesian product
set A × B . The subset is derived by describing a relationship between the first element and the
second element of the ordered pairs in A × B .

A relation is a set of ordered pairs such that the set of all first coordinates of the ordered pairs in
a Relation R is called the Domain of the relation R and the set of all the second coordinates of
the ordered pairs called images is called the Range of R.
A relation maybe expressed as a statement, arrow diagram, table, equation, set-builder notation
and graph.
Example: Relation
a. The set R= {(1, 2), ( , 4), (3, 6), (4, 8), (5, 10)} is a relation, expressed in set-
builder notation where the domain of
R ={1, , 3, 4, 5} and the range of R={2, 4, 6, 8, 10}.

b. The set R is expressed using arrow diagram or mapping. This mapping represents
the relation R= {(1, 2), ( , 4), (3, 6), (4, 8), (5, 10)}.
1 2
3 8
4 10

c. Table form of the set R= {(1, 2), ( , 4), (3, 6), (4, 8), (5, 10)}.

1 2

1 4
3 6

4 8

5 10

d. The set R= {(1, 2), ( , 4), (3, 6), (4, 8), (5, 10)} is expressed using graph. The
first number is called the x-coordinate or abscissa. The second number is called
the y-coordinate or coordinate. The graph of an ordered pair (x,y) is a point on
the coordinate plane. The numbers in an ordered pair are called the coordinates of
the point they locate.
Example: Graph (3,6) and (6,3).

Since (3,6) means x=3 and y=6, locate by

going 3 units to the right, then 6 units up.
Since (6,3) means x-6 and y-3, locate by
going 6 units to the right, then 3 units up.

Example : Relation

Let A = {2, 4} and B = {2, 4, 6} and define a relation R for A to B as follows:

Given any (x, y) element A × B , (x, y) ∈R means that x and y is an integer.
a. State explicitly which ordered pairs are in A × B and which are in R.
b. Is (2,4) ∈ R ?
c. Is (4,4)∈ R ?
d. Is (4,6)∈ R ?
e. What are the domain and co-domain of R?

a. R={ ( 2,2 ) , ( 2,4 ) , ( 2,6 ) , ( 4,2 ) ,(4,4)( 4,6) }

b. Yes
c. Yes
d. Yes
e. Domain of R ={2 , 4 } and co-domain or Range of R=(2 , 4 ,6)∈ R

Types of Relations

A. One - to – One Relation

Let A={ 1 , 2, 3 } and B={ 2 , 4 , 6 } defined relations S from A to B as follows. For all (x, y) ∈ A × B .
(x, y)∈ S mean that y = 2x is “twice” a relation. S={ ( 1 , 2 ) , ( 2 , 4 ) , ( 2 , 6 ) } or drawn using arrow
diagrams for S.

S 2
1 4
2 6
3 8
B. One – to – Many Relation
The first element of the relation is repeated. Simply the single element from the first set is
mapped to various elements of the second set.
Using an arrow diagram or set notation T= {(1, 2), (1, 4), (1, 6)}


C. Many – to – One Relation

It is a reverse of one to many relation where two or more elements from the first set are mapped
to a single element of the second set. Example is the relationship between students to a single
teacher 1. Expressed in a set-builder notation Q={ ( S 1 ,T 1 ) , ( S 2 ,T 1 ) , ( S 3 ,T 1 ) }



D. Many-to-Many Relation
It is a complicated mapping where two or more members from the first set are mapped to two or
more elements of the second set.
Example If A={2, 4, 7} and B={5, 6}, then
A × B=¿ {(2,5), (2,6), (4,5), (4,6), (7,5), (7,6)}
Using arrow diagram we can see multiple arrows.


The concept of function provides the essential tool in applying mathematical formulations in
solving problems. For instance, the statement “the area of a circle depends on its radius” can be
denoted as A= f(r), where A represents the area and r, the radius. This is read as “Area is a
function of radius”.

Definition: A function is a relation f from a set A to a set B if every element of set A has one
and only one image in set B.
A function is a relation such that each element of the domain is paired with exactly one element
of the range. To denote this relationship, we use the functional notation:
y = f(x)
where f indicates that a function exists between variables x and y.

The notation f : A → B is used to denote a function which means that f is a function with domain
A and range B or co-domain; f(x) = y means that f transform x (which must be an element of A)
into y ( which must be an element of B).

Note: Given an element x∈X, there is a unique element y in Y that is related to x. The unique
element y to which f relates x is denoted by f(x). And is called f of x, of the value of f at x, or the
image of x under f.

The set of values of f(x) then altogether is called the range of f or image of X under f,
Range of f: {y∈Y |y=f(x), for some x in X}

A simple method called the vertical-line test can help you determine when a relation is a
function. If you draw a vertical line at any place on the graph and it crosses more than one point
of the graph, the relation is not a function. If a vertical line never crosses more than one point,
the relation is a function.

Vertical lines cross at only one A vertical line crosses the graph at more
point. The graph does represent a than one point. The graph does not
function represent a function.

Evaluating Functions
One of the most basic activities in mathematics is to take a mathematical object and transform
into another one.
The functional notation y = f(x) allows us to denote specific values of a function. To evaluate a
function is to substitute the specified values of the independent variable in the formula and
Example : Function
When f(x) = 2x – 3, (a) find f(2), (b) f(-1), (c) f(5)
a). f(2) = 2(2) – 3 = 4 – 3 = 1 .
b). f(-1) = 2(-1) – 3 = -2 – 3 = -5

c). f(5) = 2(5) – 3 = 10 – 3 = 7.∎

Operations of Functions
Functions with overlapping domains can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided. If f (x)
and g( x ) are two functions, then for all x in the domain of both functions the sum, difference,
product and quotient are defined as follows
a. Addition of two functions
( f + g )( x )=f ( x )+ g ( x ) , for all x ∈ Domain .
b. Subtraction of two functions
( f −g ) ( x )=f ( x )−g ( x ) , for all x ∈ Domain .

c. Multiplication of two functions

( fg ) ( x )=f ( x ) g ( x ) , ∀ x ∈ Domain .

d. Quotient of two functions

( x )=
f (x)
g (x)
, provided g( x )≠ 0, ∀ x ∈ Domain .

Note: Domain of sum function f +g , difference function f −g and product function fg.
¿ { x : x ∈ D f ∩ Dg }
where Df =¿ domain of function f
D g=¿ Domain of function g
Domain of quotient funtion ={ x : x ∈ Df ∩ D g∧g(x )≠ 0 }.
Example 1: Let f ( x )=3 x +1 and g ( x )=x 2−5

Find ( f + g )( x ) , ( f −g ) ( x ) , ( f ∙ g ) ( x ) , and
( x ).

Solution: ( f + g )( x )=f ( x )+ g (x)

¿ ( 3 x+1 )+ ( x −5 )

¿ x + 3 x−4 .
( f −g ) ( x )=f ( x )−g(x )
¿ ( 3 x+1 )−(x 2−5)
¿−x + 3 x +6 .
( f ∙ g ) ( x ) =f ( x ) × g (x)
¿ ( 3 x+1 ) ( x −5 )

3 2
¿ 3 x + x −15 x−5.

and ( fg ) ( x )= gf (x) =
3 x +1
(x) x −5 2
, x ≠ ± √ 5. ∎

Example 2: Let f ( x )=3 x +1 and g ( x )=x 2−5

Find specific values for: ( f + g )( 1 ) , ( f −g ) ( 0 ) , ( f ∙ g )(−1 ) , and ( fg ) ( 2).
Solution:( f + g )( 1 ) =f ( 1 ) + g(1)
¿ ( 4 ) + (−4 )
¿ ( 1 )2+ 3 (1 ) −4
¿ 0.
( f −g ) ( 0 )=f ( 0 )−g (0)
¿−(0) +3 (0)+ 6
¿ 6.
( f ∙ g ) (−1 )=f (−1 ) × g(−1)
3 2
¿ 3(−1) +(−1) −15(−1)−5
¿ 8.

and ( fg ) ( 2)= gf (2) =

(2) (2) −5 2

¿ =−7.∎
Example 3: If f and g are real functions defined by f ( x )=x +7∧¿
g ( x )=3 x2 +2, find each
a. f ( 1 ) + g(3)
b. 2 ∙ f (1 )
c. f ( 2 ) + g(0)
d. f (−1 ) −g(−2)
e. f ( 3 ) ∙ g (5)
f (−2 )
g (−2)
f (3 )
g. f ( 2 ) +

a. f ( 1 ) =1+ 7=8 and g ( 3 )=3 (3)2 +2=3 ( 9 ) +2=29
Thus, f ( 1 ) + g ( 3 )=8+29=37.

b. 2 ∙ f (1 )=2∙ ( 1+7 )
¿ 2 ∙( 8 )
¿ 16.
c. f ( 2 ) =2+7=9and g ( 0 )=3 (0)2+ 2=2
Thus, f ( 2 ) + g ( 0 ) =9+2
¿ 11.
d. f (−1 ) =−1+7=6and g (−2 )=3(−2)2 +2=3 ( 4 )+2=14
Thus, f (−1 ) −g (−2 )=6+14
¿ 20.

e. f ( 3 ) ∙ g (5 )=(3+ 7)[3 ( 5 )2 +2]

¿ ( 10 ) [ 75+ 2 ]
¿ ( 10 ) ( 77 )
¿ 770.
f (−2 ) −2+7
f. =
g (−2 ) 3 (−2 )2 +2
3 ( 4 ) +2
¿ .
f ( 3) 3+7
g. f ( 2 ) + = (2+7 ) +
g (1) 2
3 ( 1 ) +2
¿ 9+
¿ 9+2
¿ 11∎ .

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